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Factors affecting drug action:

A. Absorption: Time the drug enters the body until it enters the bloodstream.
Factors affecting absorption:
1. 1.Dosage form
2. Route of administration
Parenteral – generally rapid
Intravenous – most rapid
Intramascular and subcutaneous –
a. Absorption is generally fast if given in aqueious than oil base
b. Speed of absorption depends on blood flow
c. Impaired peripheral circulation and shock will delay absorption

Intradermal –absorption is slow and confined to area of injection only

Oral – rate and degree of absorption depends on G.I. motility, presence of foods, gastric Ph and other
drugs taken.
3. Lipid solubility – affects absorption as it passes G.I. mucosa.
4. G.I. Motility
a. stomach empties slowly with food and delay absorption
b. most oral drugs are best absorbed if given before meals or between meals
c. Diarrhea can cause drugs not to be absorbed.
d. constipation may delay absorption

B.Distribution: once in blood stream, drugs are distributed around the body.
C. Plasma protein binding:
1.Medications connect with plasma proteins.
2.Strong attachments have a longer period of drug action
3. Clients with reduced plasma proteins such as kidney or liver disease could receive a heightened drug

D.Volume of Distribution:
1. Edema- may need an increased dose.
2. Dehydration – need lower dose
E. Barriers to Drug distribution:
1. Blood brain Barrier
a. Helps preserve homeostasis in the brain
b. to pass thru this barrier, drug must be lipid soluble and loosely attached to plasma proteins
2. Placental Barrier
a. Shields fetus from harmful effects
b. Drugs, nicotine,alcohol passed thru this area
F. Obesity
Blood flows thru fats slowly thus increase time for the drug to be release.
G. Receptor combination
a. Is an area in cell where drug attach and response take place.
b. Usually protein or nucleic acid.
c. Enzymes, lipids and CHO residues are examples

a. Process of metabolism is a sequence of chemical events that change a drug as it enters the body.
b. Liver is the principal site
c. oral medications
- go directly into the liver via portal before entering systemic circulation
- many medications become enterily innactivated by the liver the 1st time they go thru it.
d. Age – infants and elderly has reduced ability to metabolized some drugs
e. Nutrition – Liver enzymes involved in metabolism rely on adequate amounts of lipids, vitamns etc.
f. insufficient amounts of hotmones such as insulin can affect metabolism of drug in the liver.

a. Process by which drugs are eliminated
1. drugs can be excreted via kidney, intestines, lungs,mammary,sweats and salivary glands.
2. Renal excretion
1. Carried out by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion which increase quantity of drug excreted.
2, Blood concentration levels:
When peak blood level of drug is reached excretion becomes greater than absorption and blood levels

A. Therapeutic levels:
an be maintained when liver or renal function remained unchanged
B. Loading dose
C. Toxicity
D. Underlying diseases
E. Client’s age



Stage I analgesia stage – loss of pain sensation with the patient still can communicate
Stage II- the excitement stage with many sympathetic stimulation.
Stage III – surgical anesthesia – relaxation of skeletal muscles
Stage IV – medullary paralysis- deep VNS depression with loss of respiratory and vasomotor centers.

Barbiturates Anesthetics:
Are IV types use to induce rapid anesthesia which is then maintained with an inhaled drug
A. Thiopental (penthotal ) – apid onset of action most widely used.but no analgesic properties
B. Methohexital ( Brevital ) – rapid of action and a very short recovery action.can not come in contact
with silicones cause the silicone might break down.

Non Barbiturates:
Midazolam ( versed ) – rapid onset.but does not reach effectiveness for 30 – 60 minutes.cause nausea and
Ketamine ( ketalar ) – bizzare state of consciousness.slow recovery period.and can cause hallucinations,
dreams,and psychotic episodes.

A. Case Study
Steve Austin is a 20- year-old college student with two impacted wisdom teeth. The oral surgeon
injects lidocaine (Xylocaine) to anesthetize and facilitate removal of the wisdom teeth. Steve has
no history of allergies.
Prototype-Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
1. Action. Amide-type anesthetic that blocks nerve conduction;metabolized by hepatic enzymes;
produces temporary loss ofsensation and motion in a limited area of the body.

2. Use. Topical anesthesia, regional anesthesia (Unit 4),antiarrhythmic (discussed in

Cardiovascular Drugs).

3. Adverse Effects, Drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadness,restlessness, numbness of lips and

tongue, headache withspinal anesthesia; hypotension, bradycardia,
cardiovascularcollapse; convulsions; tinnitus; muscle weakness; anaphylaxis;respiratory

4. Nursing Implications
a. Force fluids with spinal anesthesia.
b. When used for spinal or epidural anesthesia, should be preservative free.
c. Monitor VS, and keep siderails up.
d. Epinephrine, a vasoconstrictor, may be added to lidocaine (Xylocaine).
e. May interfere with swallowing reflex.
f. Discard drug without preservatives after immediate use.
g. Due to adverse effects, elderly clients should be closely monitored.
h. Do not use discolored, cloudy solutions.

Modes of administration:
1. Topical – application of creamsto the mucous membranes, skin, and other parts of the body.
2. Infiltration – injecting anesthesia directly into the wound.
3. Field block - injecting the anesthesia all around the area
4. Nerve block – b,ock the sensory and motor aspect of a certain nerve.



Case study:
Hazel is a 50 y.o. with R.A. is taking aspirin without relief, the physician decides to start her on Indocin
( indomethacin )
Prototype – Salycylates
Acetylsalysilic acid ( aspirin )
1. Action:
a. Analgesia:
inhibits formation of prostaglandins involved in pain.
analgesia also occurs by action of hypothalamus and block generation of impulses.

Anti Platelet – inhibits prostaglandin derivatives thromboxane A

Use: Mild to moderate pain control of fever, reduce TIA,
Adverse Effects: Tinnitus, confusion,dizzines, - all symptoms of saliyclism
Nursing implications:
clients with history of asthma, polyps, rhinitis have high sensitivity to aspirin
- Clients with diabetes should be glucose monitored
- Stop therapy for 1 week before surgery.
.-Discharge Teachings:
Drink plenty of fluids
Take with glass of water to avoid G.I. irritation
It should not be given to clients with flu or chicken pox because reye’s syndrome might occur.
Report s/s of bleeding and bruising
Do not crush enteric coated tablets

Prototype-Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
1. Action. Analgesic and antipyretic action (see aspirin); does not have anti-inflammatory or
antiplatelet action.
2. Use. Mild of moderate pain, fever control.
3. Adverse Effects. Rash, thrombocytopenia, liver toxicity. Toxicity can occur 2-24 hours after
4. Nursing Implications.
A. Case Study
Mrs. Linda Boyd, age 48, is admitted to the local hospital for an abdominal hysterectomy.
PostoperatiVely she is placed on meperidine (Demerol) 100 mg IM every 4 hours prn.

Prototype-Morphine Sulfate
1. Action. Acts on opioid receptors in CNS and induces sedation,analgesia, and euphoria.
2. Use. Relief of moderate to severe pain, preoperative medication,pain relief in Ml, relief of
dyspnea occurring in pulmonary edema oracute left ventricular failure.
3. Adverse Effect. Sedation, confusion, euphoria, impairedcoordination, dizziness;
urinary retention, constipation,hyperglycemia; respiratory depression; hypotension,
tachycardia,bradycardia; nausea, vomiting, decreased uterine contractility;allergic
reactions; tolerance, physical and psychological dependence; pupil constriction.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Assess client's pain before giving medication.
b. Evaluate effectiveness of analgesic including onset and duration of response to medication.
c. Observe for signs of tolerance with prolonged use.
1. Tolerance means that a larger dose of narcotic analgesic is required to produce the
original effect.
2. The first sign of tolerance is usually a decreased duration of effect of the analgesic.
d. Monitor respiratory rate and depth before giving drug, and periodically thereafter.
Discharge Teachings:
- Take it before pain intensifies to have the full analgesic action
- no alcohol or CNS depressant should be taken
- no smoking or ambulating alone

Narcotic Antagonist:
Naloxone hydrochloride ( Narcan )
Action : Occupies receptor sites and reverse effects of agonist drugs
Use : Postoperative respiratory depression
Adverse effects: hypertension, tremors, reversal of analgesia
Nursing implications:
Rescucitative equipments readily available
Monitor clients for bleeding
Withrawal symptoms will be seen in clients addictive to narcotics


A. Case Study:
Mr williams , a sales manager, visits his family physician with complain of abdominal pain recent
weight loss and change in bowel habits.he has been unable to sleep at night the physician orders the
following medications;
Diazepam ( Valium) 5mg PO tid prn
Pentobarbital ( nembutal ) 100mg PO HS prn

B. Prototype for the Barbiturates-Phenobarbital Sodium (Luminal)

1. Action. Hinders movement of impulses from the thalamus to the brain cortex, thus creating
depression in the CNS, which canrange from mild t severe. Considered a long-acting
2. Use. Sedation, hypnosis, seizure disorders.
3. Adverse Effects. Dizziness, ataxia, drowsiness, "hangover,"anxiety, irritability, hand tremors,
vision difficulties, insomnia;bradycardia, low blood pressure; chest tightness,
wheezing,apnea, respiratory depression; nausea, vomiting, constipation;hypersensitivity
4. Nursing Implications.
a. High doses for long periods of time can cause physical dependence.
b. Drug has extended half-life so steady plasma level may take 3-4 weeks of medication before
c. Give reconstituted solutions within 30 minutes of mixing.
d. Give IM deeply in large muscle mass and observe IM sites.
e. IV administration: client must have monitored constantly: take VS frequently; have
emergency equipment available; monitor for extravasation at infusion site.
f. Pill can be crushed and mixed with food or fluid.
g. Will cause restlessness in client in pain.
h. Geriatric, pediatric, and debilitated clients can have paradoxical reactions.
i. Monitor liver and blood studies with long-term therapy. j. Schedule IV drug under Federal
Controlled Substances Act.
k. Many drug interactions.

5. Discharge Teaching
a. Drowsiness occurs in first few weeks of therapy and will decrease.
b. Avoid potentially dangerous activities until response to drug is known.
c. Alcohol is prohibited
d. Do not alter dosing schedule or amount.
e. Do not stop abruptly.
f. Teratogenic. Prolonged use necessitates alternative contraception methods if taking
birth control pills.
g. Do not keep at bedside due to potential for overdosing.

Antianxiety agents-Diazepam (Valium)

1. Action. Not fully understood. Depresses the CNS at the limbic system and reticular formation.

2. Use. Anxiety disorders, acute alcohol withdrawal, muscle relaxant, tetanus, convulsive
disorders, preoperative medication.

3. Adverse Effects. Dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, photophobia and blurred vision;
for other effects see adverse effects listed under pentobarbital sodium (Luminal).

4. Nursing Implications
a. Adverse effects typically dose related.
b. Two weeks of therapy needed before steady plasma levels seen.
c. Tablet can be crushed.
d. Do not mix with other drugs in the same syringe.
e. Cautious IV use as drug can precipitate in IV solutions.
f. IM should be deep into large muscle mass; rotate IM sites.
g. Parenteral administration can cause low blood pressure, increased heart rate, muscle
weakness, and respiratory depression.
h. For extended therapy, monitor liver and blood studied,
i. Adverse effects more likely in geriatric clients,
j. Monitor I&O.
k. Schedule IV drug under Federal Controlled Substances Act.

5. Discharge Teaching
a. Avoid alcohol.
b. Avoid potentially dangerous activities until response to drug is known.
c. Smoking decreases drug effect.
d. Avoid abrupt discontinuance of drug.
e. If pregnant or planning a pregnancy, discuss endingdrug therapy with physician.
f. Long-term high dose use can cause physicaldependence.

C. Other Sedative/Hypnotic Drugs

1. Drugs which produce sedation and / or sleep that are not barbiturates or benzodiazapines.
2. Examples
a. Buspirone (BuSpar): used for anxiety disorders.
b. Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl): used for shor-term insomnia(lasting one week).
c. Zolpidem (Ambien): used for short-term insomnia(lasting one week).

Case Study
Emily Converse, age 15, has been admitted to the medical surgical unit of the hospital with tonic-
clonic seizures. She is started on phenytoin (Dilantin) 100 mg PO TID.

Several categories of drugs are used to treat seizure activity. Each group will be addressed and
there will be no prototypes.
1. Barbiturates (Phenobarbital)
a. Used for generalized and absence seizures.
b. Refer to discussion under sedatives and hypnotics on

2.Benzodiazepines (Diazepam [Valium})

a. Drug of choice for status epilepticus. Also used for absence seizures.
b. Refer to discussion under sedatives and hypnotics on benzodiazepines.
3. Hydantoins (Phenytoin [Dilantin)
a.Action. Prevents dissemination of electrical dischargesin motor cortex area of the brain.
b.Use. Tonic-clonic and complex partial seizures, statusepilepticus, prevention of seizures that
c.Adverse Effects. Confusion slurred speech, slow physical movement; blood
dyscrasias; nausea, vomiting, constipation; gingival hyperplasia; hirsutism; rash; acne;
hypotension, circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest.

d.Nursing Implications
1. May take 7-10 days to achieve therapeutic serum concentration
2. Tablet can be crushed and should be mixed with food or fluid.
3. Suspension must be shaken well.
4. Can turn urine pink, red, or red-brown.
5. IM route not recommended.
6. Do not mix with other drugs.
7. Monitor CBC, liver, thyroid, and urine tests.
8. Gingival hyperplasia seen most often in children and adolescents.
9. Stop during immediately if a measles-like rash occurs.
e. Discharge Teaching
1. Relate signs of fatigue, dry skin, deepening voice with extended therapy as drug can
mask decreased thyroid reserve.
2. Report jaundice as drug is metabolized in the liver and liver dysfunction causes elevated blood
levels of drug.
3. Abrupt drug withdrawal can cause seizures or status epilepticus.
4. Withdrawal gradually.
5. Avoid potentially dangerous activities until drug response is known.
6. Alcohol use can cause drug toxicity.
7. Cautious use in pregnancy and lactation.
8. Flu shot during therapy can increase seizure occurrence.
9. Family members need instruction in care of client during a seizure.

4. Succinimides (Ethousuximide [Zarontin]): used in treatment of absence seizures.

5. Acetazolamide (Diamox): diuretic used as an adjunct or alone in treatment of absence, tonic-clonic,
or myoclonic seizures.
6. Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
a. Chemically similar to tricyclic antidepressants.
b. Used in treatment of tonic- clonic, complex partial, and mixed seizures.

7. Adjunct anticonvulsants
a. Valproic acid (Depakene)
1. Used in treatment of absence seizures.
2. Low incidence of side effects as compared to other anticonvulsants.
b. Felbamate (Felbatol): used to treat Lennox-GastautSyndrome in children and partial
c. Lamotrigine (Lamictal): used to treat partial seizures.
d. Gabapantin (Neurontin): used to treat partial seizures.

A. Case Study
Ms. Kathy Smith, age 41, has multiple sclerosis. She is experiencing muscle spasticity. The physician
prescribes baclofen (Lioresal).
B. Prototype
Various drugs used to treat musculoskeletal problems. Three common drugs will be discussed. There
will be no prototype drug.
1. Baclofen (Lioresal)
a. Mechanism of action not known but drug inhibits nerve activity in the spinal cord.
b. Used in multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries.
c. Adverse Effects. CNS depression ranging from sedation to coma and seizures;
urinary frequency; hirsutism, photosensitivity, acne-like rash; nausea and vomiting.
d. Nursing Implications include: may be taken with food, monitor ambulation,
depressant effects will be increased if mixed with other CNS depressants, monitor VS,
client should avoid potentially dangerous activities until response is known, do not
abruptly withdraw.

2. Carisoprodol (Soma)
a. Mechanism of action not known but is believed due to drug's central depressant
b. Used in cerebral palsy, muscle stiffness, and spasm found in various musculoskeletal
c. Adverse Effects. Sedation; headache; syncope, tachycardia, postural hypotension;
nausea, vomiting; hiccups, allergic reaction..
d. Nursing Implications. May be taken with food, drowsiness is common effect and client may
need dosage reduced, client should not take alcohol or other CNS depressants, do not
abruptly stop, allergic reactions usually occur from the first to the fourth dose.
3. Dantrolene (Dantrium)
a. Interferes with calcium release from the muscle, which causes a decrease in muscle
b. Used for muscle spasms associated with cerebral vascular accident, spinal cord injury,
cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. Also given intraveneously for malignant hyperthermia.
c. Adverse Effects. Drowsiness, malaise, diarrhea; hepatotoxicity (in extended use at high
d. Nursing Implications include: capsule can be opened and contents can be mixed with juice
or other liquid, monitor ambulation, liver and kidney function tests should be monitored,
monitor IV site for extravasation, should be withdrawn after 45 days if no
improvement has been seen.

4. Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
a. Acts on brainstem to reduce tonic somatic muscle activity.
b. Used for managing acute and painful muscle spasm.
c. Adverse Effects include dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, fatigue,
headache, nervousness, blurred vision, arrhythmias, constipation, dyspepsia,
nausea, unpleasant taste, urinary retention.
d. Nursing Implications. Take with food, CNS depressant, drowsiness is common.


The anti psychotic drugs which are essentially dopamine blockers are use to treat thought process
Also called neuroleptic drugs
also called typical and atypical drugs
Typical – primarily dopamine blockers
Atypical – block both dopamine and serotonins receptors

A. Case Study
Alice Benson, a 22-year- old student, has become withdrawn from social interaction, has had
delusions and hallucinations, and is no longer attending to personal hygiene needs. Her parents
take her to the mental health clinic, where Alice is diagnosed with schizophrenia. Alice is to start
chlorpromazine (Thorazine).

Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) –first antipsychotic drug; from the phenothiazine family of drugs; proved
quite sedating (tendency to sleep); historically refered as major tranquilizers
HIGH-POTENCY: Fluphenazine (Prolixin); Haloperidol(Haldol); Thiotixene(Navane);
MODERATE-POTENCY: Loxapine(Loxitane); Molindone (Moban); Perphenazine(Trilafon)
LOW-POTENCY: Chlorpromazine(Thorazine); Chlorprotixene(Taractan); Mesoridazine(Serentil);


Different Dopaminergic Tracts in the Brain

Effect of antipsychotic to 4 dopaminergic tracts

-pseudoparkinsonism or extrapyramidal effect
-dopamine inhibition of the hypothalamic hormone prolactin is lifted and can lead to gynecomastia
and galactorrhea
-a decrease in the symptoms of schizophrenia (positive)
-disorder can be worsened in some patients like Risperidone is thought to antagonize serotonin
receptors in the cortex thus liberating dopamine-contributing to negative symptoms

Positive symptoms- attributed to too much dopamine in the limbic area (hyperactive mesolimbic tract)
Negative symptoms- attributed to too little dopamine in the cortex (hypoactive mesocortical tract)
Pharmacological Effects
-Sedation-decreases insomnia
-emotional quieting
-psychomotor slowing
-hallucinations and illusions reduced
-improve reasoning, decrease ambivalence, decrease delusions (think more clearly and communicate
-slow psychomotor activity; sedating properties used for agitated and combative persons
-decreases confusion and clouding

Chlorpromazine . Metabolized in the liver. Accumulate in fatty tissue. It binds with plasma proteins
(only fraction crosses blood-brain barrier). Released slowly (even after months of therapy had stopped)-
reason why effect still continues; noncompliance may occur. Chlorpromazine-enters CNS rapidly
tranquilizing effect occurs within 60 minutes (oral) and 10 minutes (IM). Excreted in the urine (traces of
drug metabolites present even months after therapy had stopped). Chlorpromazine is more potent in
elderly because of decreased protein- binding action
Oral routes are preferred more –problem of cheeking
Liquid forms preferred for non-compliant patients (should be diluted to counteract unpleasant taste)
Parenteral preferred for noncompliance and out patients (Haloperidol decanoate or fluphenazine

Prototype-Phenothiazines (Chlorpromazine [Thorazinel]

1. Action. Not fully understood, but is thought to block dopaminereceptors in the brain. Chlorpromazine
causes a sedative effectknow as a neuroleptic effect and antipsychotic effect. Alsocauses an anti-
emetic effect by depressing the chemoreceptortrigger zone (CTZ). Potentiates the effects of other
CNSdepressant drugs. Blocks peripheral acetylcholine (Ach)receptors, histamine (Hi)
receptors, and alpha-adrenergicreceptors. These actions cause anticholinergic, alpha-anti-
adrenergic, and antihistamine effects that can produce adverseeffects.

