Turtle Academy

Turtle Academy makes it surprisingly easy to start creating amazing shapes using the LOGO language

Here are some examples for easy and fun programming

First slide

to sd
 setpencolor 'brown
 repeat 900 [
  forward 365
  right 743

First slide

setwidth 10 setcolor 'red
right 18 forward 50
repeat 5 [
 right 144
 forward 50
  left 72
 forward 50

First slide

for [i -300 300 50] [
 setxy :i 0
 repeat 8 [
  setcolor random 16
  forward 50
  arc 360 50

Project goal

Our objective is to teach programming principles in a fun and easy way making programming an accessible competence to every child in the world.

In the (quite near) future, everything we will do will require us to have basic programming abilities, and therefore it is important to learn this skill and learn to like it.

Making programming visual provides very quick rewards for the efforts, making it perfect for young children who often have trouble setting long term goals.

Want to help?

In order to make programming approachable for more people we need volunteers to translate the site to their own native languages.

If you wish to help, please contact us or donate