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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: chain of infection, a person who can't resist microorganism Susceptible Host, portal of entry Susceptible Host, portal of exit mode of transmission, The greater the organism's virulence, invasiveness & pathogenicity, the greater liklihood that infection will occur Infectious Agent, human beings, animals, & enviroments humans most common resevoir, respiratory, GI, urinary, reproductive, break in skin blood portal of exit, Chain of Infection Infectious Agent, Infectious Agent resevoir, droplet: within 3 feet includes: diptheria pertussis meningococcal meningitis Airborne: travel farther than droplet TB, measles, mode of transmission portal of entry, body orifices, mucus membranes, breaks in skin, punctures or tubes in body portal of entry, respiratory, fecal-oral, vector (insects) mode of transmission, resevoir portal of exit, Routes of transmission: direct:(kissing, skin to skin, etc) indirect:disease is carried from host to resovoir, fomites (inanimate objects) mode of transmission, a person who can't resist microorganism or compromised host, respiratory, fecal-oral, vector (insects) droplet: within 3 feet includes: diptheria pertussis meningococcal meningitis