2. Use. Management of acute and chronic schizophrenia, manicphase of bipolar disorder, management of
nausea and vomiting,control of excessive anxiety before surgery, treatment of acuteintermittent
porphyria, treatment of intractable hiccups, tetanus.

3. Adverse Effects. Extrapyramidal symptoms; dizziness,sedation, seizures; orthostatic

hypotension, tachycardia,arrhythmias; cholestatic jaundice;
agranulocytosis;photosensitivity; anticholinergic effects: "Red, Hot, Dry, Blind,Mad"; urticaria;
changes in menses and libido; potentiates CNSeffects of narcotic analgesics, sedatives, hypnotics,
and alcohol;neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

4. Nursing Implications.
a. Monitor blood pressure (standing, lying, and sitting), pulse, respirations, and I&O
b. Wear gloves when handling parenteral or liquid form to prevent contact dermatitis.
c. Give deep IM injection into gluteal muscle and massage well.
d. Monitor client fo extrapyramidal symptoms, which can occur 1-60 days after therapy is
begun. Tardive dyskinesia can occur several months or years after therapy.
e. Monitor CBC, liver function studies, glucose levels, and urinalysis and encourage periodic
ocular examinations.
f. Stop or reduce cigarette smoking, as this shortens the half-life and higher doses may be needed.
g. Mix liquid form in juice, water, milk, or baby food.
h. With long-term therapy, drug is gradually reduced before discontinuing therapy.
i. Incompatible with many drugs. Note: Also review the anticholinergic drug atropine sulfate
for nursing implications and discharge teaching.

A. Case Study
John Hall, aged 38, is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and is in the manic phase. John is started on
lithium therapy.

B. Prototype - Lithium (Lithium carbonate [Eskalith])

1. Action. Exact mode of action unknown. Thought to alter neurotransmitters in CNS that
produce antidepressant and antimanic effects.
alters sodium transport in the muscles and cells
inhibit release of epinephrine and dopamine but not serotonines
Therapeutic serum level – 0.5 to 1.2 meq/l
2. Use. Treatment and prophylaxis of manic phase of bipolar disorder.

Not much significant than sodium
Treatment of manic depression
Absorbed in the GIT, peak blood levels of 1-3 hours
Not metabolized, excreted by the kidneys unchanged
Absorption of lithium and sodium are closely linked
If dietary sodium intake increases, plasma lithium levels will drop (lithium excreted more rapidly)
If NA in the diet decreases, lithium levels increase
7-10 days for therapeutic effects
Maintenance level: 0.5-1.5 mEq/L (900-1200mg/day)
Toxicity level: over 1.5mEq/L; nausea, dry mouth, diarrhea, mild hand tremor, thirst, polyuria, a bloated
feeling, sleeplessness, lightheadedness
Contraindicated: persons with cardiovascular
Interactions: diuretics-decreases lithium excretion, low-salt diet increases lithium levels

Prepare patients for expected side effects without instilling anxiety
Discuss which side effects should subside (nausea, dry mouth, thirst, mild hand tremor, weight gain,
insomnia, light-headedness
Identify the side effects that require immediate notification of the physician ( vomiting, severe tremor,
sedation, muscle weakness, vertigo)
Suggest taking lithium with meals to reduce nausea
Suggest drinking 3liters of water per day to reduce thirst and maintain normal fluid balance
Advise patient to elevate feet to relieve ankle edema
Advise patient to maintain a consistent dietary sodium intake, but to increase sodium if there is a major
increase in perspiration.

3. Adverse Effects. Confusion, restlessness, fatigue, weakness,hand tremors; arrhythmias, circulatory

collapse, palpitation,hypotension; blurred vision; dry mouth, thirst, weight gain;nausea, diarrhea;

4. Nursing Implications
a. Monitor serum lithium levels (blood tests usually done monthly).
b. Monitor for lithium intoxication.
c. Treatment for lithium intoxication includes IV therapy with normal saline, siuretics, and
d. Monitor thyroid function studies periodically.
e. May take 1-2 weeks to achieve therapeutic effects.

5. Discharge Teaching
a. Drink 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day to relieve thirst and dry mouth.
b. Maintain sodium intake of 6-10 g daily to reduce lithium toxicity.
c. Take with food to decrease Gl distress.
d. Do not drive or operate machinery until drug response established.
e. Report to physician: nausea, vomiting, edema, weight gain, tremors, and drowsiness (may be
signs of lithium toxicity or hypothyroidism).
f. Record weight on a weekly bas
g. Serum level of less than 1.5 – CNS problems,

Serum levels of 1.5 to 2 – intensifications of all the above reactions

Serum level of 2 to 2.5 – ataxia, clonic movements and seizures, large urine output and renal toxicity
Serum level above 2.5 – multi organ toxicity and death

Drug Interaction :
1. Lithium – Haloperidol combination – enchepalatic syndrome
2. lithium carbamazepine – CNS toxicity
3. lithium – iodide salt –risk of hypothyroidsm
Thiazide diuretic – lithium – lithium toxicity.
Lithium NSAIDS – higher plasma level of lithium will occur

A. Case Study
Peter Lutz is a 42-year- old airline pilot who recently lost his job. Peter has become despondent,
complains of constant fatigue, and has been contemplating suicide. Peter is referred to the mental
health clinic with endogenous depression and is started on imiprmine (Tofranil) therapy.
B. Prototype-Tricyclic Antidepressants (Imiprmine [Tofranil])
1. Action. Structurally related to phenathiazines. Blocks reuptake of the
neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin at the neuronal membrane, which
increases and prolongs the response of the neurotransmitters.
2. Use. Endogenous and reactive depression; childhood enuresia.
3. Adverse Effects. Sedation, confusion; anticholinergic effects;orthostatic hypotension,
arrhythmias; clients recovering from as acute Ml shuld not take drug; blood dyscrasias;
extrapyramidal symptoms; gynecomantia; jaundice.
4. Nursing Implications
a. May take 2-4 weeks to achieve therapeutic effects.Monitor for suicidal tendencies.
b. Monitor CBC for client on long-term therapy.
c. Monitor I&O.
d. Drug therapy is discontinued gradually.

5. Discharge Teaching
Take with food to decrease Gl distress
Note: Review the anticholinergic atropine sulfate for further nursing implications and
discharge teaching as imiprmine (Tofranil) has anticholinergic adverse effects.

C. Related Drugs
1. Amitriptyline (Elavil)
2. Nortriptyline (Aventyl): more useful in elderly clients due tofewer anticholinergic effects.
3. Desipramine (Norprmin)
4. Doxepin (Sinequan)
5. Amoxapine (Asendin)

A. Case Study
Leo Smith has been withdrawn and very depressed since his wife passed away 6 weeks ago. His
physician starts Mr. Smith on phenelzine (Nardil) 15 mg PO TID.

B. Prototype-Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAO inhibitors) (Phenelzine [Nardil])

1. Action. Inhibits MAO, which increases neurotransmitter levels (dopamine, norepinephrine,
2. Use. Neurotic and atypical depression.
3. Adverse Effects. Orthostatic hypotension; dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation;
hypertensive crisis; liver dysfunction; leukopenia.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Monitor blood pressure standing, sitting, and supine.
b. Interacts with many drugs.
c. Monitor I&O.
d. Therapeutic effectiveness takes 2-4 weeks.
e. Monitor liver function studies, glucose, and CBC.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Avoid foods or beverages containg tyramine oftryptophan including: caffeine
beverages, soy sauce,red wine, beer, cheese , yogurt, sour cream, raisins,bananas,
avocado, herring, beef and chicken liver,Italian green beans.
b. Change position slowly.

C. Related Drugs
1. Tranylcypromine (Parnate): contraindicated in clients over age 60.
2. Isocarboxazid (Marplan)

A. Case Study
Jose Cruz, a 20-year-old college student, has stopped attending classes and is unable to get out of
bed and perform his ADLs. His parents are notified and they take him to a psychiatrist who starts
him on flouxetine (Prozac) therapy.

B. Prototype-selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (Fluoxtine [Prozac])

1. Action. Blocks serotinin reuptake and increases transmission at serotonergic
2. Use. Major depression; obsessive-compulsive disorder.
3. Adverse Effects. CNS stimulations, sexual dysfunction, nausea,headache, anorexia, weight loss,
skin rash.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Can take up to 4 weeks to achieve therapeutic effects.
b. Interacts with warfarin (Coumain).
c. Cannot be combined with monoamine oxidaseinhibitors.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Take in the morning.
b. Report skin rash immediately.
C. Related Drugs
1. Paroxetine (Paxil)
2. Sertraline (Zoloft)
3. Citalopram (Celexa)
4. Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
5. Escitalopram (Lexapro)
D. Miscellaneous Antidrepressants
1. Bupropion (Wellbutrin)
2. Venlafaxine (Effexor)
3. Nefazodone (Serzone)
4. Trazodone ((Desyrel)
5. Clocapine (Clozaril)
6. Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
7. Risperidone {Risperdal)

A. Case Study
Mr. Lloyd Baker, age 61, is brought to the cardiac care unit in cardiogenic shock. He is placed on
an intravenous infusion of dopamine hydrochioride (Intropin).
Adrenergic drugs are divided into two groups, direct-acting and mixed-acting. The direct -acting
contain most of the adrenergic drugs.

Prototype- Epinephrine (Andrenalin Chloride)

1. Action. Epinephrine (Andrenalin Chloride) has the same actions stimulatedas the sympathetic nervous
system. It increases the force of myocardialcontraction; increases systolic blood pressure, cardiac
rate and output;relaxes bronchial smooth muscle; inhibits histamine release; increasestidal volume
and vital capacity; prevents insulin release and raises bloodsugar; prevents uterine contractions and
relaxes uterine smooth muscle;lowers intraocular pressure and decreases formation of aqueous
humor;constricts arterioles in kidneys, mucous membranes, and skin; and dilatesblood vessels in
skeletal muscle.

2. Use. Treatment of anaphylaxis and bronchopasm, cardiac resuscitation,control or prevention of low

blood pressure during spinal anesthesia,lenghtening effects of local anesthesia, promotion of
mydriasis, treatmentof acute hypotension.

3. Adverse Effects. Systemic: anxiety, headache, fear, arrhythmias,

hypertension,cerebral/subarachnoid hemorrhage, hemiplegia, pulmonary edema, insomia,
anginal pain in clients with angina pectoris, tremors.vertigo, sweating, nausea, vomiting,
agitation, disorientation, paranoid delusions, prolonged use at high doses causes increased serum
lactic acid levels, metabolic acidosis, and increased blood glucose. Local injection: necrosis at sites
when injections are repeated. Nasal solution: stinging and burning locally, rebound congestion.
Opthalmic solutions: stinging on initial use, eye pain, headache, browache, blurred vision,
photophobia, problems with night vision, pigment deposits in conjunctiva, cornea, and eyelids with
prolonged use. Nursing Implications

a. Use great caution in preparing and calculating doses as this apotent drug.
b. Tolerance occurs with extended use.
c. Solution should be clear and colorless (except suspensions forinjection ). Protect solutions
from light, heat, and freezing.
d. Suspensions form injection must be shaken well.
e. Rotate SC sites and monitor for necroses.
f. Have a fast-acting alpha-adrenergic blocker such as phentolamine(Regitine) or vasodilator
such as nitrite available for excessivehypertensive reaction.
g. Have an alpha-adrenergic blocker available for pulmonary edema,h. Have a beta-adrenergic
blocker available for cardiac arrhythmias,i. Monitor VS.

5. Discharge Teaching
a. For inahalation products; do not exceed recommended dosage; take drug during
second half of inspiration, take second inhalation 3-5 minutes after first dose.
b. For nasal solutions; do not use for more than 3-5 days; burning and stinging may occur
initially but are transient.
c. For ophthalmic solution: slight stinging may occur initially but is usually transient
headache and browache are also transient.
d. Do not take any OTC medications without physician approval.

Prototype- Norepinephrine Bitartrate (Levophed)

1. Action. Norepinephrine bitartrate (Levophed) is an alpha and beta-1receptor agonist and has no effect
on beta-2 receptors. Its biggestaction is seen on the cardiovascular system, where the
followinghappens: an increase in total peripheral resistance (vasopressorresponse); and increased
force, rate, and impulse conduction of theheart, which is usually overriden by activation of
baroreceptors, thuscausing bradycardia. Other actions are mydriasis and elevated bloo dglucose and
2. Use. Revives blood pressure in acute hypotensive states(sympathectomy, spinal
anesthesia, poliomye!itis,septicemia, blood transfusion, drug reactions); adjunct in treatment of
cardiac arrest.
3. Adverse Effects. Bradycardiac; cardiac arrhythmias; headache.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Do not mix drug in 100% saline solutions (NS) as oxidationwill occur. Mix in 5%
dextrose solution or 5% dextrose in saline solution.
b. Give info large vein to prevent extravasation.
c. Do not infuse in femoral vein in elderly cleints or those withocclusive vascular disease.
d. Check blood pressure every 2 minutes after start of infusion untildesired blood pressure is
attained; then check blood pressure every 5minutes if infusion continued.
e. Monitor IV site for extravasation.
f. Have phentolamine (Regitine ) available in case of extravasation.5-10 mg of phentolamine
(Regitine ) in 10-15 ml of saline should beinfiltrated into area.
g. Drug solution should be clear and colorless.

Prototype—Phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine)

1. Action. Phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine) produces vasoconstrictionand increased blood

pressure. Topical application producesvasoconstriction of mucous membranes. Application to
eye causesmydriasis and vasoconstriction and promotes flow of aqueous humor.
2. Use. Stabilizes blood pressure during anesthesia; vascular failure inshock; subdues paroxysmal
supraventicular tachycardia; rhinitis ofallergy and common cold; sinusitis; wide-angle
glaucoma;opthalmoscopic examination or surgery; uveitis.
3. Adverse Effects. Eye tearing and stinging, headache, browache,blurred vision, increased sensitivity to
light; nasal rebound congestion;nasal burning, stinging, dryness, and sneezing;
palpitations,tachycardia, bradycardia (overdose); hypertension; trembling,sweating, feeling
of fullness in the nead; sleeplessness,dizziness,light-headedness.tingling in extremities.

4. Nursing Implicatons
a. For IV infusion, check blood pressure, pulse, and central venouspressure every 2-5
b. IV overdose can cause ventricular arrhythmias.
c. Phentolamine (Regitine) should be available for hypertensive crisisseen in IV
d. Levodopa (L-Dopa) is used to decrease excess mydriatic effect.
e. If systemic adverse effects are seen from nasal and eye use, stopdrug and notify
f. Apply pressure to lacrimal sac of eye during and for 1-2 minutesafter administration of
eye drops.
g. Incompatible with butacaine, oxidizing agents, ferric salts, metals,and alkalies.
h. Wash hands after handling drug as blurred vision and unequal pupil size can result if
drug-contaminated finger rubs eye.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Client should not change dose in any way.
b. If drug has been taken for 5 days without relief, notify physician.
c. Clear nasal passages before using nasal preparations.
d. Wear sunglasses after eye administration if eyes sensitive to light.
e. Call physician if eye sensitivity lasts more than 12 hours after drug has been given.
f. Opthalmic, solutions can stain contact lenses.
g. Tips and droppers of nasal solutions should be cleaned with hot water each use.
h. Do not touch droppers of eye solutions.
6. Related Drugs
a. Methoxamine (Vasoxyl): used for treating acute hypotension seen during surgery. It is given
IV for immediate effect or IM for longer lasting effects.
b. Agents found in OTC cough, cold, and allergy remedies and in eye decongestant products
include naphazoline, oxymetazoline, tetrahydrozoline, xylometazoline.

Prototype- Isoproterenol (Isuprel)

1. Action. Isoproterenol (Isuprel) has cardiovascular actions of vasodilation, which decreases diastolic
blood pressure and peripheral resistance, and actions of increased cardiac output. Other actions are
bronchodilation; raising levels of blood glucose, insulin, and free fatty acids; and causingrelease of
renin from the kidney.
2. Use. Acute heart failure; management of intraoperative bronchospasm; additive treatment in cardiac ,
Av heart block, Stokes-Adams syndrome; treatment of chronic bronchoconstiction;
management of syncope;treatment of bronchospasm in COPD and asthma.
3. Adverse Effects. Restlessness, anxiety, CNS stimulation, hyperkinesia,insomnia, tremors, irritability,
vertigo, headache; arrhythmias, tachycardia,angina, blood pressure changes; pulmonary
edema, respiratorydifficulties; flushing, pallor, sweating; nausea, vomiting, heartburn.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Tolerance can developwith prolonged use.
b. A beta-adrenergic blocker should be available if arryhythmias occur.
c. Client needs continous EKG monitoring during IV administration.
d. IV infusion must be given via infusion pump with guidelines from the physician.

5. Discharge Teaching
a. Client should not alter dosage.
b. Inhalation form should be taken during second half of inspiration; second inhalation should
be taken 3-5 minutes later.
c. Client should not chew or swallow sublingual tablets.
d. Avoid OTC drugs unless approved by physician.
6. Related Drugs
a. Isoxsuprinehydrochloride (Vasodilan) is used in cerebrovascular insufficiency and peripheral
vascular disease. It is given to adults via IM or PO.
b. Ritodrine (Yutopar) is used for management of pretern labor,

Prototype-Dopamine Hydrochloride (Intropin)

1. Action. Dopamine Hydrochloride (Intropin) increases cardiac output and systolic blood pressure. In
low doses it reduces renal vascular resistance, which increases glomerular filtration rate and urinary
2. Use. Corrects hemodynamic imbalance in shock caused by myocardial infarction, trauma, septicemia,
congestive heart failure and open heart surgery.
3. Adverse Effects. Tachycardia, palpitations, hypotension, vasoconstriction; nausea, vomiting; dyspnea,
headache; piloerection.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Must be administered cautiously as even small errors can producedeleterious effects.
b. Always dilute drug if not prediluted.
c. Dose must be decreased 1/10 in clients who have been receivingMAO inhibitors.
d. Do not mix with other drugs.
e. Protect drug from light.
f. Infuse into large vein.
g. Monitor for extravasation and have phentolamine (Regitine)available if this occurs.
h. Closely check blood pressure, urine output, and cardiac output.

5. Related Drugs
Dobutamine (Dobutrex) is used in treatment of acute heart failure. It is given to adults via IV

All drugs in this group are similar so there will be no prototype. Two representative examples will be

1. Metaproterenol sulfate (Alupent) is used to treat bronchial asthma and bronchospasm that
accompanies emphysema and bronchitis. It is given orally and via metered-dose inhaler or inhalant
solution to adults. Children 60 pounds or less receive syrup orally and children >12 years can receive
inhalation therapy. Adverse effects include CNS stimulation; cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia,
palpitations, changes in blood pressure; respiratory difficulties; sweating, pallor, flushing; nausea,
vomiting, and heartburn. Nursing implicationsare: tolerance can occur with prolonged use; have a
beta-adrenergic blocker available in case of arrhythmia; give inahalant during second half of
inspiration; and teach clients to not alter dose and not to take any OTC drugs without physician
approval. 2. Terbutaline sulfate (Brethine); refer to data on metaproterenol sulfate (Alupent). It is
given PO, SC, and via inhaler to adults and children> 12 years.
Prototype- Ephedrine (various products)

1. Action. Ephedrine's actions are similarto the peripheral autonomic effectsof norepinephrine. The main
effects of the drug reduced nasal congestion,increased blood pressure, bronchodilation, cardiac
stimulation, andstimulation of the central nervous system.
2. Use. Relief of allergies and mild asthma; therapy in shock andhypotension.
3. Adverse Effects, Systemic with increased doses; headache,insomia.nervousnesss,
palpitaions, tachycardia, arrhythmias, urinaryretention; nausea, vomiting, anorexia ;
sweating, thirst. Topical use:burning, stinging, sneezin, dry nasal mucosa, rebound
congestion.Overdose: confusion, delirium, convulsions. Pyrexia, coma;hypertension;respiratory
depression; paranoid psychosis; auditory and visualhallucinations.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Parenteral solution must be clear and should be protected from light.
b. Monitor urine output.
c. Clients with cardiovascular problems need monitoring of cardiac response and blood
d. Client receiving IV ephedrine needs close monitoring of vital signs.

