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Endocrine System I, Neurohypophysis - Post. Pit. Gland neurons end at pars nervosa (neural lobe) axons from supraoptic, paraventricular nuc. neurovasc. ending, no synapses non myel axons end at fenest. caps. NOT 'endocrine'-stores neurosecretions consists of median eminence, infund-stem blood-CSF barrier... window of brain ???? Blood supply sup. hypophys. aa-pars tuberali median eminence neural stem inf hypophys. aa-neural lobe, Adenohypophysis - Ant. Pit. Gland from Rathke's pouch 1. pars distalis (most of ant. pit) 2. pars intermedia (remnant) 3. pars tuberalis (Rath's lat. wall) ???? What to look for: irregular cords of cells large sinusoids of caps -from long portal veins secrete tropic hors fine reg of periph endocrine glands (-) feedback loop b/w glands, pit, brain autoreg. feedback contains: acidophils, basophils, chromophobes c'phobes-transitional or quiescent give rise to acid- or basophils, Neurohypophysis - Post. Pit. Gland neurons end at pars nervosa (neural lobe) axons from supraoptic, paraventricular nuc. neurovasc. ending, no synapses non myel axons end at fenest. caps. NOT 'endocrine'-stores neurosecretions consists of median eminence, infund-stem blood-CSF barrier... window of brain ???? store and release: AVP (arg. vasopressin) oxytocin-milk let-down neurophysin(carrier for AVP) all neuropeptides released store-neurosecretory (dense) vesicles 180-300nm diameter, Pineal Gland -seat of the soul -regulates circ. rhythm ???? Diencephalic neuroectoderm deriv, What to look for: irregular cords of cells large sinusoids of caps -from long portal veins secrete tropic hors fine reg of periph endocrine glands (-) feedback loop b/w glands, pit, brain autoreg. feedback contains: acidophils, basophils, chromophobes c'phobes-transitional or quiescent give rise to acid- or basophils ???? Hormones are: small proteins glycoproteins corticotropes (most basophils) -ACTH, LPH gonadotropes (small basophils) -LH, FSH thyrotropes (large basophils) -TSH somatotropes (most acidophils) -somatotropin (GH) lactotropes (mammotropes) -isolated acidophils-prolactin -hypertrophy for lactation -post-parturition depression, (-) feedback to ant. pit. (-) fdback to hypothal. -shut down TRH-3-amine peptide ???? Fetal T3,T4-by 10th fetal week if deficient-irrev. CNS defects ↓# cortical neurons defective myelination mental retardation stunted growth collective syndrome-cretinism, Endocrine System I control through hypothalamus, CNS ???? Can actually work as endo, para, autocrine through vasc system or CT Certain cells have spec. receptors for hors., Adenohypophysis - Ant. Pit. Gland from Rathke's pouch 1. pars distalis (most of ant. pit) 2. pars intermedia (remnant) 3. pars tuberalis (Rath's lat. wall) ???? Blood supply sup. hypophys. aa-pars tuberali median eminence neural stem inf hypophys. aa-neural lobe, store and release: AVP (arg. vasopressin) oxytocin-milk let-down neurophysin(carrier for AVP) all neuropeptides released store-neurosecretory (dense) vesicles 180-300nm diameter ???? oxytocin-contraction of sm. m at parturition contract myoepith cells of mamm. gland milk let-down reflex-aff. nerves to sp. cord from nipple ascending aff. to hypothalamus, Endocrine System I control through hypothalamus, CNS ???? Thyroid Gland