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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: SES & LEARNING, SEIFA index of relativesocial disadvantage & the variables of income;education;employment ,occupation ,housing identify target populations ( CD & postcodes )NOT individuals School performance levels have been linked to postcodes /SES The effective schools literature appears to apply to high performing schools in high poverty areas; Schools are the wrong tools for 21Century learning Prior success in literacy/numeracy is a strong predictor of Year 12 performance Individual student performance differentials can not be linked directly to post codes NEW INDICATORS OF DISADVANTAGE Outside school influence incode ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE WHEN NEEDED(1)- Essentials that are related to school responsibilities may include BEING TREATED WITH RESPECT (8) ;ACCEPTED BY OTHERS FOR WHO YOU ARE (10);ABILITY TO SPEAK AND READ ENGLISH (11) CHILDREN CAN PARTICIPATE IN SCHOOL ACGTIVITIES (17);REGULAR SOCIAL CONTACT WITH OTHER PEOPLE (23) UP TO DATE SCHOOL BOOKS (32 ) The simple rules influencing behaviours vary across generational poverty ,middle income groups and the wealthy ???? SES & ACHIEVEMENT, RESEARCH QUOTES ???? SEIFA index of relativesocial disadvantage & the variables of income;education;employment ,occupation ,housing identify target populations ( CD & postcodes )NOT individuals School performance levels have been linked to postcodes /SES The effective schools literature appears to apply to high performing schools in high poverty areas; Schools are the wrong tools for 21Century learning Prior success in literacy/numeracy is a strong predictor of Year 12 performance Individual student performance differentials can not be linked directly to post codes NEW INDICATORS OF DISADVANTAGE Outside school influence incode ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE WHEN NEEDED(1)- Essentials that are related to school responsibilities may include BEING TREATED WITH RESPECT (8) ;ACCEPTED BY OTHERS FOR WHO YOU ARE (10);ABILITY TO SPEAK AND READ ENGLISH (11) CHILDREN CAN PARTICIPATE IN SCHOOL ACGTIVITIES (17);REGULAR SOCIAL CONTACT WITH OTHER PEOPLE (23) UP TO DATE SCHOOL BOOKS (32 ) The simple rules influencing behaviours vary across generational poverty ,middle income groups and the wealthy