5. Discharge Teaching
a. Client should not use nasaldecongestant longer than 5 days.
b. Anxiety reaction can occur with extended use of systemic ephedrine.
c. Ephedtine is commonly abused. Client need to be aware of adverse effects and proper use.
d. Client should not take any OTC preparations without consulting physician.
e. Insomia is a common effect and doses should be spaced accordingly.

6. Related Drugs
Meteraminol (Aramine): used for acutehypotension and can be given preoperatively to prevent
hypotension; given SC, IM, or IV; given to adults and children.

A. Case Study
Mrs. Ruth Gardener is 43 years old and has a history of migraine headaches. She has tried various
drug therapies without success. The physician has now decided to start her on ergotamine tartrate

B. Prototype for Alpha - Adrenergic Blocking Agents- Phentolamine(Regitine)

1. Action. Phentolamine (Regitine) blocks alpha 1 receptors, thuscausing blood vessel dialtion; decreased
blood pressure; increasedcardiac output; miosis, increased tearing, mucus secretion, gastricacid
secretion and gastrointestinal motility.
2. Use. Diagnosis of pheochromocytoma; management ofhypertensive episodes in
pheochromocytoma; treatment ofextravasation from norepinephrine (Levophed) or
dopaminehydrochloride (Intropin); adjunctive therapy in cardiogenic shock orother situations of
decreased cardiac output.

3. Adverse effects.
Hypotension, orthostatic hypotension; Ml,cerebrovascular occlusion (these
effects can occur withhypotensive states that can occur after parenteral
administration);tachycardia, arrhythmias;dizziness, weakness, flushing; nausea,vomiting,
diarrhea; nasal stuffiness.
4. Nursing Implications
a. For parenteral administration client must be in supine position. Blood pressure and
pulse should be checked every 2 minutes until stable.
b. Use reconstituted solutions immediately.
c. Have client lie down or put head down if feeling dizy or light-headed.
d. Treatment for overdose: keep client lying down with head lowered, supportive
measures, IV infusion of levarterenol (norepinephrine).

Note: Refer to Beta Blockers in the section on Cardiovascular Drugs. Timolol maleate (Timoptic)
is an optic beta-adrenergic blocker. It decreases intraocular pressure whether glaucoma is present
or not. It is also decreases aqueous humor formation and increases aqueous humor outflow. It is
used to treat glaucoma and hypertension. It is given orally and via eye drops to adult clients.

A. Case Study
Faye Nesbitt is a 62-year-old woman who is scheduled for a right (OD) cataract extraction. The
physician orders acetylcholine chloride (Miochol) topically to the right eye to produce miosis.

B. Prototype- Acetylcholine Chloride (Miochol)

1. Action. A neurotransmitter that mediates synaptic activity in the nervous system; stimulates the vagus
nerve and parasympathetic nervous system(PNS) causing vasoldilation and cardiac depression;
causes miosis of the eye as it contracts the iris sphincter muscle; contracts and relaxes the urinary
bladder, causing micturition. Acetylcholine chloride (Miochol) is identical to synthesized
acetylcholine (Ach).
2. Use. To produce miosis in eye surgery.
3. Adverse Effects. Systemic absorption: hypotension, bradycardia; bronchopasm;flushing .sweating.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Reconstitute vial just before use and discard unusedportion.
b. Shake vial gently to mix drug.

C. Related Drugs- Bethanechol Chloride (Urecholine)

1. Used to treat postoperative urinary retention.
2. See acetylcholine chloride (Miochol): also: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping,
dizziness, faintness; cholinergetic crisis can occur with overdose.
3. Nursing Implications
a. Monitor VS, breath sounds, and l&o.b. PO drug should be given one hour before meals or
two hours after meals.
c. Never give IM or IV as drug may causelife-threatening effects.
d. Atropine sulfate is antidote.
4. Discharge Teaching
a.Encourage client not to drive or operate heavy machinery while taking drug.
b.Teach client to change positions slowly. Note: carbachol (Isopto Garbachol) and pilocarpine
(Almocarpine)are discussed under Miotics in section on Eye Drugs.

D. Prototype-Acetylcholinesteraselnhibitors-Neostigmine (Prostigmin)

1. Action. Neostigmine (Prostigmin) inhibits the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which produces a

cholinergic response, and produces reversible cholinesterase inactivation, which permits a prolonged
effect of acetylcholine at cholinergic synapses.
2. Use. Treatment and diagnosis of myasthenia gravis; prevention of postoperative abdominal distension:
treatment and prevention of postoperative reversal of nondepolarzing muscle relaxants.
3. Adverse Effects. Nausea, vomiting, cramping, diarrhea, increased salivation ; muscle tremor and
weakness; dyspnea, bronchospasm, depression; hypo-or- hypertension arrhythmias, bradycardia;
miosis; cholinergic crisis.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Keep atropine and emergency resuscitation equipment readily available, especially for
parented use.
b. Monitor vital signs, breath sounds, I&O.
c. Report to physician if client does not void within one hour after receiving dose.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Encourage client to take drug with food or milk if Gl distress occurs.
b. Instruct client to keep a recordof response to drug.
c. Instruct client to monitor and report adverse effects.
d. Advise client to wear a medic alert bracelet (for myasthenia gravis).
e. Instruct client to cough , breathe deeply, and perform range of motion exercises regularly.

D. Related Drugs
1. Pyridostigmine (Mestinon, Regonol): used t treat myasthenia gravisand postoperative reversal
of nondepolarizing skeletal musclerelaxants. Additional adverse effects: rash;
thrombophlebitis with IVuse.
2. Edrophonium chloride (Tensilon): used to diagnose myastheniagravis.
3. Tacrine (Cognex): used to treat mild to moderate Alzheimer'sdisease.
4. Pilocarpine (Akarpine): used in open-angle galucoma.
5. Donepezil (Aricept): usedin Alzheimer's disease.

A. Case Study
Dennis Greene, a 42-year old former professional football player, is scheduled for a right total knee
replacement. The anesthesiologist orders atropine sulfate 1mg 1M 30 minutes bfore surgery.
B. Prototype- Atropine Sulfate
1. Action. Atropine sulfate is a plant alkaloid derived from the atropabelladonna plant that blocks the
neurotransmitter acetychloline and inhibitsparasympathetic actions.
2. Use. To produce mydriasis and cycloplegia for eye examinations; treatuveitis ; preoperative medication
to reduce secretions and bradycardia; treat sinus bradycardia or asystole; hypermotility of GU
tract; adjunct in treating asthmatic bronchopasm; Gl disorders, peptic ulcer, Gl hypermotility and
biliary colic; antidote for overdoses of parasympathomimetic drugs;prevention of adverse effects
when reversing neuromuscular blockadepostoperatively with acetylcholine inhibitor; antidote to

3. Adverse Effects. Disorientation, restlessness, hallucination, headache, dizziness; palpitation ,

hypertension or hypotension ventricular tachycardia; blurred vision, photophobia; suppression of
sweating ; urinary hesitancy and retention, constipation; dry mouth; flushed, dry skin.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Do not give to clients with myasthenia gravis, acute glaucoma,prostatic hypertrophy.
b. Monitor VS, especially pulse and blood pressure and I&O.
c. Monitor for constipation and check bowel sounds.
d. Monitor geriatric clients for CNS stimulation and heat stroke (infantsand small children
should also be monitored for heat stroke).
e. Note: smaller doses usually are given to geriatric clients due toadverse effects.

5. Discharge Teaching
a. Take drug 30 minutes before meals.
b. Eat foods high in fiber and drink plenty of liquids to overcomeconstipation.
c. Keep dental appointments as decreased salivation makes clientsmore prone to tooth decay.
Use good oral hygiene, i.e,; rinse mouth, brush teeth, hard candy,saliva substitute, fluids.
Maintain periodic eye examinations
Avoid hot baths sun, and heat to prevent heat stroke.
General Considerations

There are 2 major categories of antiparkinson's agents:

1. Anticholinergics
2. Dopaminergic agents

Antiparkinson drugs control rather than cure symptoms of Parkinson's. Antiparkinson agents
can cause or worsen other disorders, and clients , especially the elderly , need to be closely
monitored for adverse effects. Antiparkinson drugs are initiated and discontinued gradually . Drugs
should not be abruptly withdrawn . Antiparkinson agents are contraindicated in clients with
glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, duodenal ulcers, tachycardia, and biliary obstruction.

A. Case Study
Mrs. Janet Lyons, aged 68 has noticed gradual muscle weakness and hand tremors with pill
rolling finger motion. After a complete history and physical and an EEG, the physician starts Mrs.
Lyons on trihexyphenidyl HCI (Artane). Mrs. Lyon's symptoms begin to improve and the
physician makes the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.

B. Prototype- Anticholinergics (Trihexyphenidyl HCI (Artanel) This drug is similarto atropine sulfate.
1. Action. Blocks the neuretransmitter acetylcholine at certain cerebralsynapses and inhibits
parasympathetic responses.
2. Use. Treat Prkinson's disease, prevent or control antipsychotic drug-induced extrapyramidal tract
3. Adverse Effects. Note phrase "Red, hot, dry, mad", dry mouth;constipation; tachycardia,
confusion; decreased bronchial secretions;blurred vision, photophobia, acute glaucoma;
urinary retention;suppression of sweating.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Drug can be taken before or after mealsA
b. See atropine sulfate.
c. Drug should be gradually withdrawn.
5. Discharge Teaching. See atropine.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Monitor vital signs and client for adverse effects.
b. Monitor client for behavior changes.
c. Monitor CBC, glucose, and kidney and liver functionstudies.
d. With long -term theraphy levodopa (Larodopa) may lose itseffectiveness and adjunctive
drugs maybe used.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Restrict foods high in vitamin B6 (pyridoxine ) (i.e., liver, greenvegetables, fortified cereals,
whole grain cereals). Vitamin B6reverses therapeutic effects of levodopa (Larodopa).
b. Change positions gradually.
c. Do not abruptly stop taking drug as sudden withdrawal can lead toparkinsonian crisis.
d. Do not take OTC medications without consulting physician.
e. Take drug between meals.

D. Prototype- Dopaminergic Agents (Levodopa {Larodopa})

1. Action. Levodopa (larodopa) is a metabolic precursor of thecatecholamine neurotransmitter
dopamine that readily crosses theblood-brain barrier and restores dopamine levels in
Use. Treat Parkinson's disease (except drug- induced Parkinson's)
Adverse Effectts:
anorexia, nausea, vomitting, darkened urine.
increase BUN, AST, ALT, bilirubin,
decrease glucose tolerance, blurred vision, muscle twitching, ataxia, hand tremors, anxiety agitation

4. Nursing Implications
a. Monitor vital signs and client for adverse effects.
b. Monitor client for behavior changes.
c. Monitor CBC, glucose, and kidney and liver functionstudies.
d. With long -term theraphy levodopa (Larodopa) may lose itseffectiveness and adjunctive
drugs maybe used.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Restrict foods high in vitamin B6 (pyridoxine ) (i.e., liver, greenvegetables, fortified cereals,
whole grain cereals). Vitamin B6reverses therapeutic effects of levodopa (Larodopa).
b. Change positions gradually.
c. Do not abruptly stop taking drug as sudden withdrawal can lead toparkinsonian crisis.
d. Do not take OTC medications without consulting physician.
e. Take drug between meals

A. Case Study
Mrs .Grace Baker, age 54, is admitted to the hospital with Type I diabetes. The doctor
prescribes regular humulin insulin 12 units SC and NPH humilin insulin 25 units SC every
morning before breakfast.
B. Prototype-Insulin
1. Action hormone that increases glucose transport across cell membranes; transform glycogen into
glucose, prevents breakdown of fats to fatty acids, and inhibits protein breakdown.
2. Use type I diabetic clients: Type II diabetics not controlled withoral hypoglycemic agents, diets and
exercise; Type II diabeticsundergoing stressful situations; infection surgery; pregnantdiabetic
women; emergency management of diabetic coma.
3. Adverse Effects, Allergic reaction; local or systemic;hypoglycemia; ketoacidosis.

4. Nursing Implications.
a. There is a difference between insulin injection concentrated, for which 500 units 1
b. Human insulins should only be mixed with each other.
c. IV insulin can be absorbed by the container or tubing
d. Stable at room temperature for 1 month.
e. Do not inject cold insulin .causes lipodystrophy.
f. Drug solution should not be used if discolored or contains precipitate. Do not shake vial.
Gently roll (all except regular insulinO vial between palms before drawing up medicine.
g. Check expiration date.
h. When mixing two insulins, rapid-acting insulin should be drawn up first
i. Sypringe must coordinate with strength of insulin, j. Injection sites must be rotated, k. Treat
severe hypoglycemic reaction with glucagons or 10- 50% glucose.
I. Treat ketoacidosis with IV insulin and IV fluids, m. Diet is prescribed by physicians, n. Monitor
blood glucose levels
0. Fixed-combination insulins such as 70/30 insulin' is also available and contains 50% NPH and
50% regular insulin.
p. Insulin analog; Insulin lispro (humalog) is a synthetic insulin with a faster onset and shorter
duration of action than human insulin.
q. Injection should be given immediately after mixing two insulins.

5. Discharge Teaching
a. Available without a prescription (except insulininjection,consintrated)
b. Change of insulin brand, type, etc., is done by physician.
c. In initial period of dosage regulation client may have visualproblems. Should not get lens
changes until vision isbalanced.
d. Remove prefilled syringes from refrigerator 1 hour beforeadministration.
e. Inject at a 90°angle if you can pinch an inch, otherwiseinject at a 45° angel.
f. Report symptoms of reaction at injection site.
g. Know symptoms of hypoglycemic reaction and have sometype of fast acting carbohydrate at
all times.
h. If ill, continue taking insulin and drink freely noncaloric liquids, notify physician if diet cannot
be followed.
i. Monitor blood glucose at home and instruct on use.
j. Smoking decreases insulin absorption.
k. When traveling, needs to have necessary supplies. I. Carry a medical identification card.
1.Pravastatin (Pravachol), and simvastatin (Zocor) decrease cholesterol levels by stopping the body from
making its own cholesterol. Used treat hypercholesterolemia types II a and II b. Adverse effects
include headache; insomia; fatigue, blurred vision, myalgias, nausea, hepatotoxicity, elevated CPK,
alkaline phosphates and transminase. Nursing implications; monitor renal hepatic studies; take with
meals to increase absorption.
Fabric acid derivatives; gemfibrozil (Lopid) and fenofibrate (Tricor) decrease triglycerides and
increase HDL cholesterol. May cause diarrhea or Gl upset.
3. Gemfibrozil (Lopid) decreases trigiycerides and increases HDL
cholesterol. May cause diarrhea or Gl upset.
4. Niacrin-Vitamin b3 (Nicobid)- reduces liver synthesis and reduces
cholesterol and total lipid levels. Used in treatment of hyperlipidemia.
Adverse effects; tingling, flushing, jaundice, Gl upset, pruritus, Nursing
implications; dosage is individualized. Niacin is an OTC preparation
that should be taken under a physician's care.

A. Case Study
Mr. Ben Bowerman ,age 69, has a history of hypertension and obesity. He has controlled his blood
sugars by diet for two years but now is having difficulty doing this. The physician prescribes an oral
hypoglycemic agent.
B. Prototype - Tolbutamide (Orinase)
1. Action, lowers blood glucose concentrations by stimulatingsecretion of endogenous insulin from
beta cells in the pancreas.
2. Increases peripheral sensitivity to insulin. From the class of sulfonylureas.
3. Use. Type II diabetes; not controlled by diet and exercise, usedwith insulin in type II diabetic
when neither insulin nor oralhypoglycemic agents work well alone.
4. Adverse effects. Hypoglycemia; increased nausea,vomiting,diarrhea; hemolytic
anemia; allergic skin rashes;photosensitivity.inappropriate ADH secretion.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Tablet can be crushed.
b. Monitor closely during initial therapy.
c. If client stabilized on tolbutamide (Orinase) is exposed tostress (Infection, surgery),
the oral agent may bediscontinued and replaced by insulin.
d. Can transfer from one sulfonylurea to another easily.
e. Monitor blood and urine glucose levels.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Reinforce that drug is not "oral" insulin and will controldiabetes
b. Use form of birth control other than oralcontraceptives.
c. Alcohol can trigger a hypoglycemic reaction.
d. Cover body in sunshine. Use sunscreen.
e. Weigh weekly and report progressive gain
f. Carry medical identification
C. Refer to table 4-24, Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Unit 4..
General Information
The adrenal cortex secretes 3 natural steroids; glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids, and adrenal
androgens and estrogens.

1. Glucocorticoids (Cortisol)
a. Have anti-inflamatory effects.
b. Regulate carbohydrates, protein, and fat metabolism. mineralcorticoids (Aldosterone,
Desoxycorticosterone) regulate water and electrolyte metabolism.
2. Adrenal androgens and estrogens
a. Supplement sex hormones from gonads.
b. Corticosteroids suppress immune response and affect all body systems.
Use. Replacement theraphy for diabetes insipidus.
Adverse Effects. Hypersensitivity, anaphylaxis;water intoxication,hyponatremia; nausea, diarrea,
cramping; hypertension; nasalirritation, headache.
Nursing Implications.
a. Keep record of I&O.
b. Vasopressin is available SC,IM,IV, and intra-arterially.
Discharge Teaching
a. Keep record of I&O, weight.
b. If URI and use drug intranasally, absorption may be affected.
c. Report sudden changes in output.
d. Drink water with dose to reduce Gl distress.
Related Drugs:
1. Desmopressin (DDAVP)
a. Can be given PO, SC, IV, or intranasally; monitor for extravasation.
b. Keep refrigerated.
2. Lypressin spray (Diapid); Given intranasally,

A. Prototype- Hormones Corticotropin (ACTH)(Cosyntropin [Cortrosyn]

Action.Synthetic corticotropin that stimulatesCorticosteroid release from functional adrenalCortex.
Use.As a diagnostic test to diagnose adrenalInsufficiency.
Adverse Effects.(see corticosteroids)Cushing'sSyndrome if given over a period of
time,Hypersensitivity reaction.
Nursing lmplications.(see corticosteroids)Administer deep IM.
B. Related Drugs. Long-acting preparations.
C. Case Study
Robert Smith, age 51, develops diabetes insipidus following the removal of a pituitary tumor and is
started on vasopressin (Pitressin)
D. Prototype-ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) (Vasopressin [Pitressin])
1. Action. Hormone released by posterior pituitary gland thatregulates water metabolism and
prevents dehydration. Hasvasoconstrictor effect that elevates blood preasure. Indiabetes
insipidus a deficiency in ADH is characterized bypolyuria and polydipsia.
Vasopressin(petressin) acts a replacement for ADH.

A. Case Study
Adam White is a 20-year-old college students with a 3-year history of ulcerative colitis (UC). Adam
is taking hydrocortisone (cortisol) to alleviate symptoms.
B. Prototype- Hydrocortisone (Cortisol)
1. Action. Glucocorticoid, mineralcorticoid , and immunosuppressive actions.
2. Use. Replacement therapy for adrenocorticoid insufficiency; anti- inflammatory for many allergic,
inflammatory, or immunoreactive disorders.
3. Adverse effects , Increased susceptibility to infection; hypokalemia, hypocalcemia; sodium and fluid
retention; increased appetite, nausea, peptic ulcer; headaches, hypertension, congestive heart
failure; osteoporosis; acne, impaired wound healing, hirsutism, skin thinning; ecchymosis,
petechiae; hyperglycemia, impaired glucosemetabolism, growth retardation, menstrual disorders;
glaucoma, cataract formation; mental disturbances, insomnia; thrombophlebitis;
mask symppptions of infection.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Observe for mental changes.
b. Monitor BP; weight, I&O, blood glucose, and serumpotassium.
c. IM use; inject deep IM. Do not give SC.
d. Corticosteroid doses are not interchangeable.
e. Corticosteroids are not abruptly withdrawn. Doses aretapered to allow the adrenal
gland to function independently.
5. Discharge teaching:
- Take drug before 9 am ( causes less supression of the adrenal cortex)
- Take it with foods
- don’t stop it abruptly

A. Case Study
Mrs. Ann Tan, age64, has a subtotal thyroidectomy. After surgery she develops mild hypothyroidism.
The doctor prescribes levothyroxine (Synthroid).
B. Prototype-Levothyroxine (Synthroid)
Other various agents used to treat hypothyroid conditions indueddesiccated thyroid;
thyroglobulin (Proloid); liotrex (Thyrolar);liothyronine sodium (Cytomel).
Use. Replacement or substitution of diminished or absent thyroidfunction due to thyroid disease or
Adverse Effects. Headache, nevousness, insomnia, irritability;palpitations, increased blood
pressure, tachycardia, dysrhythmias,weight loss.
Avoid aspirin use
Protect from light
Do not alter dosage

A. Case Study
Mrs. Karen Grant, age 30, is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The physician prescribes
propylthiouracil (PTU).
B. Prototype- Propylthiouracil (PTU)
Action. Prevents synthesis of thyroid hormones. Partially preventsperipheral conversion of T4
to T3

Use. Management of hyperthyroidism.

