Wild News
Meet Djoko, Indonesia’s champion frog explorer
Djoko has waded through marshes, hiked forests, ascended peaks, tracked rivers, and led expeditions in search of new frogs!
a bioluminescent beetle
Wild News
Brazil’s bioluminescent insects are under threat
Habitat loss and pesticides are a problem for bioluminescent insects like fireflies. And scientists worry that light pollution may be a threat to them too.
Happy chimps
Wild News
Great apes may tease each other, just like humans
A group of scientists has found evidence that our great ape relatives tease each other by poking, hitting or pulling on a body part in playful ways.
The first asynchronous roboflapper, built at the size of an actual insect
Wild News
Roboinsect helps scientists understand how insect flight evolved 
Insects have two ways of flying, synchronous and asynchronous. Scientists built a robotic insect model to test how the two ways of flying might have evolved.
sea otter eating a crab
Wild News
Hungry sea otters help save a Californian salt marsh
By munching on burrowing crabs, sea otters are helping return the Elkhorn Slough to good health.
moths attracted to light
Wild News
Why do insects circle artificial lights at night? It’s a reflex trap!
New research reveals a possible answer to this age-old question ...
May environmental dates
South Georgia Island

Tapir time! Can you spot the 10 differences?

tapir puzzle
tapir puzzle