pirmdiena, 21. oktobris, 2013 vārda dienas: Urzula, Severīns
WG0310 Push knife
Price: 32,40
WG0500 WOPA knife stainless steel right (brown haft)
WG0501 WOPA knife stainless steel left (brown haft)
WG0500 9,75
WG0501 9,75
WG0510 Esculaap knife right (black haft)
WG0511 Esculaap knife left (black haft)
WG0510 23,50
WG0511 23,50
WG0550 Esculaap knife (brown haft)
WG0551 Esculaap knife (brown haft)
WG0550 14,-
WG0551 14,-
WG0570 Hauptner knife right narrow model
WG0571 Hauptner knife left narrow model
The best knife for hoof trimmers. Stays long sharp!
WG0570 24,50
WG0571 24,50
WG0910 Special hoof knife sharpened model
Price: 14,-
All prices are ex works NL or DK and ex VAT. If you are interested in one of above products, send an email with the product numbers, your VAT number and your delivery address to cowcaresia@gmail.com or call (0031 64 22 88 638). We will contact you to discuss how to send the products to you.