Adverse Effects. Hypothyroidism; agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia,bleeding; nausea, vomiting,
loss of taste; rash, urticaria skin pigmentation;jaundice, hepatitis; nephritis.
Nursing Implications
a. Take same time daily with respect to meals. Food can change
absorption rate.
b. Drug response occurs 2-3 weeks after starting drug.
c. Therapy may last 6 months to several years with remission in 25%of clients.
d. Can be given during pregnancy. Stopped 2-3 weeks beforedelivery.
e. Do not nurse baby.
f. Check pulse daily.
Discharge Teaching
a. Report signs of agranulocytosis (fever.chills sore throat).
b. Report sign of bleeding promptly.
c. Ask physician about use of iodized salt and seafood in diet.
d. Report s/s of bleeding
e.Ask physician about use of salt and seafoods in diet.

Related Drugs
Methimazole (Tapazole): Similar to propylthiouracil (PTU) except it is10 times more potent. Given
once daily due to long duration ofaction. Risk of hepatotoxicity less.
Iodines: Cause does-related effects on thyroid function. Low dosesnecessary for thyroid function.
High amounts inhibit thyroid function.Used to decrease size and vascularity of the thyroid
before thyroidsurgery, management of thyroid storm, treatment of hyperthyroidism,and
treatment of thyroid cancer. Adverse effect Gl distress.

A. Cases Study
Ms. Carol Barr, a college freshman, has come to the gynecology clinic for birth control pills. After
being examined by the nurse practitioner, Ms. Barr is given a prescription for Ortho-Novum birth
control pills.
B. Prototype- Progesterone (progestin)
1.Action. Changes a proliferative endometrium into a sectory one; causes achange in consistency of
cervical muscus; stops spontaneous uterinecontractions.
2.Use. Amenorrhea; abnormal uterine bleeding; endometrial cancer;prevention of conception.

3. Adverse effects
a. In parenteral administration; Breakthrough bleeding, spotting, dysmenorrhea, breast
tenderness; headache, dizziness; edema, thromboembolism, hypertension; nausea,
vomiting, bloating, weight gain; jaundice; rash, hirsutism, acne, oily skin; vision
b. Other effects: Hypertension; reduced glucose tolerance; thromboembolism in high does
in specific groups of women.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Take oral forms with food.
b. Monitor weight.
c. Monitor BP
d. For intramuscular injection
1.) Inject deeply into gluteal muscle.
2.) Rotate injection sites.
3.) Shake vial to ensure uniform dispersion,
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Should not smoke.
b. Should have regular Pap tests and should do breast self- exam.
c. Report calf pain, breast lumps, or severe headache.

C. Related Drugs
Hydroxyprogestrone (Delalutin),Medroxyprogestrone (Provera), and megesterolacetate (Megace).
Oral contraceptives
a. Estrogen -progestin combinations
Action. Suppress ovulation by preventing release offollicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinizinghormone (LH). Act directly on reproductive organs.
Use. Prevention of pregnancy;Amenorrhea; functional bleeding; endometriosis.
Adverse Effects. Same as for progesterone.
Nursing Implications.
Stop taking one week beforesurgery to decrease risk of thromboembolism. If
onemenstrual period is missed and tablets were takencorrectly, continue pills; if two periods are missed
Stop and have pregnancy test

Will need additional birth method on the 1st therapy

May take longer to concieve

Mens Health Agents:

Androgens: testosterone Danazol ( Danocrine )
Fluoxymesterone ( Halotestin )
Action : Stimulate spermatogenesis and maintainance os secondary sex
Use : primarily for replacement therapy and treatment for breast cancer in
Adverse effects : fluid retention, headache, diarrhea, acne, jaundice and bleeding

Androgen Inhibitors- 5 alpha reductase inhibitors – ( Proscar )-

Given orally to treat BHP
May cause impotency, decrease libido, or ejaculatory dysfunction
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor – sildenafil ( Viagra )
Given orally to trat erectile dysfunction
Contraindicated to clients taking nitrates
Take 1 hour before sex intercourse
Should take with caution to clients taking cardiac drugs

A. Case Study
Mrs, Kathy Bute , 35 years old, a gravida 2 , para 1 , is 42 weeks pregnant and is admitted for
induction of labor. An oxytocin (Pitocin ) infusion is started at 1mU/min (mU=milliunit). Mrs. Bute is
connected to an external fetal monitor.
B. Prototype- Oxytocin (Pitocin)
Action. Posterior pituitary gland hormone that may initiate labor bystimulating uterine smooth
muscle contractions. Releases milk frombreast in breast feeding women.
Use. Labor induction; control postpartum bleeding ; treatment ofincomplete abortion; stimulate
breast milk ejection.
Dose. IV infusion: add 0.5 -2 mU/min, increase by1-2 mU/min every15-60 minutes until contraction
pattern (maximum 20mU/min). IV foruterine bleeding: 10-40 units to 1 liter of dextrose or
electrolytesolution. IM: 10 units after delivery of placenta.

A. Case study
Nicholas Lewis is a 5-year-old male who has recently been diagnosed with extrinsic asthma. His
asthma seems to be exacerbated during hay fever seasons. Nicholas has undergone skin testing and
is allergic to many environmental factors such as smoke and ragweed. Nichola's father had extrinsic
asthma as a child. Nicholas is taking theophylline and cromolyn sodium (Intal).

B. Prototype-Theophylline

1.Action. Classified as a methylexanthine; a bronchodilator that relaxes the bronchial smooth muscle
cells. It also increases renal blood flow, thus producing a dieretic effect, and acts as a CNS
2. Use. Emphysemia; chronic bronchitis; asthma; CHF.
3. Adverse Effects. CNS stimulation: irritability, nervousness, restlessness (note: children are more
susceptible to developing CNS stimulation effects); tachycardia, hypotension, palpitations (note:
should'nt be used in clients with cardiovascular disease); tachypnea, flushing; nausea,
vomiting, Gl distress (note: should not be used in clients with peptic ulcer disease or
hyperthyroidismO; rectal irritation with rectal suppository use.

4.Nursing Implications
a. Monitor theophylline levels (10-20 mcg/ml).
b. Monitor vital signs and symptoms of toxicity.
c. Clients who smoke tobacco and marijuana require higherdoses of theophylline.
d. Administer with milk or meals if Gl distress is present,otherwise give 1-2 hours before meals
with water.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Consult with physician before taking OTC drugs.
b. Avoid excessive caffeine use.
c. Do not crush or chew time-released or enteric coatedpreparations.

C. Related Drugs
(See prototype theophylline for adverse effects) 1. Aminophylline (Somophyllin)
a. Can be given PO, rectal, IV, or IM.
b. IM injection is painful and generally avoided.
c. IV infusion should not exceed 25 milligrams per minute.
d. Vital signs should be monitored.
Often used to treat severe bronchoconstriction.
Avoid mixing with other meds as it is incompatible with other meds

A. Case Study
Mrs. Wendy Miller is 60-year-old bank teller with a 3-year history of hypertension. Recently Mrs.
Miller has complained of dyspnea and a 10 Ib weight gain. After seeing her physician, a disgnosis of
congestive heart failure (CHF) is made and Mrs. Miller is started an hydrochlorothiazide theraphy.
B. Prototype-Thiazide Diuretics(Hudrochlorothiazide[Hydrodiurill])
1. Action. Block sodium reabsorption in the distal convolutedtubule, which prevents water
reabsoprtion, increases urineoutput, and decreases blood volume. Potassium is
2. Use. Essential hypertension; edema associated with CHF.
3. Adverse Effects. Hypokalmia, hyponatermia; drowsiness;hyperglycemia;
photosesitivity, hypersensitivity-thiazides arechemically related to sulfonamides;
orthostatic hypotension,arrythmias; anorexia, nausea, vomiting,

4. Nursing Implications
Monitor I&O, weights, and serum electrolytes, glocuse and BUN.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Take medication in the early morning and after meals toprevent Gl distress.
b. Report symptoms of agranulocytosis such as fever,sore throat.
c. Change position slowly.
d. Eat foods high is potassium (i.e., oranges, bananas,strawberries).
e. Take daily weights.
C. Related Drugs
Metolazone (Zaroxolyn)
Chlorothiazide (Diuril)
Chlorothalidone (Hygroton)

A. There is one drug in this category, sodium polystyrene sulfonate(kayexalate).

B. Characteristics of polysterene sulfonate (kayexalate).
1. A resin that exchanges sodium ions for potassium ions inthe large intestine.
2. Used in the treatment of hyperkalemia.
3. Given orally or rectally via high enema to both adults andchildren.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Retain rectal suspension for at least 30-60 minutes.
b. Monitor for electrolyte deficiency.
Hypokalemia can occur.
Magnesium and calcium can also be lost.
Sodium may be retained.
c. Constipation can occur with oral administration.
d. Rectal administration helps prevent constipation.
e. Mix resin with sorbitol and water (never with oil).
f. Stop administration when serum potassium is 4-5milliequivalents.

 can be primary ( unknown) or secondary
Pathology: PVR ( peripheral vascular resistance) and CO ( cardiac output) increase;
( from activity of adrenals secondary to conditions of pulmonary, circulatory, renal, plasma expanders
and sodium in the diet).
Risk: family history, age 30-50years, black men, stress, personality, smoking, high sodium and high fat
diet, caffeine consumption.
Dx: asymptomatic, BP readings in 3 positions, history and PE, CBC, ECG and UA.
Cardinal sign: morning occipital headache
DOC: step drug regimen/ diuretics( diuril, lasix, aldactone) as first line, beta-blockers as 2nd line, then
alpha blocker ( minipress), central ( aldomet), peripheral( serpasil), calcium blocker ( nifedipine,
diltiazem, verapamil), Acei( captopril), and direct vasodilator ( hydralazine, nitroprusside).
Nurse concern: lifestyle modification: diet, weight, activity and stress reduction

family history/age/high salt intake/low potassium intake /obesity /smoking /alcohol /stress /------increased
systemic vascular resistance ----increased afterload ---- decreased blood flow to the organs----
kidneys----stimulate JGC ---release renin--- stimulates liver to produce angiotensinogen ---to form
angiotensin 1 ----angio 1 will stimulate angio 2 in the lungs ---arterioles to stimulate angio 2
receptors ==vasoconstriction ----increase BP ----angio 2 stimulates angio 3 in the adrenal cortex to
release aldosterone ---- aldosterone cause increase NA and H2O reabsorption by the tubules in the
kidney result in -----increase NA retention ----which stimulates ADH in the brain -----increase H2O
retention ---increase blood volume ----increase BP.

as the leaves the left ventricle through the Aorta ---- it will influence Baroreceptors--- stimulation
---recieves by the vasomotor center--- if the pressure is high --- medulla will stimulate vasodilation
--- and decrease in cardiac output and cardiac rate.
If the pressure is too low--- medulla will stimulate increase heart rate and cardiac output ---
vasoconstriction --- increase peripheral resistance --- and raise in BP.


1. Primary objective of anti hypertensive therapy is to control essential hypertension and maintain BP
with minimal adverse effects

2. Antihypertensive reduce peripheral resistance and decreases volume ofcirculating blood.

3. Orthostatic hypotension is a common adverse effect for all antihypertensives.
4. Should not be abruptly discontinued as rebound hypertension could occur.
5. Discharge instruction for all antihypertensives:
a. Have adverse effects that may effect client compliance in takingmedication. It is
important for client to receive thorough teaching andsupport to maintain compliance.
b. Do not abruptly discontinue or skip doses of medications.
c. Change positions gradually; avoid alcohol and hot showers and baths.
d. Do not take OTC drugs without consulting physician.
e. Monitor weight and eat low-sodium foods.
f. Take BP and record in diary. Report changes to physician.
g. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until drug effects areestablished.
Note: Thiazide diuretics are discussed under Renal Drugs; MAO (monamine oxidase inhibitors) are
discussed under Antiarrhythmics; and calcium channel blockers are discussed under Antianginal

- Thiazides
Chlorothiazides (diuril)-
Hydrochlorothiazides ( esidrex, oretic)
Chlortalidone – Hygroton
Metolazone – Zaroxolyn
- Blocks Na reabsorption in ascending tubule in the kidney
- adverse effects: - Hyperuricemia, Hyperglycemia, Hypercalcemia, elevated BUN, hypokalemia,
Nursing Implications: Monitor I and O
- Administer in the AM
- stress intake of potassium rich foods
- Administer with foods
2. Loop diuretics
Furosemide ( lasix)
Ethacrynic acid ( Edecrin)
Bumetanide ( Bumex )-
- Inhibit reabsorption of sodium and chloride at the proximal portion of the ascending loop of henle.
Adverse Effect: Hypokalemia and hearing loss
Nursing Implications: Same
3. Potassium Sparing
Spironolactone (aldactone)- Antagonizes the effect of aldosterone in the kidney NA excreted in exchange
of Potassium
Adverse effects: - h yperkalemia, Gynecomastia, irregular menses, drowsiness and confusion
Nursing implications:
- Monitor I and O
- Alert signs of hyponatremia
- Swelling of the breast

Clonidine ( Catapress )
- Stimulates alpha adrenergic receptor in the brain causing inhibition of sympathetic vasoconstriction
Adverse Effects:
- Same
Nursing Implications:
- Observe clients for depressive moods
Encourage patients to dangle feet before standing
Beta Adrenergic Blockers
Propanolol( Inderal )
Metoprolol ( Betaloc)
Nadolol ( Corgard )
- Blocks the action of beta adrenergic receptor sites
Adverse Effects:
- Bradycardia, Cramping, light headedness, lethargy
Nursing Implications:
- Smoking reduce the effectiveness of the drug
- Evaluate heart rate
- Alcohol enhances hypotensive effect of the drug

ACE inhibitors
-Blocks the RAAS cascade
Adverse Effects:
Rash, Pruritus, Proteinuria,9Mainly captopril ) agranulocytosis
Nursing implications:
- Perform urinalysis
- administer 1 hour before meals
- inform any signs of blood dyscrasias
- hydralazine( apresoline)
- Direct relaxation of smooth arterial smooth muscles
- Headache, vommiting, palpitations, tachycardia

A. Case study
Mr. Edward Simon, a 50-year-old married accountant, was diagnosed with essential
hypertension 8 years ago. Mr. Simon has a positive family history of hypertension and heart disease.
Mr. Simon has followed an exercise program, low-sodium diet, and has taken captopril (Capoten).
His blood pressure has constantly ranged around 150/98. Mr. Simon is started on an additional
antihypertensive agent.

B. Prototype-Central Acting Antihypertensive (Clonidine [Catapress])

1. Action. Blocks sympathetic nerve impulses in brain, whichcauses decreased sympathetic
outflow leading todecreased BP, vasoconstriction, heart rate, and cardiaccontractility.
2. Use. Used either alone or in combination with otherantihypertensive.
3. Adverse Effect. Orthostatic hyptension; drowsiness,behavior changes; perpheral
edema, CHF; Raynaud'sphenomenon; impotence, urinary retention; dry
4. Nursing Implications
a. Monitor I&O, weight, and BP.
b. Monitor clients with a history of mental depression.
5. Discharge Teaching
Take last dose of medication in the evening to minimize drowsiness during the day.

C. Related Drugs
Methyldopa (Aldomet): may cause blood dyscrasias and hepatotoxicity; monitor blood work and
liver function tests.

A. prototype- Cyclosporine (Sandimmune)
1. Action. Exact immunosuppressant action unknown. Interfress with T-lympphocyte activity
2. Use. Prophylaxis for recipients of kidney, heart, and liver transplants to prevents organ
3. Adverse effects. Nephrotoxicity; Hepatotoxicity; hypertension; infection; tremors; leukopenia;
diarrhea, nausea,vomiting;anaphylaxis in 1V use;gum hyperlasia.
4. Nursing Implicatons
a. monitor CBC ,liver and kidney function studies
b. with 1V use epinephrine; resuscitation equipment shouldbe available.
c. Protect 1V infusion from light.
d. Mix PO medicationin milk or orange juice at roomtemperature . stir and drink
immediately and rinse glasswith more milk or juice to ensure that entire dose has
e. Notify physician if bruising present or oliguria.
5. Discharge Teaching. See Azathioprine (imuran).

B. Related Drugs
1. Action. Tacrolimus (Prograf)
a. used to prevent rejection with kidney heart and livertransplants.
b. Given orally or IV.

Fluid and electrolytes by the tubules and increased loss of fluid, chloride, and increased
loss of fluid, chloride, and sodium.
2. Use. Prevention and treatment of acute renal failure; reduction of intracranialpressure;
reduction of intraocular pressure; urinary excretion of drug overdoses.

3. Adverse Effects. Neusea, anorexia, thrist; diuresis, urinary retention; dizziness,headache,

convulsion,; pulmonary congestion; tachycardia, chest pain, high orlow blood pressure;
metabolic acidosis; hypokalemia, hyponatremia,hypochloremia, dehydration.

4.Nursing Implications
a. Test dose given to clients with advanced oliguria.
b. Monitor serum and urine electrolytes, central venous pressure, and renalfunction.
c. Accurate I&O every 30 minutes.
d. Monitor VS.
e. Monitor for signs of electrolyte imbalance.
f. Weigh client daiy.
g. Avoid extravasation.
h. Drug may crystallize if expose to low temperatures. Warm solution to
dissolve crystals,
i. Solutions above 15% have tendency to crystallize. IV filter must be used for infusing solutions
15% and above.


A. Case Study
Mrs Francis North is a 76-year old retired secretary with a history of mitral stenosis. Recently
she states she has not felt well and is complaining of heart palpitations. Her heart rate is 130 beats
per minute and ECG reveals atrial fibrillation. Mrs. Francis is started on quinidine 200 mg TID Po.
B. Prototype-Quinidine (Quinaglute) Class A1
1. Action. Alkaloid from the bark of the cinchona tree. Relatedto quinne, an an
antimalarial drug, Decreases myocardial excitabilityand slows condition velocity, while
prolonging the refractory period.PR interval and QRS complex may be prolonged. Has
anticholinergiceffects that reduce vagus nerve activity, which slows AV conduction.
2. Use. Atrial dysrhythmias.atrial fibrillation, and atrial flutter;ventricular dysrhythmias.
3. Adverse Effects. Cinchonism; Gl distress, tinnitus, visualdisturbances, dizziness, headache, AV
block, hypertension

4. Nursing Implications
A. Monitor ECG and VS.serum electrolytes, CBC kidneyand liver function.
B. Monitor serum quinidine levels, normal range 3-6mcg/ml.
C. Take an apical pulse.
D. Take with food if Gl upset.
E. Clients taking digoxin and quinidine are more prone todigitals toxicity.

