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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: SOCIAL OUTCOMES MEASURES, The new advantage is context – how internal and external content is interpreted, combined, made sense of, and converted to new products and services. ???? Social Capital: the Key to Success for the 21st Century Organization By Valdis Krebs, orgnet.com 2008 • Volume XII, Number 5 • IHRIM Journal, 'The 1% Solution' puts forward two clear objectives for policy and practice: mobilise participation by 1 per cent of citizens; embed this in the wider rhythms and routines of community life. ???? Do policies to promote community participation in governance build social capital? Paul Skidmore, Kirsten Bound and Hannah Lownsbrough 16 November 2006, SOCIAL EMOTIONAL STUFF WORKS FOR KIDS AND TEACHERS tRANSITION POINTS CRITICAL PREVENTION NOT CURE MULTIPLE INTERVENTION STRATEGIES WORK BEST ????, COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEMIC APPROACH TO DEVELOPING SOCIAL COMPETENCIES ???? VICTORIA 2002, PRACTICAL EVIDENCE BASED RESEACH LINKED TO EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR PARENTING AND SCHOOL ????, Opportunities for disrupting these sequences present themselves at different times and through different agencies but schools are clearly a major site where this can happen Schools in particular need to be alert to the fact that they can often disrupt negative chain effects occurring in children’s lives and teach new, more constructive ways of behaving. In this way, resilience in the face of adversity is achievable for a much wider group of children. ???? EIGHT YEARS ON: TRAJECTORIES OF CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENT RESILIENCE By Sue Howard and Bruce Johnson University of South Australia, 79% RATED QUALITY OF TEACHERS 12.5% ENGSAGED WITH p&c 67 % LIFE SKILLS AS VERY IMPORTANT INVOLVEMENT QUESTIONS LIMITED ????, Community governance Some of the characteristics of community governance were perceived to include: − ‘the government of difference, both responding to differences in needs and aspirations and creating differences. One learns from difference rather than uniformity; − a capacity for local choice, which creates the potential for innovation, and the learning made possible by that innovation; − the diffusion of power - change is more easily made on the smaller scale, and there are limits to political capacity at the centre; − a concern for the community beyond the mere provision of service; − local and visible government - decisions can more easily involve when made close to the community than when made in corridors and committees of central government; − a renewed basis for accountability in local democracy.’ (in Stewart and Stoker, 1988) ????, Beatty as cited in Sharp, (2003 p.6); “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget the way you made them feel.” ???? Emotional Literacy, Resilience and a Process for Change in Education: Making the Links Clear Michelle Nemec SELF Research Centre, University of Western Sydney, Australia, MEASURE SOCIAL RETURN ON INVESTMENT SROI ???? 2004