Tutor/Mentor Institute Staff And Volunteers

Help Rebuild the Tutor/Mentor Institute Organization: Staff and Volunteer Talent Needed
The goal of this page is to have all volunteers and staff working on the Tutor/Mentor Institute or a Tutor/Mentor Connection project, listed, with a profile of each, and information about the project they are working on. This page needs to be edited for it to serve that purpose, and for others to more easily add and update their own profile information.

We need to find one or two volunteers who will devote their time to editing and formatting this wiki. If they are not easy to read, and kept updated, they will not be used. Email Dan Bassill at ten.knilhtrae|2rotnemrotut#ten.knilhtrae|2rotnemrotut if you can help.

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC Staff
Dan Bassill, President, CEO - meet Dan

As of October 2015 there are no paid staff for this organization due to the July 2011 split from the Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection non-profit organization structure. Volunteers below are using this workspace to help create a new structure and multiple revenue streams to re-build the organization and move it on to greater levels of impact.

[[[Help Rebuild Organizational Structure Needed to Do this Work]]


View this concept map to see "talent needed" to build Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and support Tutor/Mentor Connection in Chicago.

The people in these groups are not yet formal volunteers. However, by participating in the groups we have an entry level for conversation, brainstorming and finding ways to build more formal commitments.

These roles are described in this Tutor/Mentor Learning Network document, created in 1999, but never consistently or fully funded.

This concept map shows some of the people who have been helping since July 2011 and what areas they are supporting.

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