5. Discharge Teaching
A. Take radial pulse before taking
B. Report symptoms of cinchonism, palpitations faintness,or breathless.
C. Related Drugs, See Table 2-14

A. Case Study
Don Jamison is a 52-year-old married business executive admitted to CCU with acute Ml. While in
Ccu Mr. Jamison develops frequent PVCs and a lidocaine drip is started.
B. Prototype-Lidocaine (Xylocaine) class 1C
1. Action. Prolongs refractory period in the myocardiuym and Purkinjefibers. Has little effect on
atria. Depresses automaticity buttherapeutic doses do not depress myocardial contractility.
Alsoused as a local anesthetic.
2. Use. Ventricular arrhythmias, i.e., VT; VF; PVCs.
3. Dose: (given parenterally only)Adult
IV Bolus: 50-100 mg at a rate of 25-50 meg/kg/minute; once arrhythmia controlled continue
infusion of 1-4 mg/minute.
IM: 200-300 mg and repeat in 60-90 minutes if needed.
IV: 1 mg/kg followed by an infusion of 30 meg/kg/minute

5. Nursing Implications
a. Monitor ECG, VS, neurologic status, and serum lidocainelevels.
b. Therapeutic lidocaine levels range between 1.5-5 mcg/ml.
c. Use an infusion pump.
d. Cardiac IV lidocaine should not contain preservative orepinephrine.
e. Deltoid muscle is preferred for IM use.
f. Do not mix with other drugs.
C. Related Drugs
1. Mexiletine (Mexitel): related to lidocaine
2. Tocainide (Tonocard): related to lidocaine
3. Phenytoin sodium (Dilantin)
Also see Table 2-15

A. Case Study
Ms. Betty Lewis, a 56-year-old magazine editor, is admitted to the telemetry unit with atrial
tachycardia. Ms. Lewis is started on propranolol (Inderal) 30 mg QID. Ms. Lewis also has a history
of diabetes mellitus.

B. Prototype - Propranolol (Inderal)

1. Action. Beta-adrenergic blocker that decreases heart rate, force ofcontraction, myocardial
irritability, and conduction velocity, anddepresses automaticity.
2. Use. Cardiac arrythmias caused by excessive cardiac stimulation ofsympathetic nerve impulse;
digitalis-induced arrythmias; essentialhypertension; angina pectoris; preoperative
management ofpheochromocytoma; prevention of migraine headaches.
3. Adverse Effects. Dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, depression;hypoglycemia;
bronchospasm; bradycardia, heart block,hypotension; rash.
4. Nursing Implications.
a. Take apical pulse.
b. Monitor I&O, daily weights.
c. Gradually reduce dose before discontinuing.
d. Pulse rate may not rise following exercise or stress, due tobeta-blocking effects.
5. Discharge Teaching.
a. Take radial pulse before administering drug.
b. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
c. Avoid cold exposure to extremities.
d. Change positions slowly.

C. Related Drugs.
Note; "olol" is present in generic names.
1. Esmolol (Brevibloc): Class II atidysrhythmic, used to treattachycardia, supravetricular
tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and atrialflutter.
2. Nadolol (Corgard): used to treat essential hypertension and angina.
3. Pindolol (Visken): used to treat essential hypertension.
4. Timolol (Blocadren): used to treat essential hypertension.
5. Atenolol (Tenormin): Class II antidysrhythmic, also used to treat
angina and hypertension.
6. Metoprolol (Lopressor): Class II antidysrhythmic, given after Ml to
decrease risk of sudden cardiac death, and also used to treat angina and hypertension.
7. Sotalol ( betapase ) use to threat life threathening V- TACH.

A. Case Study
Bill Walker is a 65-year old, single, retired naval officer admitted to ICU after having a artery by
pass graft surgery (CABG). Twelve hours post-op Mr. Walker develops ventricular fibrilliation that
is unresponsive to lidocaine therapy, and bretyluim (Bretylol) Class III
1. Action. An intifibrilliatory drug. Initially release norepinephrine toincrease conduction velocity
and strengthen the heartbeat.
2. Use. Life threatening arrhythmias.
3. Adverse Effects. Hypotension, dizziness, worsening, arrhythmias,hypertension, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea
Related drugs:
Amiodarine given orally to threat chronic recurrent V TACH

A. Case Study
Frank Ashworth, a 50 year-old airline mechanic, is complaining of chest pain after strenuous
activity that is relieved by rest. Mr. Ashworth has a 20-year history of hypertension, and his father
and maternal grandfather both died from myocardial infraction. After a complete physical and
exercise treadmill test a diagnosis of angina is made. The physician orders nitroglycerin 0.15 mg SL
prn for chest pain and verapamil (Isoptin) 80 mg.TID.

B. Prototype-Nitrites and Nitroglycerin (Nitro-bid, Nitrodur, Nitrostat IV)

1. Action. Dilates the peripheral vascular smooth muscles ofsmaller vessels, which decreases
cardiac preload and afterloadleading to decreased myocardial oxygen needs.
Selectivelydilates large coronary arteries, which helps to decrease, anginaloxygen needs.
Selectively dilates large coronary arteries, whichhelps to decrease anginal pain and hypoxia of
the myocardium.Given by many different routes of administration including PO,SL, buccal,
topical, transernal. Tolerance may develop withcontinued use.
2. Use. Treatment and prophylaxis of angina pectoris. IVnitroglycerin manages congestive heart
failure associated withacute myocardial infarction and controls intraoperativehypertension or
manages hypertension.

3. Dose.Adult:
SLO. 15-0.6 mg at onset of attack or anticipation of attack.
PO:Sustained release 2.5-2.6 mg TID or QID.
Topical ointment 1-2 inches every 8 hours up to 4-5 inches every 4 hours.
Transdermal:0.1-0.6 mg/hr. can increase up to 0.8 mg/hr. patch worn 12-14 hours/day.
Spray: 1-2 sprays, can repeat every 5 minutes for 15 minutes.
Buccal: 1 mg every 5 hours; dose and frequency increased as needed.
IV;5 mcg/min in 5% dextrose in water or 0.9% sodium chloride and titrate every 3-5 minutes until
response .
4. Adverse Effects. Headache, usually disappears with long-termtherapy; flushing; hypertension,
dizziness; reflex tachycardia;skin rash with ointment.

b. Leave tablets at bedside and all allocate a specific numberof tablets in container. Instruct
client to tell nurse whenhaving an attack and number of tablets taken.
c. Sustained release tablets or capsules should be taken onehour before meals or two hours after
d. Nitroglycerin ointment should be applied to a hairless orshaved area to promote absorption.
New site should beused with each new dose. Use ruled applicator paper thatcomes with
ointment to measure dose. Wear gloves whenapplying ointment to applicator. Leave
applicator paper onsite. Cover the applicator paper with plastic wrap andsecure with tape.
e. Transdermal nitroglycerin has aluminum backing andpatch. Remove before defibrillation.
Avoid standing nearmicrowave ovens to prevent burns. Patches are usuallyapplied in
morning and removed in evening to preventtolerance.
f. Dilute IV nitroglycerin in 5% dextrose or 0.9% sodiumchloride. Avoid using polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) plastic isprovided by the manufacturer. IV use requires
continoushemodynamic monitoring.

6. Discharge Teaching
a. Rise slowly to prevent dizziness.
b. Store in original dark glass container in a cool place. Datebottle when opening and discard
after 3 months.
c. Headache will discontinue with long term use.
d. Keep diary of the number anginal attacks and tabletstaken.
e. Do not drink alcohol.
C. Related Drugs
Isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil): used to treat and prevent angunal attacks; given SL or PO in chewable


A. Case Study

Marilyn Hill, age 39, has a 15th year history of Raynaud's disease. She is currently taking
isoxsuprine HCI (vasodilan) 10 mg PO three times a day as part of her treatment for his condition.
B. Prototype-lsoxsuprine HCI (Vasodilan) Relaxation of the smooth muscle of blood vessels.
Used to treat peripheral vascular disorders such as Raynaud's and Buerger's disease
(thromboangitis obliterans), diabetic, vascular disease, and varicose ulcers.

C. Antiplatelet Agents
1. Dipyridamole (Persantine): Potent vasodile that also decreases platelet aggregation a clotting
time. Seductively dilates small resistance vessels of coronary vascular bed. Used in the
prevention of thromboembolism cardiac valve replacement surgery; also used in other
thromboembolic disorders to decrease platelet aggregation. Adverse effects; headaches
dizziness, weakness, hypertension, Gl distress, flushing, and skin rashes, Monitor BP, other
antiplatelets; Aspirin, cilostazol (Pletal), clopidogrel (Plavix), and teclopidine (Ticlid).


A. Case study
Jeremy Stevens is a 2-month-old male born with a ventricular septal defect (VSD). Jeremy
currently has CHF and is being treated with digoxin (Lanoxin). Jeremy is seen in the pediatricin's
office to evaluate the effectiveness of digoxin therapy as he was digitalized the week before.
B. Prototype—Digoxin (Lanoxin)
1. Action. Increases force of myocardial contraction (Positiveinotropic effect). Decreases rate
of conduction (negativechronotropic effect) while increasing refractory period of the
AVnode. Positive inotropic effect improves blood supply to vitalorgans and kidneys, providing
a diuretic effect. Has a slow onsetand shorter duration of action than other cardiac glycosides.
Iseliminated through the kidneys. Digoxin elixir is better absorbedby the Gl tract than
digoxin tablets.

2. Use. Congestive heart failure (CHF); atrial fibrillation; atrialflutter; paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.

3. Adverse effects. Cumulative with a narrow margin of safety.With toxicity there are many symptoms
that make it difficult todistinguish from the condition being treated. Arrhythmias,bradycardia;
arrhythmias more frequently seen in children;anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
headaches, fatigue,confusion, insomnia, convulsions; visual disturbances; or
yellow tint or halos; hypersensitivity, Toxicityoccurs more quickly in presence of a low serum
potassium,Quinidine-digoxin reaction may occur. When digoxin isstabilizedin clients
receiving quinidine, serum digoxin levelscould double,leading to possible toxicity.

4. Nursing Implications
a. half-life is longer in elderly.
b. Monitor CBC, serum electrolytes, liver and renal function studies, and ECG.
c. Hold if apical rate is below 60 or greater than 120 beats per minute in adults, below 90 beats
per minute in infants, or below 70 beats per minute in children up to adolescence.
d. Monitor l&o and daily weights; potassium levels. Encourage foods high in potassium.
e. Monitor serum digoxin levels therapeutic range (0-.5-2.0 ng/ml)/
f. Give after meals if Gl distress.
g. Do not confuse digoxin with digitoxin (Crystogidin) as they are not the same.
h. IM injections are painful and absorption is erratic. Avoid IM infections if possible and give in
large muscle mass.
i. Digoxin antidote: Digoxin Immune Fab (Digi-bind).

5. Discharge teaching

Discharge Teachings:
- take radial pulse and notify physician if toxicity symptoms occur.
- take dose the same time each day and do not skip or double the dose
Separate digoxin from other pills in pillbox.


A. General Considerations
Combination of antineoplastic agents usually used to destroycancer cells.
Clients must be closely monitored due to many toxic adverseeffects.
Agents destroy cancer cells and may also kill normal cells.
B. General Adverse Effects. Nausea, vomiting, anorexia; diarrhea and constipation; stomatitis;
alopecia; bone marrow depression (leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia);
hepatic toxicity; hyperuricemia; fatigue.
C. Nursing Implications

Handle antineoplastic agents carefully-mutagenic and possiblecarcinogenic.

Nurses should wear gloves, long-sleeved cover gown, protectivegoggles, and mask as appropriate.
Monitor IV sit closely to assess for extravasation and stop IV if itoccurs.
Treat used equipment as hazardous waste.
Administer antiemetic if ordered prior to chemotherapy and up to48- hours afterwards.
Monitor CBC
Monitor I&O.
Monitor liver and renal function studies.
Inspect oral cavity daily.

D. Discharge Teaching
Eat frequent, small portions of high-calorie, high-protein, bland, low-residue foods.
Avoid highly seasoned foods, drink clear liquids if nauseated.
Frequent rest periods.
Expect alopecia and purchase scarves or wigs.
Report fever, use good hand-washing technique, avoid individualswith upper respiratory infections.
Use soft toothbrush and baking soda rinse to minimize stomatitis.
Use progressive relaxation exercises or guided imagery to helpcope with nausea.

Evolution of Cancer Cells

A. All cells constantly change through growth, degeneration, repair, and adaptation. Normal cells must
divide and multiply to meet the needs of the organism as a whole, and this cycle of cell growth and
destruction is an integral part of life processes. The activities of the normal cells in the human body
are all coordinated to meet the needs of the organism as a whole, but when the regulatory control
mechanisms of normal cells fail, and growth continues in excess of the body's needs, neoplasia

B. The term neoplasia refers to both benign and malignant growths, but malignant cells behave very
differently from normal cells and have special features characteristic of the cancer process.

C. Since the growth control mechanism of normal cells is not entirely understood, it is not clear what
allows the uncontrolled growth, therefore no definitive cure has been found.
Characteristics of Malignant Cells
A. Cancer cells are mutated stem cells that have undergone structural changes so that they are unable
to perform the normal functions of specialized tissue (un- or dedifferentiation).
B. They may function in a disorderly way or cease normal function completely, only functioning for
their own survival and growth.
C. The most undifferentiated cells are also called anaplastic.
Characteristics of Malignant Cells
Rate of Growth
A. Cancer cells have uncontrolled growth or cell division.
B. Rate at which a tumor grows involves both increased cell division and increased survival time of
C. Malignant cells do not form orderly layers, but pile on top of each other to eventually form tumors.
Spread (Invasion and Metastasis)
A. Cancer cells are less adhesive than normal cells, more easily dissociated from their location.
Characteristics of Malignant Cells
Spread (Invasion and Metastasis)
A. Cancer cells are less adhesive than normal cells, more easily dissociated from their location.
B. Lack of adhesion and loss of contact inhibition make it possible for a cancer to spread to distant
parts of the body (metastasis).
C. Malignant tumors are not encapsulated and expand into surrounding tissue (invasion).
Classification and Staging
Stages of Tumor Growth
A. Several staging systems, important in selection of therapy
1. TNM system: uses letters and numbers to designate the extent of the tumor.
a. T: stands for primary growth; 1-4 with increasing size. TlS indicates carcinoma in situ.
b. N: stands for lymph node involvement; 0-4 indicates progressively advancing nodal disease.
c. M: stands for metastasis; 0 indicates no distant metastases, 1 indicates presence of
2. Stages 0-IV: all cancers divided into five stages incorporating size, nodal involvement, and

A. Case Study
Ms. Linda Levin is a 48-year-old accountant diagnosed with breast cancer. Ms. Levin is starting
cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) therapy in combination with another antineoplastic agent. This is Ms.
Levin's first experience with chemotherapy.
B. Prototype-Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
Action. Produces cytoxic effects by damaging DNA andinterfering with cell replication. Most
effective against rapidlydividing cells.
Use. Leukemias; multiple myeloma; neuroblastoma; ovaria,breast, lung cancers; Hodgkin's
disease; Ewing's sarcoma.
Adverse Effects. Gonadal suppression, hemorrhagic andnonhemorrhagic cystitis.

Nursing Implications:
Force fluids
Assess for s/s of unexplained bleeding
Instruct client to report hematuria or dysuria ASAP

A. Case Study
Mrs. Jenny Johnson is a 28-year old secretary diagnosed with choriocarcinoma following a hydatid
mole. Mrs. Johnson is started on methotrexate with leucovorin rescue therapy.
B. Prototype- Methotrexate with leucovorin rescue
Action. Leucovorin calcium is a folic acid analog that interferes with mitotic process by blocking folinic
Use. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia; cancer of breast, lung , testes,ovary head , and neck;
Adverse Effects. See General Considerations. Intrathecal use may cause fever, headache, and vomiting.
Nursing Implications. Leucovorin calcium is frequently given to prevent toxicity when high doses of
methotrexate are given.
Discharge Teaching. See General ConaHSterations. Instruct client to avoid self-medication with over-the-
coiWfir Gamins (folic acid and derivatives may alter drug response).
C. Related Drugs.
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)
Mercaptopurine (Purinethol)
Cytarabine (Cytosar-U)
Floxuridine (FUDR)
Fludarabine (Fludara)

A. Case Study
Mr. Alan Holt, age 54, is diagnosed with cancer of the bladder. He is receiving a combination of
antineoplastic agents that includes doxurubicin HCI (Adriamycin).
B. Prototype _Doxurubicin HCI (Adriamycin)
Action. Attaches to DNA and prevents DNA synthesis in vulnerablecells.
Use. Cancer of thyroid , lung, bladder, breast, and ovary; acuteleukemia; sarcoma; Ewing's
sarcoma; neuroblastoma; lymphomas.
Adverse Effects. Nausea .vomiting , stomatitis; EKG changes;agranulocytosis, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia; hyperpigmentation ofskin and nails; alopecia.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Do not give SC or IM-local reaction and skin necrosis can occur.
b. IV use: reconstitute with normal saline or sterile water; reconstitutedsolution stable for 24
hours at room temperature or 48 hours ifrefrigerated; protect from sunlight; do not infuse
in less than 5 minutes; redstreaking over vein and facial flushing are signs of too-
c. Do not mix with other drugs.
d. Monitor IV site; for local extravasation pour normal saline on area, apply acold compress;
infiltration with corticosteroid may be ordered.
e. Monitor CBC, serum uric acid levels, cardiac output (listen for S3), weight.
f. Frequent mouth care.
g. Client needs sufficient fluids to prevent hyperuricemia.
h. Assist client with information on wigs and head coverings before hair lossstarts.
i. Offer support to client to deal with drug theraphy and diagnosis, j. Wear gloves to prepare
this drug. Wash skin with soap and water if powder or solution contacts skin.

A. Case Study
Mr. Irving Heeley, age 68, has a metastatic cancer of the prostate gland. He receives
diethylstilbestrol (DES) as treatment for his disease.
B. Mechanism of action of hormonal agents.
Exact mechanism is not completely understood.
Believed that hormonal agents hinder use of steroids necessary forcell growth
Hormonal therapy keeps cancer cells in resting phase, thusdecreasing growth humor of tumor.
No direct cytotoxic effect of hormonal agents so they are unable tocure cancer.
C. Estrogens (Female Hormones). See TUNe 2-26
D. Androgens (Male Hormones)
Androgens are also used as repacemflfilfheraphy for growth and development of male sex organs
and secondary sex characteristics in androgen deficient males.See Table 2-27
E. Antihormal Agents
1 .Antiestrogen-Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
a. Use. Advanced breast cancer in pre-postmenopausal women.

b. Adverse Effects. Most common are similar to signs ofmenopause (hot flashes and flushing);
nausea, vomiting;temporary bone and tumor pain; temporary drop in WBCcount.
c. Nursing Implications. Monitor WBC count; tellpremenopausal women to use contraception
as short-termtherapy causes ovulation.
a. Use. Adreanl and metastatic breast cancer.
b. Adverse Effects. Drowsiness; anorexia, nausea; vomiting,severe pancytopenia; rash; and
adrenal insufficiency.
c. Nursing Implications. Possible replacement therapy withhydrocortisone and
mineralocorticoids; monitor bloodpressure, thyroid studies, and CBC; tell client that drug
maycause drowsiness and orthostatic hypotension

Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone-Leuprolide (Lupron)

a. Use. Prostate cancer.
b. Adverse Effects. Hot flashes, transient bone pain, rash,alopecia, cardiac arrhythmias,
breathing difficulty, andhematuria.
c. Nursing Implications. Monitor and rotate injection sites; onlyuse syringes provided with
drug; provide comfort measures.

A. Case Study
Mr. Jerry Newman, age 38, suddenly develops a high fever and pethechiae on his chest and arms.
Following bone narrow aspiration, The diagnosis is acute lymphocytic leukemia. The physician puts
Mr. Newman on a regime that contains vincristine (Oncovin).

B. Prototype-Vincristine (Oncovin)
1. Action. Acts on cell undergoing mitosis, thus stopping cell division.
2. Use. Acute leukemia; lymphomas; cancer of brain, breast, cervix,testes; Wilm's tumor.
3. Adverse Effects. Peripheral neuropathy; paresthesias;loss of deeptendon reflexes; jaw pain;
cramps; muscle weakness; constipation;nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, phlebitis; alopecia;
hyponatremia;luekopenia; photosensitivity.

