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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: TALIS STRUCTURE, TEACHER /STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS ???? Index of teacher-student relations • In this school, teachers and students usually get on well with each other. • Most teachers in this school believe that students’ well-being is important • Most teachers in this school are interested in what students have to say. • If a student from this school needs extra assistance, the school provides it., Classroom climate ???? Index of classroom disciplinary climate • When the lesson begins, I have to wait quite a long time for students to <quieten down>. • Students in this class take care to create a pleasant learning atmosphere. • I lose quite a lot of time because of students interrupting the lesson. • There is much noise in this classroom., Chapter 4 Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes. CONSTRUCTIVIST Index of constructivist beliefs about teaching • My role as a teacher is to facilitate students’ own inquiry. • Students learn best by finding solutions to problems on their own. • Students should be allowed to think of solutions to practical problems themselves before the teacher shows them how they are solved. • Thinking and reasoning processes are more important than specific curriculum content., Co-operation among teaching staff ???? Index of professional collaboration • Teach jointly as a team in the same class. • Take part in professional learning activities (e.g. team supervision). • Observe other teachers’ classes and provide feedback. • Engage in joint activities across different classes and age groups (e.g. projects). • Discuss and co-ordinate homework practice across subjects., School leadership ???? Index of instructional leadership • Index of management of school goals. • Index of instructional management. • Index of direct supervision of instruction., PARENTS ROLE ???? QUALITATIVE OBSERVATION so they can choose, Index of administrative leadership • Index of bureaucratic management. • Index of accountable management. ???? . Index of accountable management • An important part of my job is to ensure ministry-approved instructional approaches are explained to new teachers, and that more experienced teachers are using these approaches. • A main part of my job is to ensure that the teaching skills of the staff are always improving. • An important part of my job is to ensure that teachers are held accountable for the attainment of the school’s goals. • An important part of my job is to present new ideas to the parents in a convincing way. Index of bureaucratic management • It is important for the school that I see to it that everyone sticks to the rules. • It is important for the school that I check for mistakes and errors in administrative procedures and reports. • An important part of my job is to resolve problems with the timetable and/or lesson planning. • An important part of my job is to create an orderly atmosphere in the school. • I stimulate a task-oriented atmosphere in this school., Teachers’ self-efficacy ???? Index of teachers’ self-efficacy • I feel that I am making a significant educational difference in the lives of my students. • If I try really hard, I can make progress with even the most difficult and unmotivated students. • I am successful with the students in my class. • I usually know how to get through to students., School resources ???? Index of lack of personnel The school’s capacity to provide instruction is hindered by: • A lack of qualified teachers. • A lack of laboratory technicians. • A lack of instructional support personnel. Index of shortage of materials The school’s capacity to provide instruction is hindered by: • Shortage or inadequacy of instructional materials (e.g. textbooks). • Shortage or inadequacy of computers for instruction. • Shortage or inadequacy of other equipment. • Shortage or inadequacy of library materials., TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ???? Level and intensity of participation in professional development... Participation rates.... Intensity of participation.. Types of professional development Unsatisfied demand and development needs... What are the areas of greatest development need?. Overall index of professional development need.... Support received by teachers for professional development........ Compulsory professional development..................... Financial support.............................. Salary supplements............................. Scheduled time.................................... Barriers that prevent meeting demand........ No suitable development..................... Conflict with work schedule................ Too expensive............................. Other barriers. Impact of professional development....., Co-operation among teaching staff ???? Index of exchange and co-ordination for teaching • Discuss and decide on the selection of instructional media (e.g. textbooks, exercise books). • Exchange teaching materials with colleagues. • Attend team conferences for the age group I teach. • Ensure common standards in evaluations for assessing student progress. • Engage in discussion about the learning development of specific students., Chapter 4 Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes. TRANSMISSION Index of direct transmission beliefs about teaching • Effective/good teachers demonstrate the correct way to solve a problem. • Instruction should be built around problems with clear, correct answers, and around ideas that most students can grasp quickly. • How much students learn depends on how much background knowledge they have – that is why teaching facts is so necessary. • A quiet classroom is generally needed for effective learning., School leadership ???? Index of administrative leadership • Index of bureaucratic management. • Index of accountable management., Teachers’ teaching practices To assess teachers’ classroom teaching practices, TALIS asked teachers to indicate the frequency – on a 5-point scale ranging from “never or hardly ever” to “in almost every lesson” – with which specified activities happened in a certain “target class” that they taught. ???? Index of student oriented practices • Students work in small groups to come up with a joint solution to a problem or task. • I give different work to the students that have difficulties learning and/or to those who can advance faster. • I ask my students to suggest or to help plan classroom activities or topics. • Students work in groups based upon their abilities., Teachers’ teaching practices To assess teachers’ classroom teaching practices, TALIS asked teachers to indicate the frequency – on a 5-point scale ranging from “never or hardly ever” to “in almost every lesson” – with which specified activities happened in a certain “target class” that they taught. ???? Index of enhanced activities • Students work on projects that require at least one week to complete. • Students make a product that will be used by someone else. • I ask my students to write an essay in which they are expected to explain their thinking or reasoning at some length. • Students hold a debate and argue for a particular point of view which may not be their own., Index of instructional leadership • Index of management of school goals. • Index of instructional management. • Index of direct supervision of instruction. ???? Index of management of school goals • I make sure that the professional development activities of teachers are in accordance with the teaching goals of the school. • I ensure that teachers work according to the school’s educational goals. • I use student performance results to develop the school’s educational goals. • I take exam results into account in decisions regarding curriculum development. • I ensure that there is clarity concerning the responsibility for co-ordinating the curriculum. • In this school, we work on goals and/or a school development plan. Index of instructional management • When a teacher has problems in his/her classroom, I take the initiative to discuss matters. • I inform teachers about possibilities for updating their knowledge and skills. • When a teacher brings up a classroom problem, we solve the problem together. • I pay attention to disruptive behaviour in classrooms. Index of direct supervision of instruction • I observe instruction in classrooms. • I give teachers suggestions as to how they can improve their teaching. • I monitor students’ work. • I check to see whether classroom activities are in keeping with our educational goals, School autonomy ???? Index of autonomy: Hiring teachers and determining salaries • Selecting teachers for hire. • Firing teachers. • Establishing teachers’ starting salaries. • Determining teachers’ salary increases. Index of autonomy: Formulating and allocating the school budget • Formulating the school budget. • Deciding on budget allocations within the school. Index of autonomy: Student policy and textbook choice • Establishing student disciplinary policies. • Establishing student assessment policies. • Approving students for admission to the school. • Choosing which textbooks are used. Index of autonomy: Curriculum • Determining course content. • Deciding which courses are offered., PARENTS ROLE ???? FREQUENCY MENTIONED 16 TIMES FROM 148,370, Teachers’ teaching practices To assess teachers’ classroom teaching practices, TALIS asked teachers to indicate the frequency – on a 5-point scale ranging from “never or hardly ever” to “in almost every lesson” – with which specified activities happened in a certain “target class” that they taught. ???? Index of structuring practices • I explicitly state learning goals. • I review with the students the homework they have prepared. • At the beginning of the lesson I present a short summary of the previous lesson. • I check my students’ exercise books. • I check, by asking questions, whether or not the subject matter has been understood.