Guidelines for the Recognition & Assessment of Animal Pain

This explains the background to the website, some of the software requirements and instructions for its use.
What is Animal Pain?
This section considers definitions of Animal Pain and comments upon different types of pain. 
Table of Contents
Shows an expanded list of all the pages in this web site
How is Pain Produced?
This section briefly describes the neurobiology of how the body produces and recognises the sensation of pain.
How can Animal Pain be Assessed?
This provides descriptions of different methods used to assess pain, and how the methods may be validated.

How is Pain Relieved?
This section does NOT describe how to treat painful conditions but does describe different types of treatments.
Lists references for further reading and those cited within the website.

Glossary of Terms
Gives brief descriptions of abbreviations and technical terms used within the website.

Test your Knowledge
Self-testing questions.
Recognition of collaborators in development of this web site.
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Joyce E KentVince Molony,
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Summerhall, Edinburgh EH9 1QH

  This website is dedicated to Olga Uvarov DBE FRCVS (1910-2001), first woman president of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, for her instigation of the initial AVTRW Guidelines on the Recognition and Assessment of Pain in Animals.


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