4. Nursing Implications.
a. Do not give IM or SC as tissue nscrosis can occur.
b. For IV use, inject solution directly into vein or into tubingof running IV infusion. Infusion can
be given over 1minute.
c. Monitor bowel function.
d. Frequent neuro checks.
e. Monitor CBC and platelets.
f. Advise client to avoid overexposure to sun.
C.Related Drugs. See Table 2-28

A. Case Study
Mrs. Jenny Johnson is a 28-year old secretary diagnosed with choriocarcinoma following a hydatid
mole. Mrs. Johnson is started on methotrexate with leucovorin rescue therapy.
B. Prototype- Methotrexate with leucovorin rescue
Action. Leucovorin calcium is a folic acid analog that interferes with mitotic process by blocking folinic
Use. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia; cancer of breast, lung , testes,ovary head , and neck;
Adverse Effects. See General Considerations. Intrathecal use may cause fever, headache, and vomiting.
Nursing Implications. Leucovorin calcium is frequently given to prevent toxicity when high doses of
methotrexate are given.
Discharge Teaching. See General ConaHSterations. Instruct client to avoid self-medication with over-the-
coiWfir Gamins (folic acid and derivatives may alter drug response).
C. Related Drugs.
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)
Mercaptopurine (Purinethol)
Cytarabine (Cytosar-U)
Floxuridine (FUDR)
Fludarabine (Fludara)

A. L-Asparaginese (Elspar)
1. Action. Enzyme that destroys asparangine, an amino acidnecessary for protein synthesis of
leukemia cells. Causes deathto leukemia cells.
2. Use. Acute lymphocytic leukemia.
3. Adverse Effects. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, azotemea,hemmorhagic pancreatitis, rash,
hypergycemia, increasedserum albumin.
4. Nursing Implication
a. Monitor CBC platelets, renal and pancreatic enzymes,coagulation studies, uric acid,
blood glucose, and serumalbumin.
b. Don't shake vial.
c. Only give drug in a clear solution; chance ofhypersensitivity is increased with each

B. Hydroxyurea (Hydrea)
1. Action. Urea derivative that kills granulocytes. Prevents DNAsynthesis in cell cycle.
2. Use. Chronic myelogenous leukemia; malignant melanoma andcancers of the head, neck, ovary,
and colon.
3. Adverse Effects. Anemia, leukopenia, megaloblastosis,thrombocytopenia, anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea.
4. Nursing Implications.
a. Monitor CBC, platelets, renal and pancreatic enzymes,coagulation studies, uric acid,
blood glucose, and serumalbumin.
b. Don't shake vial.
c. Only give drug in a clear solution; chance of hypersenstitivityis increased with each

C. Procarbazine(Matulane)
1. Action. Similar to alkylating agents; inhibits RNA, DNA, and protein synthesis in the cell.
2. Use. Hodgkin's disease, multiple myeloma, malignant melanoma, lung cancer, and brain
3. Adverse Effect. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, luekopenia,thrombocytopenia, and altered
reproductive potential.
4. Nursing Implications.
a. Advise client to avoid alcohol, sedatives, narcotics, andtrycylic anti depressants (drug
is an MAO inhibator)
b. Restrict foods high in tyramines.
c. Monitor CBC, platelets, and liver enzymes.

A. prototype- Cyclosporine (Sandimmune)

1. Action. Exact immunosuppressant action unknown. Interfress with T-lympphocyte activity
2. Use. Prophylaxis for recipients of kidney, heart, and liver transplants to prevents organ
3. Adverse effects. Nephrotoxicity; Hepatotoxicity; hypertension; infection; tremors; leukopenia;
diarrhea, nausea,vomiting;anaphylaxis in 1V use;gum hyperlasia.
4. Nursing Implicatons
a. monitor CBC ,liver and kidney function studies
b. with 1V use epinephrine; resuscitation equipment shouldbe available.
c. Protect 1V infusion from light.
d. Mix PO medicationin milk or orange juice at roomtemperature . stir and drink
immediately and rinse glasswith more milk or juice to ensure that entire dose has
e. Notify physician if bruising present or oliguria.
5. Discharge Teaching. See Azathioprine (imuran).


General information
A. Terminology
Bacteriostatic: prevents multiplication and growth of bacterial organism.
Bactericidal: kills bacterial organisms.
B. Cultures need to be obtained before initiating therapy.
C. Sites of action
Agents that suppress bacterial cell wall synthesis: Actioncreates a defect in bacterial cell wall
structure and death oforganism.
Agents that suppress protein synthesis within the bacterialcell: Action interferes with normal
growth and reproduction ofbacterial cell, which eventually causes its eradication.
Agents that interfere with bacterial cell membranepermeability: Action causes
intracellular parts to escape andleads to bacterial cell death.
Agents with antimetabolite action: Action causes interferencewith a necessary metabolic process
that the bacterial cellneeds for normal growth and function.
Agents that inhibit nucleic acid synthesis: Action involves theuse of enzymes for reproduction that
are not found in humancells.

D. Need to be administered at regular intervals so therapeutic blood levels can be maintained. This will
prevent development of resistant strains oforganisms. An order for QID administration means
giving the drug at 6-hour intervals.

E. Peak and trough levels

1. Blood levels need to be high enough to be high enough to be therapeutic but not so high that
severe toxicity is caused.
2. Peak: Client's blood is drawn 1 hour after IM or 30 minutes
after IV administration.
3. Trough: Client's blood is drawn just before next dose of
antibiotic is given.
F. Superinfection
Infection occurring when client is receiving or has recentlybeen given antibiotic treatment.
Develops when normal bacterial flora are changed by theuse of an antibiotic. Allows growth of
bacteria that areresistant to the antibiotic being used.
Clients more susceptible when placed on broad-spectrumantibiotics.
G. Resistance
Many bacteria have developed resistance to antibiotictherapy.
Ways to prevent resistance
a. use antibiotics only when necessary.
b. Do not use antibiotics to treat viral infections.

A. Case Study
Georgia Dean, a 42-year-old schoolteacher, is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of rule out
appendicitis. Mrs. Dean is taken to the operating room for an appendectomy. The surgeon discovers
that Mrs. Dean's appendix has ruptured. After the surgery, her orders include gentamicin
B. Prototype—Gentamicin (Garamycin)
Action. Acts by suppressing protein synthesis in bacterialcell. Bactericidal.
Use. Serious gram-negative bacterial infections, eye

3. Adverse Effects. Ototoxicity, nephrotoxidty, neuromuscular blockade, hypersensitivity, photosensitivity

with topical preparations.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Cautions use in clients with decreased renalfunction,reduced
b. Monitor hearing and balance.
c. Monitor renal function tests and I&Q.
d. Client needs adequate hydration.
e. Safety precautions if there are vestibular nerveeffects.
f. Monitor drug levels.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Full course of treatment is essential.
b. Report problems with balance or hearing changes.
c. Avoid sunlight.
C. Related Drugs. Amikacin (Amikin), kanamycin (Kantrex), neomycin (neobiotic),
streptomycin.tobramycin (nebcin), netilmicin (netromycin), paromomycin (humatin). Kanamycin
(kanrex) and neomycin (neobiotic) are given orally to prepare the bowel for surgery. Neomycin
(neobiotic) is given to persons in hepatic failure to reduce ammonia levels.

A.Case study
Pat Leonard, age 30, is 1 month postpartum and is nursing her baby. She notices her right breast
has an area that is red, hot, and very firm to the touch. She goes to see her physician where a
diagnosis of cellulites of the right breast is made. The nurse gives her an IM injection of 1 million
units of penicillin G and she is started on a course

B. Prototype—Penicillin G potassium (pentids)

Action. Inhibits cell wall synthesis of microorganisms. Bactericidal. Natural penicillin.
Use. Systemic infections caused by gram-positive cocci; syphilis;prophylaxis for rheumatic fever
and bacterial endocarditis.
Adverse effects. Hypersensitivity reactions; Gl upset; anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
nephritis; potassium poisoning; irritation at injection site.
Nursing Implications
a. Monitor client for allergic reactions. Have emergency equipment available.
b. Clients with questionable serious penicillin allergy may be skin tested.
c. Give oral form on empty stomach.
d. Oral form should be taken with a full glass of water.
e. Monitor CBC,BUN, and creatinine.
f. Probenecid (benemid) may be given to increase blood levels of penicillins.
g. Monitor IV and IM injection sites.
h. IV solutions are stable at room temperature for 24 hours only.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Complete the therapy even if you feel well before the medicine is finished.
b. Oral doses should be taken around the clock.
c. Don't take for other infections.

C. Related Drugs
1. Penicillinase-resistant penicillins
a. used to treat infections caused by penicillinase- producing organisms.
b. Examples; Nafcillin sodium (nafcil.unipen), cloxacitlin (tegapen), dicloxacillin
2. Aminopenicillins
a. Increased effectiveness against gram- negative organisms.
b. Ewamples; Ampicillin (Amcill.Polycillin), amoxicillin trihydrate (amoxil),
bacampicillin (spectrobid)
3. Extended-spectrum penicillins
a. Structurally similar to ampicillin but have an increased spectrum of activity
against gram-negative bacteria.
b. Examples; Carbenicillin sodium (Geocillin), piperacillin sodium
(pipracil),ticarcillin(Ticar), mezlocillin (Mezlin)
Amoxycillin, augmentin,

4. Penicillin/beta-lactamese inhibitor combinations

i. Combination of penicillin with beta- lactamese inhibitor which prevents destruction
of penicillin by enzymes and extends the penicillin's spectrum of
antimicrobial activity,b. Examples Amoxicillin/potassium clavulanate (augmentin), piperaci
Ilin/tazobactam (Zosyn), ampicillin/sublactam (Unasyn),ticarcillin/clavulanate (Timentin)

A. Case study
Mr. Jack Lacy, age 58, had developed a wound infection after abdominal surgery. The Physician
orders cefazolin sodium (Ancef) 1 g IV every 8 hours. Mr. Lacy is also diabetic.
B. Prototype for first-generation Cephalosphorins—Cefazolin sodium (ancef) Note: The
cephalosphorins are divided into four groups or "generations" based on their spectrums of activity.
Action. Inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis. Bactericidal.
Use. Infections caused by gram-positive cocci;septicemia;
bonejoint.and skin infections; prophylactic use in surgery;serious intra-abdominal infection.
Adverse effects: Phlebitis at IVsite;diarrhea,pseudomembranous
colitis; hypersensitivityreactions; fungal overgrowth; discomfort at IM injection
site;nephrotoxicity; hepatotoxicity; bone marrow depression.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Give IM injections deeply into large muscle masses; rotate sites.
b. Assess for history of penicillin allergy as there is a cross allergy between cephalosporins and
c. Dose will be reduced with renal impairment and decreased liver function.
d. Increased risk of renal toxicity if given with other nephrotoxic drugs.
e. Monitor renal, liver function studies , and I&O.
f. Prolonged IV administration can cause thrombophlebitis. Assess and rotate IV
g. Probenecid therapy will increase blood levels of cephalosphorin.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Finish full course of theraphy even if you feel well.
b. Promptly report diarrhea, rash, hives, difficultybreathing, unusual bleeding.
c. Report signs of superinfection.
6. Related Drugs. Cephalexin (keflex), cephalothin sodium (keflin), cephapirin sodium
(cefadyl), cepharadine (velosef). of penicillin V potassium (pen vee K) 500 mg PO every 6 hours for
10 days.

D. Prototype for third-generation cephalosporins—cefotaxime (Clarofan)

Action. See action for cefazolin sodium (ancef).
Use. Serious infections caused by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria; meningitis,
especially in neonates;uncomplicated gonorrhea.
Adverse effects. See adverse effects for cefazolin sodium(ancef).
Nursing Implications
a. Do not mix with aminoglycoside solutions. Givethese drugs separately.
b. Protect IV solutions from light. See NursingImplications and discharge teaching
for cefazolinsodium (Ancef).
5. Related Drugs. Ceftazidime (fortaz),ceftizomine sodium (cefizox), ceftriaxone
sodium (Rocephin), cefdinir (omnicef), cefixime (suprax), cefoperazone
(Cefobid), cefotaxime (clarofan), cefpodoxime (Vantin), ceftibuten (cedax).

E. Prototype for Fourth-generation Cephalosporins—cefepine (Maxipine).

Action. See action for cefazolin sodium (Ancef)-
Use. Urinary tract infections caused by E. coli or Klebsiella;skin infections caused by S. aureus;
pneumonia caused bystreptococcus pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa
Advance Effects. See adverse effects for cefazolin sodium(Ancef).
Nursing Implications. Have Vitamin K available ifhypoprothrombinemia develops. See
nursing implicationsand discharge Teaching for cefazolin sodium (spectrcef).

A. Case Study
Bruce Arthur, age 35, is outside working on his yard when he is stung on the arm by a bee. He is
unable to remove the stinger. Two days after this episode, his arm is swollen, red, and hot to the
touch in the area of the sting. He goes to the emergency room where the physician diagnoses Mr.
Arthur with a staph infection of the skin and starts him on E-Mycin 500 mg PO every 6 hours for 10

B. Prototype—Erythromycin Base (E-Mycin)

Action. Inhibits protein synthesis in bacterial cell.
Bacteriostatic. Has broad spectrum of activity.
Use. Person's allergicm to penicillin; Legionnaire'sdisease; mycoplasma pneumonia;
intestinal dysentericamebiasis; acne; staphylococcal and streptococcalinfections.
Adverse Effects. Gastrointestinal irritation, reversiblehearing loss, hepatitis, allergic reactions,
Nursing Implications
a. Do not crush enteric-coated tablet.
b. Take on empty stomach with a full glass of water.
c. Do not give with acids.
d. Monitor liver function tests.
e. Gl symptoms are dose related.
f. Give IM deeply into a large muscle mass
g. IV must be diluted sufficiently and administeredslowly to avoid venous irritation and
C. Related Drugs. Erythromycin gluceptate (llotycin), erythromycin stearate, azithromycin (Zithromax),
clarithromycin (Biaxin), dirithromycin,(Dynabac).

A. Case Study
John Hess, a 17-year-old high school senior, has severe acne vulgaris. An appointment is made with
the dermatologist and John is started on tetracycline therapy.
B. Prototype—Tetracycline Hydrochloride (AchromycinV)
Action. Broad-spectrum drug with bacteriostatic actionand, at higher doses, bactericidal action. Inhibits
bacterialwall synthesis. Reduces free fatty acids from triglyceridesthus reducing acne lesions.
Use. Chlamydia, mycoplasma, rickettsia, acne vulgaris,gonorrhea, spirochetes.
Adverse Effects. Headache, dizziness;neutropenia;nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis, abdominal
cramping:hepatotoxicity;photosensitivity; superinfections; chelatingto teeth and new bone.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Avoid use during pregnancy, in nursing women, and in children under age 8 as drug binds to
calcium in teeth and new bone growth, which results in tooth discoloration of permanent
teeth and retailed bone growth.
b. Give deep IM.
c. Monitor CBC and signs of liver toxicity.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Take one hour before or two hours after meals and avoid taking with dairy
products,antacids,vitamins,and minerals.
b. Avoid the sun while taking drug and for a few days after therapy is terminated.
c. Use meticulous hygiene to reduce superinfections.
d. Compete prescribed course.
C. Related Drugs
Doxycycline (vibramycin): Can be administered with food safe to use in ckients with renal
Minocycline (minocin): can be taken with food. Dizziness and fatigue may occur.
Demeclocycline (Declomycin): Administer on an empty stomach. Foods high in calcium and iron
interfere with absorption.
oxytetracycline (Terramycin); Administer on an ampty stomach. Food disrupts extent and rate of

A. Case Study
Larry Leonard, age 18 months, has developed Haemophilus influenza meningitis and has been
admitted to the hospital. The pediatrician orders IV chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin).
B. Prototype—chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin)
Action. A synthetic broad-spectrum agent. Primarilybacteriostatic but is bactericidal in higher
doses. Inhibitsprotein synthesis.
Use. Haemophilus influenzae meningitis, rickettsia,salmonella
typhi,mycoplasma,bacteroides,typhoid fever.Note: Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin)
used only insevere adverse effect of aplastic anemia.

A. Case Study
Mr.Jerry Logan, a 45 years-old chiken farmer, has complained of fever, cough, and
lymphadenopathy. Mr. Logan is admitted to the hospital with diagnosis of histoplasmosis and
started on IV amphotericin B (Fungizone) therapy.
B. Prototype-Amphoteticin B (Fungizone)
Action. Fungicidal of fungistatic. Alters the fungal cellmembrane permeanibility by binding to sterols.
Clients mustbe monitored due to many toxic effects.
Use. Candida infections,histoplasmosis, coccidiomycoses,blastomycosis, cryptococcoses.
Adverse Effects. Febrile reactions, nausea, vomiting;nephrotoxicity,hypokalemia, azotmia;
thrombophlebitis;hypertension, tachycadia, or cardiovascular collapse withrapid infusion; blood
dyscarsia; hypersensitivity

4. Nursing Implications
a. Monitor CBC, BUN, creatinine, electrolytes.
b. Administers analgesics, antihistamines, prior toinfusion to minimize febrile reactions.
c. Infuse drug slowly
d. Monitor VS frequently.
e. Monitor I&O.
f. Administers potassium supplements.
g. Do not mix with other drugs.
C. Related Drugs
Nystatin (Mycostatin). Used to treat Candida infections.
Griseofulvin (Grisactin). Used to treat ringworm infections.Adverse effects; headaches, blood
dyscarias, Gl upset, rashfrom sunlight. Give on full stomach. Clients allergic topenicillin
should use this drug with caution.
Fluconazole (Diflucan). Used to treat Candida infections andcryptococcal meningitis.
Ketoconazole (Nizoral). Used to treat systemic fungalinfections.
5. Terbinafire (Lamisil). Used to treat onychomycosis.

A. Case Study
Mrs Schwartz brings her 4-year old son, Andy, to the peditrician because he has lost weight, is quite
irritable, and has perianal pruritus that causes continuous scratching. A lab test confirms confirms
the diagnosis of enterobiasis (pinworm infection). The peditrician orders mebendazole (Vermox)
100mg PO as single dose.
B. Prototype
C. Related Drugs. Norfloxacin (Noroxin), gatifloxacin (Tequin), levoflaxacin (Levaquin), lomefloxacin
(Maxaquin), moxifloxacin (Avelox), sparfloxacin (Zagam), trovaflaxacin (Trevan)

A. Case Study
Maureen Gilbert, age 31, has been diagnosed as having pulmonary tuberculosis. Her physician
prescribes the following drug therapy; Isonized (INH) 300 mg PO daily; rifampin (Rimactane) 600
mg PO daily; pyridoxine (vitamin b6) 10 mg PO daily.
B. Prototype-lsionazid (INH)
Action. Bacteriostatic and in high concentrations becomesbactericidal mechanism of action
not known but is believed tointerfere with lipid and nucleic acid biosynthesis in tubercule
bacillithat are actively growing.
Use. Initial treatment of tuberculosis; prophylactic treatment oftuberculosis in high risk groups.
Adverse Effects. Peripheral neuritis; jaundice, elevation in liverfunction tests; nausea, vomiting
blood dyscarias.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Assess neuromuscular function and give pyridoxine(vitamin b6)to traet and/or prevent
b. Regularly scheduled baseline liver function studies.
c. Monitor for hepatic dysfunction.
d. Take drug on empty stomach in a single daily dose.
e. Give drug with meals and divide daily dose into 3 equalparts if Gl upset occurs.
f. Asses for bruising, bleeding, fever, sorethroat
g. Monitor CBC
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Tyramine- containing foods may cause hypertensivecrises, so should be avoided.
b. Avoid histamine-containing foods as may cause anexaggerated drug response.
c. Avoid use of alcohol
d. May cause of feeling of euphoria. Plan test periods anddon't overdo.
e. Drug therapy must not be interrupted and must becontinued for prescribed time.
C. Related Drugs. See Table 2-22

A. Case Study
Mrs. Nancy Stewart is a 58-year old executive secretary who has had a history of recurring venous
statis ulcers. Currently the ulcer on her right ankle has become infected. A culture, and sensitivity
reveals staphylococcal infection. Mrs. Stewart is resistant to other antibiotics and is admitted to
the hospital for IV vancomycin therapy.

B. Prototype-Vancomycin Hydrochloride (Vancocin)

Action. Interferes with cell membrane synthesis and exhibitsa bactericidal and bacteriostatic
Use. Staphyloccoccus infections, pseudomembranouscolitis, gram- positive organisms,
Penicillin and methicilinresistant bacteria.
Adverse Effects, Ototoxicity.nephrotoxicity, hypersensitivity,thrombophlebitis, red-neck
syndrpme (flushing andhypertension from rapid Iv ingusion), superinfections.
Nursing Implications.
A. Monitor I&O
B. Obtain and monitor renal and auditory function tests.
C. Administer IV slowly to prevent phlebitis, extravasation, red neck
D. Do not swim.

