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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LEARNING SYSTEMS OVERVIEW, KNOWLEDGE ECOLOGY ???? ????, BUSINESS AND CREATIVITY ???? Most of our parents are business people Their language and their concepts make them feel comfortable and disrupt comfortable ed srvices supply people, We need to use parents to coach parents Resources such as the Gates study allow us to use what works and link people directly to the research ???? COACHING, PLE personalised learning environments seems to offer a next practic opportunity ???? LEARNING STYLES, We need to command credibility with our niche market information things we know that are unique to us ???? CULTURE ANALYSIS TOOL, ???? ???? tracking, KNOWLEDGE METRICS ???? if we want to say that providing information to policy makers changes policy /providing information to parents changes waht they then we need to measure value added to knowledge at the outcome level, CROSS DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ???? We need to follow medical evidence based practice and convene and facilitate " expert teams " who respond to emergent issue NOT top down tell, KNOWLEDGE METRICS ???? The key national accounts measures for regional areas/local cd in such things as AEDI;SES;social capital should be used to do both environmental scans ;predictive analytics and measure outcomes that are important to government, we need a forward looking model of learning as a competitive edge Mash-UP Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE-09) ???? FUTURE TRENDS IN LEARNING, KNOWLEDGE ECOLOGY ???? We are in the business of story,data ,information knowledge ,wisdom , action The IT solution is one element ; Face to face just as important Can we annex the WEB 2.0 initiative of Lindsay Tanner and the parent portal idea ?, An opportunity for us ???? NATIONAL CURRICULUM, ???? ???? SCHOOL PLANNING & ACOUNTABILITY, ???? ???? RAISING PERFORMANCE, PLE personalised learning environments seems to offer a next practic opportunity ???? EFFECT SIZE HATTIE, performance review focus on student outcome data PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES INCLUDE PARENTS ???? professional learning teachers, COGNITION & SOCIAL SCIENCE ???? NEUROSCIENCE