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Endocrine System II, Medulla modified post-gang neurons (neural crest)-chromaffin cells -pale-staining (react w/ chromate) -many memb.-bound vesicles large dense-norepi small dense-epinephrine exocytosis of vesicles (norepi/epi) -triggered by ACh from sympa axons -synapse on chromaffin cells ???? Chromaffin cells- harbor chromogranins -soluble pros w/ ATP, Ca -bind catechol. during exocy. -inhibited by RESERPINE -glucocorticoids from cortex -induce norepi->epi -release norepi/epi-fight or flight, Cortex-3 layers, outer to inner Zona glomerulosa-15% vol. Zona fasciculata-80% Zona reticularis-5-7% ???? Z. Reticularis small cells, anast cords light&dark staining cells -sep'd by fenes. caps dark w/ lipofuscin grans devel. sER, tub. mito, Z. Glomerulosa secrete mineralocorticoids -reg. Na/K/H2O homeostasis aldosterone-most imp't MC -stim. Na reabsorp (kid, gut, sweat glands) -stim renal K excretion ???? Renin->'sinogen->ang'tensin I->AT II renin from JG cells in kidney<-low BP Ang Converting Enzyme (ACE) ATI->ATII ATII->stim ZG cells to secrete aldosterone ->BP increases, inhibiting Renin, Z. Fasciculata glucocorticoids-reg. gluconeogenesis reg. glycogenesis (glyco. poly'zation) hydrocortisone-most imp't GC increase avail. glu., fatty acids GCs:⇓immune fcn/inflam/wound healing gonadocorticoids-androgens (-) fdback to ACTH, CRF, cortisol axis ???? polyhed. cells-long straight cords many binucleate, acidophilic lipid droplets steroid cells-lots of sER, golgi rich mitochondrial pop. tubular cristae, Structure -ass'd w/ thyroid, thin CT capsule -2 pairs under post. CT thyroid capsule -inf. thyroid artery supply -rich fenestrated caps. surr. parenchyma 2 cell types Chief Cells-more numerous -small, polygonal, acidophilic -secrete PTH -sequester lipofuscin granules -accum. glycogen/lipid droplets -membrane-bound, dense vesicles -PTH storage -develops 1st from endoderm, Insulin ⇓blood glucose (liver, sk. m., fat) uptake of glucose from circ. utilization/storage of glucose phosphorylation of glucose synth of glycogen from phos. glu. ???? Insulin absence: ⇑plasma glucose glycosuria glycerol synth in fat inhibit lipase synth in fat cells ⇑AA uptake by cells (co-trans w/ Glu), Thick CT capsule, above kidney -in perirenal fat, post. kidney Cortex-90% of gland by weight -secretes steroids mostly -mesoderm origin Medulla-10% of gland -secretes catecholamines epi, norepi, dopamine -neural crest origin ???? Medulla modified post-gang neurons (neural crest)-chromaffin cells -pale-staining (react w/ chromate) -many memb.-bound vesicles large dense-norepi small dense-epinephrine exocytosis of vesicles (norepi/epi) -triggered by ACh from sympa axons -synapse on chromaffin cells, Thick CT capsule, above kidney -in perirenal fat, post. kidney Cortex-90% of gland by weight -secretes steroids mostly -mesoderm origin Medulla-10% of gland -secretes catecholamines epi, norepi, dopamine -neural crest origin ???? Cortex-3 layers, outer to inner Zona glomerulosa-15% vol. Zona fasciculata-80% Zona reticularis-5-7%, Structure -ass'd w/ thyroid, thin CT capsule -2 pairs under post. CT thyroid capsule -inf. thyroid artery supply -rich fenestrated caps. surr. parenchyma 2 cell types Oxyphil Cells no secretion larger than chief acidophilic (mitochon), α cells 15-20% islet in periph, next to acinar cells secrete glucagon*, GIP, CCK, ACTH ???? Glucagon recip to insulin -release of glucose into blood gluconeogenesis-glu from AA glycogenolysis in liver mobilize fat from adipocytes stim. hepatic lipase