A. Case Study
Mrs.Anne Blake is a 34-year old nurse who has developed a UTI. A urine culture and sensitivity
indicates that Mrs. Blake has a pseudomonas infection. She is treated with ciprofloxacin.
B. Prototype-Ciproflaxacin (Cipro)
Action. Inhibits DNA-gyase (an enzyme needed for replication ofbacterial DNA); Bacteridical
Use. Pseudomanas infections, gram-negative urinary tractinfections or gram negative
systematic infections.
Adverse Infections. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence;headache; tremors, confusion,
dizziness, insomia, fever;rsh;elevated BUN, decreased WBC, hemotocrit.
Nursing Implications.
a. administers with a large glass of water to preventcrystalluriaA
b. Do not give with antacids.
c. Give two hours after meals.
A. Case Study
John Hess, a 17-year-old high school senior, has severe acne vulgaris. An appointment is made with
the dermatologist and John is started on tetracycline therapy.
B. Prototype—Tetracycline Hydrochloride (AchromycinV)
Action. Broad-spectrum drug with bacteriostatic actionand, at higher doses, bactericidal action. Inhibits
bacterialwall synthesis. Reduces free fatty acids from triglyceridesthus reducing acne lesions.
Use. Chlamydia, mycoplasma, rickettsia, acne vulgaris,gonorrhea, spirochetes.
Adverse Effects. Headache, dizziness;neutropenia;nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis, abdominal
cramping:hepatotoxicity;photosensitivity; superinfections; chelatingto teeth and new bone.

G. Prototype for second-generation Cephalosporins—Cefoxitin sodium (Mefoxin)

Action. See action for cefazolin sodium (Ancef)-
Use. Infections caused by gram-negative and gram-positivebacteria; septicemia; pelvic, skin, and soft-
tissue infections;prophylaxis in abdominal or pelvic surgery; gonorrhea.
Adverse Effects. See adverse effects for cefazolin sodium(Ancef).
Nursing Implications. Lidocaine used as diluent for IMinjection. See nursing Implications and
discharge teachingfor cefazolin sodium (Ancef).
Related Drugs. Cefaclor (ceclor), cefamandole naftate(mandol), cefuroxime sodium (ceftin),
cefmetazole(zefazone), cefonicid (monocid), cefotetan (cefotan),cefproxil (cefzil), loracarbef

E. Prototype for Fourth-generation Cephalosporins—cefepine (Maxipine).

Action. See action for cefazolin sodium (Ancef)-
Use. Urinary tract infections caused by E. coli or Klebsiella;skin infections caused by S. aureus;
pneumonia caused bystreptococcus pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa
Advance Effects. See adverse effects for cefazolin sodium(Ancef).
Nursing Implications. Have Vitamin K available ifhypoprothrombinemia develops. See
nursing implicationsand discharge Teaching for cefazolin sodium (spectrcef).

4. Nursing Implications
a. Give IM injections deeply into large muscle masses; rotate sites.
b. Assess for history of penicillin allergy as there is a cross allergy between cephalosporins and
c. Dose will be reduced with renal impairment and decreased liver function.
d. Increased risk of renal toxicity if given with other nephrotoxic drugs.
e. Monitor renal, liver function studies , and I&O.
f. Prolonged IV administration can cause thrombophlebitis. Assess and rotate IV
g. Probenecid therapy will increase blood levels of cephalosphorin.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Finish full course of theraphy even if you feel well.
b. Promptly report diarrhea, rash, hives, difficultybreathing, unusual bleeding.
c. Report signs of superinfection.
6. Related Drugs. Cephalexin (keflex), cephalothin sodium (keflin), cephapirin sodium
(cefadyl), cepharadine (velosef). of penicillin V potassium (pen vee K) 500 mg PO every 6 hours for
10 days.

B. Prototype—Penicillin G potassium (pentids)

Action. Inhibits cell wall synthesis of microorganisms. Bactericidal. Natural penicillin.
Use. Systemic infections caused by gram-positive cocci; syphilis;prophylaxis for rheumatic fever
and bacterial endocarditis.
Adverse effects. Hypersensitivity reactions; Gl upset; anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
nephritis; potassium poisoning; irritation at injection site.
Nursing Implications
a. Monitor client for allergic reactions. Have emergency equipment available.
b. Clients with questionable serious penicillin allergy may be skin tested.
c. Give oral form on empty stomach.
d. Oral form should be taken with a full glass of water.
e. Monitor CBC,BUN, and creatinine.
f. Probenecid (benemid) may be given to increase blood levels of penicillins.
g. Monitor IV and IM injection sites.
h. IV solutions are stable at room temperature for 24 hours only.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Complete the therapy even if you feel well before the medicine is finished.
b. Oral doses should be taken around the clock.
c. Don't take for other infections.

C. Related Drugs
1. Penicillinase-resistant penicillins
a. used to treat infections caused by penicillinase- producing organisms.
b. Examples; Nafcillin sodium (nafcil.unipen), cloxacitlin (tegapen), dicloxacillin
2. Aminopenicillins
a. Increased effectiveness against gram- negative organisms.
b. Ewamples; Ampicillin (Amcill.Polycillin), amoxicillin trihydrate (amoxil),
bacampicillin (spectrobid)
3. Extended-spectrum penicillins
a. Structurally similar to ampicillin but have an increased spectrum of activity
against gram-negative bacteria.
b. Examples; Carbenicillin sodium (Geocillin), piperacillin sodium
(pipracil),ticarcillin(Ticar), mezlocillin (Mezlin)
3. Streptogramins—antibiotics to treat resistant strains of bacteria. Used to treat vancomycin
resistant enterococcus (VRE) and methicillin resistant S. aureas (MRSA).
a. Quinupristin /dalfoprostin (Synercid)
b, Linezolid (Zyvox)

A. Case Study
Chris Pinto, 37, goes to the physician with complaints of urinary frequency, urgency, and burning on
urination for two days. A clean-catch urine spicemen for culture and sensitivity is obtained. Mrs.
Pinto is allergic to sulfonamides. The physician orders nitrofurantion (Macrodantin) 50 mg QID for
10 days.
B. Prototype
Urinary anti-infectives are structurally different so there will be no prototype drug identified.
See table 2-21
C. Related Drugs
Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) used in treatment of ulcerative colitis,Contains aspirin, so is
contraindicated in clients allergic tosalicylates.
Sulfamethorazole. (Gantanol) can be given in combination withthrimethoprin (Prolopron) as Septra
or Bactrim. Used in treatingurinary tract infections, bronchitis, and pneumocystis


A. Case Study
Mr. Stan Clark is a 40-year-old recently divorced business executive who likes to "live on the edge ."
His history is remarkable in that he smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day; drinks 6 cups of coffee per
day, and drinks 3 scotches every night to "unwind." He currently taking 800 mg of motrin
(Ibuprofen) TID for a recent knee injury. One week into his motrin (Ibuprofen) theraphy, Mr. Clark
complains of severe burning epigastric pain in early morning. The burning sensation is somewhat
relieved after eating, but after 2 days of discomfort, Mr. Clark sees his internist. An endoscopy is
ordered and reveals a duodenal ulcer. Medication ordered: crimetedine (Tagamet) 300 mg QID, with
meals and at bedtime for 4 weeks.

B. Prototype- Cimitidine (Tagamet)

Action. Decrease stomach acidity by impeding the action ofhistamine. Competes with histamine
for occupancy of histamine(H2) receptor sites on the parietal cells in the stomach
andsuppresses the release of gastric acid.
Use. Short-term treatment of active duodenal ulcer and benigngastric ulcer; decrease dose after
ulcer has healed to inhibitreappearance; pathologic hypersecretory conditions,
e.g.,Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Adverse Effects. Diarrhea, muscle pain, rash; CNS effects ofdizziness, confusion, drowsiness,
headache, changes in liverfunction studies; agranulocytosis and neutropenia;

4. Nursing Implications
a. Oral form should be taken with meals.
b. Antacids decrease absorption; give antacid one hourbefore or after administration.
c. Usual course of treatment for ulcer disease is 4-6 weeks.
d. Many drug interactions.
e. Watch for CNS changes particularly in the eldelyas aconfusion is a major toxic effect.
f. Use cautiously with clients who have impaired renal arhepatic function.
g. Monitor CBC and liver function studies.
5. Discharge Teaching. Smoking decreases effectiveness ofcimetidine.
6. Related drugs. See table 2-17.
C. Proton Pump Inhibitors
1. Prototype-Omeprazole (Prilosec)

Use to decrease gastric acid concentration in peptic ulcer and GERD

Do not chew crush or open tablet
Omeprazole, pantoprazole and nexium are examples of this drug

A. Case Study
Mrs. Laurie Lopez is a 60-year-old homemaker who was
recently diagnoses as having a hiatal hernia. Her chief
complaint was heartburn after meals. The physician ordered
an upper gastrointestinal series and a subsequent diagnosis
was made.
Orders include Maalox 30 ml one hour pc and hs and prn for
heartburn; high protein, low-fat diet with a small frequent
meals, no caffeine, chocolate, or alcohol; rest in a supine
position 2-3 hours after eating and no heavy lifting.

A. Case Study
Jeff Allyn, a college freshman, for five days has had nasal discharge, malaise, headache, and
nonproductive cough. The student health physician orders guaifenesin (Robitussin) for Jeff.
B. Expectorants
1. Expectorants reduce the viscosity of bronchial secretions, which allows for their removal from
the lungs. They are used in the management of cough associated with the common cold and
in the treatment of bronchitis.

Guaiefenesin (Robitussin): can be given to adults and children. It increases the respiratory tract
fluid thus reducing viscosity of secretions. It is the most frequently used OTC expectorant
medication. Client should betold to increase fluid intake and add humidification. A
common adverse effect is gastric upset, which is caused by its stimulatory effect on gastric

Terpin Hydrate Elixir: directly stimulates the bronchial secretory glands. Is often used as a vehicle
for other cough medifications. Terpin hydrate has a high alcohol content and shouldn't be
given to alcoholics. Also shouldn'tbe given to children under 12 years.

C. Antitussives
1. Antitussives are given to reduce the force and amount of coughing. They can act centrally by
suppressing the cough center in the brain or peripherally to reduce the susceptibility of
irritant receptors to activity. Some antitussives contain narcotics. The antitussives are given
for the symptomatic relief of nonproductive cough.

2. Dextromethorphan (Benylin DM, Pertussin): This is the most frequently used non-narcotic
antitussive. Because of its safety record, it is used for children as well as adults. Common
adverse effect are dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea. It shouldn't be given to clients receiving
MAO inhibitors.
1. Codeine: Die to its addicting capabilities, it should be given in the smallest dose possible to
decrease adverse effects and tolerance. The client needs to be watched for signs of
dependency. Common adverse effects are nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Encourage
clients to increase fluid intake and take a laxative if constipation occurs. Provide for
client safety due to codeine's sedative effects. If the client is taking other CNS depressants
with codeine there is an increased chance of CNS effects. Respiratory depression occurs
at high doses. Observe respiratory rate and use cautiously in clients with asthma or
attack. There are a few classes of drugs that contain Antihistamines properties. Sedation is
the most common adverse effect of Antihistamines. Paradoxical excitation ha been seen
in children taking these drugs, and symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, sedation,
and hypotension are seen in the elderly. There are also anticholinergic effect from
Antihistamines, which include dry nose, mouth, and throat; urinary retention;
constipation; tachycardia; and blurred vision.
2.Chlorpheniramine maleate (Chlor-Trimeton): given PO. IM. SC, and IV. Available in a
sustained-release form. There are increased depressant effect if taken with alcohol or
other CNS depressants. Give oral forms with food if Gl upset occurs.

3.Diphenhydramine HCI (Benadryl): given PO, IM, and IV, IM should be given deeply in a
large muscle mass. Hypersensitivity reactions occur more with parenteral administration
than with PO. Related drugs: Clemastine (Tavist) and dimenhydrinate (Dramamine).

4.Promethazine HCI (Phenergan); given PO, IM, rectally, and IV. Can be taken with food.
Oral administration for allergy usually given before meals (ac) or at bedtime (hs) as a
single dose. Monitor respiratory function especially in children as drug can suppress
cough reflex and thicken bronchial secretions.Can cause photosensitivity.

5.Second generation non-sadating antihistamines. a.Desloratadine (Clarinex) b.Fexofenadine

(Allegra) c.Cetirizine (Zyrtec)

A. Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
Action. Reduces the viscosity of mucus in the bronchial tree.
Use. Cystic fibrosis; acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases such as pneumonia,
bronchitis, and emphysema;acetylcysteine is the antidote for acetaminophen
(Tylenol) overdose.
Adverse Effects. May cause bronchospasm in asthmatic clients and should be discontinued;
stomatitis, nausea, vomiting.
Nursing Implications
a. Suction equipment should be readilyavailable.
b. Has a foul odor of "rotten eggs."
c. Should rinse mouth after treatment.
f. Avoid mixing with other medications as it is incompatible with many medications.
2. Theo-dur
3. Slow-Bid
4. Quibron-T
5. Elixophylline
All of the above are derivatives of theophylline. Note: they are
less potent than theophylline and dosage adjustments may be
D. Prototype-Anthiasthmatic (Cromolyn Sodium [Intal, Nasalcrom])
Action. Acts on lung mucosa to prevent histaminerelease. Classified as a mast cell stabilizer.
Use. Prophylactically to reduce the number ofasthmatic of acute asthmatic attacks; to treat
allergicrhinitis; opthalmically to treat allergic disorders.
Adverse Effects. Bronchoconstriction; cough; nasalcongestion; rash.

4. Discharge Teaching
a. Proper use of inhaler:
With spinhaler place capsule in containerand exhale fully.
Palce mouthpiece between lips.
Tilt head back.
Inhale deeply and rapidly to cause thepropeller to turn.
Remove the inhaler.
Hold breath a few seconds.
Slowly exhale.
b. Capsules should not be swallowed or opened.
c. Rinsing or gargling may reduce irritation in themouth.
d. Discontinue use if an allergic reaction occurs.
D. Leukotriene Inhibitors: Zileuton (Zyflo), zafirlukast (Accolate), and montelukast (Singulair), used to
prevent asthma attacks.

1. Antihistamines reduce histamine activity by blocking histamine receptor sites. They act within 15-30
minutes after administration but are eliminated slowly from the body. Antihistamines are used to
suppress symptoms of histamine release in allergy. Other uses of Antihistamines includes rhinitis,
colds, motion sickness, vertigo, Parkinson's disease, and as a sleep aid. It is important to remember to
administer any antihistamine before an allergy attack to prevent histamine from occupying receptor
sites and thus decreasing the severity of the

A. Case Study
Chris Pinto, 37, goes to the physician with complaints of urinary frequency, urgency, and burning on
urination for two days. A clean-catch urine spicemen for culture and sensitivity is obtained. Mrs.
Pinto is allergic to sulfonamides. The physician orders nitrofurantion (Macrodantin) 50 mg QID for
10 days.
B. Prototype
Urinary anti-infectives are structurally different so there will be no prototype drug identified.
See table 2-21
C. Related Drugs
Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) used in treatment of ulcerative colitis,Contains aspirin, so is
contraindicated in clients allergic tosalicylates.
Sulfamethorazole. (Gantanol) can be given in combination withthrimethoprin (Prolopron) as Septra
or Bactrim. Used in treatingurinary tract infections, bronchitis, and pneumocystis

A. Case Study
Lindsey Bennett, age 3, is taken to the pediatrician for a recheck of her ears following a case of
acute otitis media. This was her third ear infection in four months. Mrs. Bennett asks the
pediatrician if anything can be done for Lindsey so she won't have so many ear infections. The
pediatrician prescribes sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin) for Lindsey.

B. Prototype- Sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin)

Action. Prevents conversion of paraminobenzoic acid (PABA) tofolic acid, which is required for
bacterial growth. Effects are usuallybacteriostatic but can be bactericidal in high urinary
Use. Urinary tract infections, otitis media , nocardiosis (occurs inthe lungs and spreads to skin,
brain and other areas), systemicinfections, vaginitis superficial eye infections.
Adverse Effects Hypersensitivity ; Stevens-Johnson syndrome(acute onset of fever, bullae on skin
and ulcers on mucousmembranes of lips, eyes, mouth, nasal passages and
genitalia.Pneumonia, joint pain and prostration are also seen); fever 7-10days after starting
therapy may indicate sensitization or hemolyticanemia; renal dysfunction ; hematologic
reaction; Gl reaction;photosensitivity.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Give oral form on empty stomach with full glass of water.
b. Observe skin for presence of rash, ulcers.
c. Monitor temperatureA
d. Monitor I&O; force fluids; check urine pH; cautious use inclients with renal
dysfunction ; monitor renal function tests.
e. Monitor CBC.
5. Discharge Teaching
a. Avoid direct sunlight.
b. Complete full course of treatment.
c. Diabetics who take oral hypoglycemic agents need to beaware of increased chance of
hypoglycemic reactions withuse of sulfonamides.
d. Oral contraceptives may be unreliable while client isreceiving sulfonamides. Alternate
method of contraceptionshould be used.
A. Case Study
Mrs. Isabelle Sherwood is an 85-year-old widow who lives with her daughter. Mrs. Sherwood is very
concerned about her bowel movement every day she will become constipated. Her daily routine
consists of eating one bowl of 100% bran and one 8-ounce glass of prune juice. If she doesn't have a
bowel movement after breakfast each morning, she takes one dose of Ex-Lax. On this particular day,
Mrs. Sherwood took an additional dose of Ex-Lax. During that evening she developed diarrhea and
after her sixth stool, she fainted. Her daughter found her on the floor and immediately called an
ambulance, which took Mrs. Sherwood to the local emergency room.

B. Prototype
Used to promote movement of faces through the bowel. Usually given toprepare clients for
diagnostic; test and/or surgery, to prevent straining duringdefecation, and to prevent or
treat constipation. There are five categories oflaxatives based on their different actions.
There is no prototype drug for thisgroup.
Saline cathartics attract and hold large amounts of fluids therebyincreasing the bulk of stools.
The nurse needs to encourage fluid intake toprevent dehydration.
Bulk-forming laxatives increase the bulk of the feces by stimulatingmechanical peristalsis and are
considered the safest of all the laxative groups.
Lunricant laxatives coat the feces with an oil film and prevent the colonfrom reabsorbing water
from the feces.

Stool softeners prevent straining during defecation and prevent constipation by decreasing
surface tensions of feces.
stimulant laxatives stimulate peristaltis.
should not be given to clients with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, symptoms of
appendicitis, or intestinal obstruction.
Used for week or less to prevent rebound constipation and dependence.

A. Case Study
Mrs. Lucy Pike is a 75- year-old widow who enjoys dining out nightly. One evening after eating a
Ceasar salad and roast turkey, Mrs. Pike developed severe abdominal cramping, distention, and
frequent watery diarrhea. For 4 days Mrs. Pike used home remedies to treat the diarrhea,
including yogurt and Pepto-Bismol. On the fifth day Mrs. Pike's daughter finds her in bed.

A. Case Study
John Adams, a 75-year old male, is at the opthalmologist's office for a routine eye check-up. The
nurse instills 2 drops of 0.5 % solution of atropine (Isopto-Atropine) in each eye (OU) to dilate the
pupils, paralyze the eye muscles, and facilitate the eye examination. The examination reveals bilateral
cataracts, and Mr. Adams is scheduled for surgery in one month.
B. Prototype- Atropine (Isopto Atropine)
Action. An anticholinergic that causes mydriasis (dilation) of the pupiland cycloplegia, which
paralyzes the lens and eye muscles.
Use. Facilitate eye exams and treat uveitis.
Adverse Effects. Photophobia , reduced lacrimation, impaired distantvision , increased intraocular
pressure, eye pain, blurred vision.
Nursing Implications
a. Sunglasses to reduce photophobia.
b. Artificial tears for reduced lacrimation.
c. Elderly clients should be screened prior to receiving atropine-can increase intraocular
d. Should not drive until drug effects have worn off.
C. Related Drugs
1. Sympathomimetic agents:
a. Apraclonidine (lopidine)
b. Dipivefrin (Propine)
2. Cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl)

A. Case Study
Mrs. Matha Fuller, a 67 -year old retired registered nurse, goes to the eye doctor with a complaint of
reduced peripheral vision. After a thorough eye examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis of open
-angle glaucoma. Mrs. Fuller is prescribed pilocarpine eye drops.
B. Prototype- Acetylcholine (Miochol)
Action. A cholinergic drug that causes miosis (contraction) of the pupiland contraction of the ciliary
muscle in the eye.
Use. Decreases intraocular pressure in glaucoma and achieves miosisin cataract surgery.
Adverse Effects. Low toxicity after systemic absorption; transienthypotension, decreased heart
rate; bronchospasm; flushing, sweating.
Nursing Implications
a. Reconstitute just before use due to instability of solution.
b. Systemic reactions treated with intravenous atropine.

