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Bill Barton Discusses Marketing on the Cayuga Wine Trail


Bill Barton - Interview - Bellwether Hard Cider

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Well, you know, again to go back to the point that I made earlier that this truly is at the bootstrap stage. I've thrown pretty much all my eggs in one basket and that is the Cayuga Wine Trail. It was really a major accomplishment for me to join that group. It involves a lot of time commitment and financial commitment and as a result, it becomes my primary marketing outlet and marketing strategy. And in addition to that, I tag right along with what has been established as the primary marketing means for most of these small wineries and that simply is direct experience. People walking in your door. You giving them a good experience and also taking advantage of what amounts to an unlimited opportunity to go out and get tastings. Virtually every group within a 100 miles that is trying to raise funds, does it with wine tastings. The phone rings constantly, whether it's your local library or a Syracuse historical societies, you name it. Any group that's trying to raise money usually does it with food and wine and it gives us an opportunity both as individual wineries or cideries and as a group to go out and promote our products.