C. Related Drugs
Carbachol (Isopto Carbachol) : Tell client of brief stinging in eye afteruse; symptoms of eye and
brow pain, photophobia, and blurred visionwill usually be lessened with prolonged use.
Echothiophate ( Phospholine Iodine); Solutions are unstable , clientmust wash hands before use.
Pilocarpine (Pilocar, Isopto Carpine): Causes blurred vision andfocusing difficulty. Client needs
to understand that glaucoma treatmentis long and needs adherence to prevent blindness;
eyedropper tipshould not be contaminated; clients with asthma and lung disordersshould
be observed for respiratory difficulties.
Physostigmine (Isopto Eserine)
a. Beta blockers:
Betaxolol ( Beoptic)
Timolol (Timoptic)
b. Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors (CAIs):Indicated for treatment of glaucoma.
Acetazolamide (Diamox)
Dorzolamide (Trusopt)

A. Case Study
Mike Small, age 38, returns to the clinic for a second visit. At his first visit, the doctor diagnosed
MR. Small with Type lla hyperlipoproteinemia and advised him to decrease cholesterol and
triglycerides in his diet and increase exercise. Even though Mr. Small has carried out these
instructions, his cholesterols and triglyceride levels remain elevated. The physician prescribes
cholestyramine (Questran)

B. Prototype - Cholestyramine (Questar)

Action. Prevents the metabolism of cholesterol in the body.
Use. Type lla hyperlipoproteinemia; pruritus caused by partial biliaryobstruction.
Adverse Effects. Constipation, nausea, and vomiting; deficiencies infat-soluble vitamins A,D,K;
rash and skin irritation; osteoporosis;headache, dizziness, syncope; arthritis; fever.
Nursing Implications
a. Monitor cholesterol and serum triglycerides levels.
b. Assess preexisting constipation problems.
c. Long-term use increases bleeding tendencies: oral vitamin K maybe given

5. Discharge Teaching
a. Take with water or preferred liquid and dissolve.
b. Take before meals.
c. Eat a high-bulk diet low in cholesterol and saturated fats withincreased fluids.
d. Do not omit doses or change dose intervals.
e. Do not take cholestyramine (Questran) at the same time as othermedications as there will be
interference with absorption.
f. Encourage exercise and weight loss.
g. Give for several months or years if it is effective.
C. Related Drugs
Colestipol (Colestid) is similar in action, use, adverse effects, andnursing implications to
cholestyramine (Questam).
Reductase inhibitors: Atorvastatin (Lipitor), Fluvastatin (Lescol),lovastatin (Mevacor),
Simvastatins which will decrease cholesterol and use to treat hypercholesterymia type IIa IIb.
Gemfibrozil – decreases tryglycerides and increase HDL.
Niacin – vitamin B12 reduces liver synthesis and reduces cholesterol

A. Case Study
Mr. Doug Manning, age 45, arrives at the emergency room with severe, crushing chest pain. A 12-lead
electrocardiogram reveals acute anterior wall Ml. Mr. Manning is given streptokinase (Streptase)
B. Prototype - Streptokinase (Streptase)
Action. Transforms plasminogen to plasmin which degrades fibrinogen,fibrin clots, and other
plasma proteins.
Use. Pulmonary emboli; coronary artery thrombosis; deep venousthrombosis; arteriovenous
cannula occlusion.
Adverse ^Effects. Bleeding; allergic reaction; arrhythmias.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Start therapy as soon as possible after thrombus appears asthrombi older than 7 days react
poorly to streptokinase.
b. When used in treatment of an acute Ml, start therapy within 6hours of attack.
c. Heparin is discontinued before streptokinase is satarted.
d. Corticosteroids can be given to decrease allergic reaction.
e. Reconstitute streptokinase with normal saline (preferred solution)or 5% dextrose solution.
f. IM injections are contraindicated.
g. Monitor blood coagulation studies and VS.h. Maintain bed rest while receiving drug.
i. Monitor for excessive bleeding every 15 minutes for the first hour of treatment, every 30 minutes
for second to eighth hours, then every 8 hours.
j. Keep whole blood available.
k. Amino caproic acid is the antidote for streptokinase.

C. Related drugs:
Ateplase (activase ), Anistreplase (Eminase ), Reteplase (Retavase ),

A. Case Study
Mr. Steve Miller, age 52, is admitted to the medical/surgical unit for treatment of acute
thrombophlebitis of left calf. An initial dose of 5000 units of heparin is given intravenously and he is
started on an IV infusion of 1000 units of heparin per hour. On the fourth day of hospitalization. Mr.
Miller is started on warfarin sodium (Coumadin) in conjunction with heparin. Mr. Miller will be
discharged in three days.
B. Prototype
Anticoagulants hinder one or more steps of the coagulation process. They do not dissolve existing
blood clots but prevent further coagulation from occurring.
C. Related Drugs - Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH)
Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
Dalteprin (Fragmin)
Action. Enzymatically removes part of heparin molecule, making asmaller, more accurate heparin.
site ; transient burning with topical use.
Nursing Implication

4. Use. Prophylaxis in deep venous thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonaryembolism (PE) especially after
hip/knee or abdominal surgery.
5. Adverse effects. Bleeding, anemia, and thrombocytopenia.
Nursing Implications. Assess and monitor for symptoms ofbleeding. Special monitoring of
bleeding times not necessary.Antidote: protamine sulfate.
7. Sotalol (Betapase): Class III antidysrhythmic, generally used to treat life-threathening ventricular
dysrhythmias, i.e., ventricular tachycardia.

Blocks convention of prothrombin To thrombin and fibrinogen to fibrin. Immediate action.
a. Prophylaxis and treatment of thrombosis and embolism.
b. Anticoagulation for vascular and cardiac surgery
c. Prevention of clotting in heparin lock sets, blood samples, andduring dialysis.
d. treatment of dessiminated intravascular clotting syndrome (DIC).
e. Adjunctive treatment of coronary occlusion with acute Ml.
SC (deep intrafat): initially, 10,000-20,000 units, then 8,000-10,000 units every 8 hours Or 15,000-20,000
units every 12 hours or as determined by coagulation test results. Intermittent IV injection: 10,000
Units initially followed by 5,000-10,000 units every 6 hours. Continous IV infusion: inject 5,000 units
initially followed by infusing 1,000 units per hour.
IV: Initially 50 uints per kiligram. Maintenance:50-100 units per kilogram IV drip every 4 hours.
Adverse Effects:
a. Hemorrhage, bruising,thrombocytopenia
b. Alopecia
c. Osteoporosis
d. Suppression of renal functionwith long-term high-dose use.
e. Allergic reactions: fever, chills,urticaria, bronvhospasm.
f. Elevated AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT).
Antidote: Protamine Sulfate Laboratory test used to monitor therapy: Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Nursing Implications: *Read label carefully as drug is supplied in differing sthrengths. *Do not give
*Subcutaneous injection: given in fatty layer of abdomen or just above iliac crest; use 25-26 gauge 14-5/8-
inch needle; change needle after

drawing heparin into syringe; do not inject within 2 Inches of umbilicus, scars, or bruises; do not aspirate;
apply pressure to injection site for 5-10 seconds after injection; do not massage injection site; rotate
injection sites and keep a record of this.
Continuous IV infusion should be given via IV volume control device.
•observe needle sites daily for signs of hematoma. •Monitor PTT and other coagulation tests. *Test stool
for occult blood daily. *Have antidote protamine sulfate available. •Monitor VS. •Report: hematuria,
bloody stools,

. Atropine Sulfate
a. Blocks vagal stimulation of the SA node in the heart, thus increasing heart rate. Acts
systemically to block cholinergic activity throughout the body.
b. Cardiac uses: Treatment of sinus bradycardia or asystole; management of symptomatic
sinus bradycardia; diagnosis of sinus node dysfunction.
c. Adverse effects are related to blocking of cholinergic activity in the body.

2. Isoproteronol (Isuprel)
a. Stimulates beta-1 adrenergic receptors in heart to increase cardiac output. Is also a
b. Cardiac uses: Cardiac standstill; carotid sinus hypersensitivity; Stokes- Adams
syndrome; ventricular arrythmias.
c. Adverse effects: headache, palpitations.dry mouths, flushing, sweating, and bronchial

A. Case Study
Ted neft a 35 year old teacher ,is about to undergo renal transplant surgery.Azathioprine (Imuran) is
started five days before surgery.
B. Prototype- Azathioprine (Imuran)
1. Action. Purine analog and derivate of mercaptopurine thetantagonized purine metabolism
interferes with nucleic acidsynthesis and alters antibody production Immunosuppressantaction
not fully understood.
2. use. Adjunct to prevent rejection of renal transplants severerheumatoid arthiritis.
3. Adverse Effects . hypotension pulmonary edema; hepatotoxicity;nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
stomatitis, anorexia; alopecia;bonemarrow suppression, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia;hypersensitivity pancreatitis, skin rash; secondary infection.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Monitor CBC, liver and kidney function studies Sucralfate (Carafate), I gram PO PID before
meals And at bedtime, She is call her physician in two weeks to let know how she is doing. B.
Protolype—Sucralfate (Carafate)
1 . Action. Reacts with gastric acid to form a substance that adheres to the ulcer sile to
protect the ulcer from bile salts, pepsin, and acid.Thi permis healing.
2. Use. Treatment of duodenal ulcer—short term (up to 8 weeks).
3. Adverse Effects.Diarrhea, constipation: gastric Discomfort; dry mouth; pruritus, rash;
back Pain; dizziness, sleeplessness.
4. Nursing Implications
a. Separate administration from other drugs By 2 hours to decrease chance of
b. Take on an empty stomach.
c. Antacids should not be given within ½ hour before or after sucralfate dose.
5. Related Drug. Misoprostol (Cytotec).
a. Protects stomach lining by increasing Mucus and bicarbonate production and
Inhibiting secretion of gastric acid.
b. Used to prevent NSAID and aspirin-Induced ulcers in clients at high risk
ofComplications from gastric ulcers

A. Case Study
Ms. Gina Leonard is a sexually active 20-year old college junior seen the venereal disease clinic for
genital herpes. Ms. Leonard is started on acyclovir (Zovirax)
B. Prototype- Acyclovir (Zorvirax)
1. Action. Inhibits viral DNA replication. Does notcure herpes infections but decreases the
severity and duration of herpes.
2. Use. Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 initial treatment of genital herpes infection.
3. Adverse effects. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; headaches, vertigo; crystalluria; phlebitis at
6. The fifth group is a group of miscellaneous agents that includes the drug dranabinol (Marinol), which
contains cannabis and trimothebenzamide (Tigan).

A. Case Study
Jonny Lewis is a very active 2 years old who has a tendency to put everthing inti his mouth > one
afternoon jonhhy climbed up onto the kitchen counter and opened a cabinet where his children's
liquid Tylenol was located. He opened the container and swallowed the contents just after Johnny
swallowed the Tylenol his mother saw him with the empty container and some of the Tylenol of his
face. Mrs Lewis immediately called the poison control center and administered syrup of ipocare per

B. Protoype Ipecac Syrup

1. Action. Not fully known but probably stimulates the CTZ and irritates the Gl to induce
vomiting, thus delaying the absorption time of toxic substances . Emesis should occur within
20-30 minutes
2. Use. Stimulate vomiting for clients who have taken toxicdoses of oral medications and poisons.
3. Adverse effects fluid and electrolyte imbalance stimulated and then suppressed nervous system
hypotension persistent vomiting aspiration.

4. Nursing Implications
a. Should not be given after charcoal administrationas it antagonized the effects
b. Administer with water and monitor vital signs.
c. Repeat dose once if vomiting does not occur.
d. If client is less than age 10 only one dose should begiven.
e. Should not be given to semiconscious orunconscious clients or clients having seizures.
f. Should not br given if subtance ingested iscorresive, petroleum based, on cyanide.
g. Teach parents proper use of ipecac at home andfollow up care after use.

A. Case Study
Nancy Pelcher, age 40 married with two children, went on a cruise of the eastern Caribbean for seven
days. She had never been on a cruise ship before but didn't think she would have trouble with motion
sickness. The first night at sea was extremely rough and Nancy felt dizzy and nauseous and vomited
several times. She had packed dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) but didn't take the first dose until well
after her symptoms were quite acute. The next day she took 100 mg of dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
every 6 hours and felt drowsy and sedated; all she did was sleep in her cabin. By the third day of her
trip, she had her "sea-legs" and stopped taking the dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)

B. Prototype
1. To treat and prevent nausea and vomiting (more effective inprevention than treatment). There
are five categories ofantiemetics.

2. The phenothiazines group is primarily used to treat psychoses, butalso acts on the
chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) and vomitingcenter to relieve nausea and vomiting. Most
commoly used asantiometics are prochlorperazine (Compazine) andprochlorperazine
(Compazine) and prounrethazine (Phenergan).Used for treating nansoa and vomiting especially
in pre andpostoperative clients. The msjor adverse effects of thephenothiazines are orthostic
hypotension, anticholinergicsymptoms,cardiac stimulation, and park insomian
movementdisorders also refered to as extrapyramidal effects.

3. The antihistamine drugs block the action of acelycholine in thebrain and alleviate nausea and
vomiting. Antihistamine are quiteefficient in treating and preventing motion sickness.
Commonexamples from thie group are dimenhydrimate (Dramamine).Hydroxyzine (Vistarill),
and moclizine(Antivert). Adverse effects ofantihistamines are CNS depression and
anticholinergic effects.

4. Metoclopramide (Reglan) is a nonphenothiazine. Metoclopramide(Reglan) blocks dopamine

receptors in the CTZ of the brain, thustreating nausea and vomiting. An important use is to
decreasesymptoms from cancer chemotherapy. Adverse effects includedrowsiness , restlessness,
weakness , sleeplessness , headacheand extrapyramidal effects.

5. the 5-H T3 receptor biockers group is composed ofondansetron(zefran). They block the
receptors associated with nausea and vomiting in the chomoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) in the
brain. Their major use in the treatment of nausea and vomiting that accompany
chemotheraphy,Adverse effects of this group are diarrhea, sedation and headaches. hepatitis B.
after giving this client an IM injection, Sue accidentally stabs her left index finger with the
contaminated needle from the used syringe.

B. Immune serums
1. Provide passive immunity. They are antibodies that are formed inanother person or animal and
then given to the client. Offer immediate immunity but duration isd short. Treatment
considered to be only moderately effective.
2. Hepatitis B immune globulin, human. Given as a prophylactic treatment after exposure to
hepatitis B. Needs to be given to adults within seven days of exposure and repeated in 28-30
days. Newborns are immnunized at birth and then again at 3 and 6 months. Cautions use in
persons with hypersensitivity to immune globulis. Adverse effects: tenderness at injection site
and urticaria.
3. Immune serum globulin (immunoglobulin). Given to nonimmunized persons to prevent or
reduce severity of various infections diseases and prophylactically in primary immune
deficiencies:Adverseeffects: pain and redness at the injection site.
4. Tetanus immune globulin, human (Hypertet).used if wound more than 24 hours old or if client
has fewer than two previous tetanus toxoid injections. Is considered to be better than antitoxin.
Adverseeffect: discomfort at the injection site.
5. Rho (D) immune globulin, human (RgoGam). Given to Rh-negative mothers with Rh-positive
fetus, and also given to Rh-negative women who have miscarriages or abortions. Must be given
within72 hours of delivery. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to immune globulin. Adverse
effects: local tenderness.

A. Case Study
Two-month-old Grant Tomey is brought to the clinic for diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, and pertussis
vaccine (DPT) and oral polio vaccine (OPV) immunizations.
B. Vaccines and Toxoids - General Information
1. Given to prevent some infectious diseases and diseases transferred by animal bites and
2. Vaccine is composed of weakened or dead microorganisms that cause antibody formation.
3. Toxoid is a bacterial toxin that has reduced toxicity but can cause antibody formation
4. Immunity is the ability to fight or conquer infection.
a. Natural immunity exists from birth and is a basic form of resistance to disease.
b. Acquired Immunity occurs after birth. Can be active or passive. Involves the
manufacture of antibodies against antigens in the body. Takes time to develop and
considered to be permanent. Acquired by the person having a specific disease or by
inoculation with toxoid or vaccines. Passive immunity involves the individual receiving
antibodies against antigens thathave been formed someplace other than within the
person. Is immediate but effects are short-lived. Is acquired through injection of
serum containing antibodies.

5. If immunosupressed, receiving corticosteroid therapy, or has an

active infection, should not be inoculated.
C. Specific Vaccines and Toxoids
1. DPT (diptheria, tetanus toxoid, and pertussis Vaccine) produces active immunity by
forming antibodies.
a. DTwP Vaccine (Tri-lmmunol). Contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and whole cell
pertussis vaccine.
b. DTaP Vaccine (Tripedia, Acel-immune, certiva, Infanix).
Contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine. Has fewer side
effects and is more effective than DTwP. Recommended for all children, including those
who began the series with DTwP.
c. Doses are given at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months,between 15 and 18 months, and 4 and
6 years.
2. MMR (measles, mumps, rubella). Contains live attenuated virus. Should not be given during
pregnancy. Give with caution to children who have a history of thrombocytopenia and
anaphylctic-like reactions to eggs, neomycin, and gelatin.
a. Give between 12 and 15 months and 4 and 6 years. Second dose must be given before age 12.
b. DPT can be given with MMR.
3. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Contains inactivated viruses of all three polio serotypes. Four doses
are given: at 2 months, at 4 months, between 6 and 18 months, and between 4 and 6 years. Has no
serious adverse effects.
4. Bacillus calmette-Guerin vaccine (BCG). Produces active immunity to tuberculosis (TB). Give
to infants in countries where TB is endemic. Persons who have had BCG will have a positive purified
protein derivative (PPD) test.
a. also used to stimulate the immune system in treating cancer.
b. Should not be given to persons taking antituberculosis drugs.

Herbs and Herbal Health Products

Eighty percent of the world's population currently use herbs for someaspect of primary health care.
Plants and plant products are still a common element today in the healingdisciplines of ayurvedic
(homeopathic) medicine, naturopathic (traditionaloriental) medicine, and Native American groups.
Americans embrace the use of herbs/ herbal health products and spendapproximately $5 billion dollars a
year on "natural" herbal products.
Americans who use herbs/ herbal health products are generally bettereducated and are holistically health
oriented. These individuals are morelikely to discuss and report their overall health status to their
health careprovider. Americans are also reluctant to tell health care providers of theirherb use, are
risking adverse interactions between herbs and theirprescriptions, and are putting themselves at risk
for surgery or anyinvasive procedure without disclosure of their herbs/ herbal healthproducts use.


Herbs are flowering plants, shrubs, trees, moss ferns, fungus, seaweed oralgae plants, or plant parts that
are valued for medicinal qualities. Herbs andherbal health products are used in all shapes and forms.
Common uses include infusions, teas, tablets (pills) lozenges, extracts,salves, balms, ointments, and oils.
Herbs are considered to be pharmacologic remedies that are readilyavailable over-the-counter for general
use. Herbs/ herbal health productsmay be natural but not necessarily safe.
Herbs are chemical compounds that are biologically active and as suchrequire review and safety education
before their use.
Currently there is a lack of standardized and scientific data to support thegeneral use of the herbs/ herbal
health products that are sold as nutritionalsupplements.
These do not require FDA approval. The FDA requirements for thestrength and purity of the
supplement on the label are in the early stages.

A. Toxic impurities and incorrectly mixed herbs have resulted in kidney teltureand death.
B. Allergic reactions and interaction with prescription drugs have also beenreported.
C. The FDA has become involved with herbs/ herbal health products whenthere have been serious
health issues and deaths as in the case ofephedra and cascara sagrada. See Tabl 2-29 for
commonly used herbsand the possible side effects.
The nurse, as a professional, should provide for clients the resources and client education materials that
include common names and uses and side effects of herbs and herbal health products. The nurse must
include in the health assessment interview open-ended questions regarding use of herbal supplements
and over-the-counter medications. The nurse must be aware of common herbs/ herbal health
products and their interaction with commonly prescribed medications.

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