
Web Resources

Amiodarone: From Last to First-Line Antiarrhythmic Therapy
Acute Management of VT/VF
Amiodarone for Resuscitation after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Due to Ventricular Fibrillation
Family Practice Notebook
Amiodarone IV: Indications, Dosing, Clinical Studies, Efficacy and Bibliography
Amiodarone Use in Cardiac Surgical Resuscitation
Evidence Based Medicine and Clinical Trials of Amiodarone IV
Amiodarone Article Summaries
Supraventricular hyperkinetic dysrrhythmia - amiodarone
ECG Library


Drug Database

Visualizations and Animations

Voltage Gated Sodium Channels
Potassium Ion Channels: How They Work
Sodium Channel
Sodium Channels
Activation and Inactivation of the Sodium Channel
Potassium Channel

Recent Reviews

Anon. (2000, Jan-Feb.). Intravenous amiodarone. [Review] [0 refs]. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing., 19(1), 29.
Connolly, S. (1999, Nov 9). Evidence-based analysis of amiodarone efficacy and safety. [Review] [107 refs]. Circulation., 100(19), 2025-34.
Frankenberger, O., & Steinberg, J. (1999, Nov). Beta-blockers and amiodarone for the primary prevention of sudden cardiac death. [Review] [50 refs]. Current Cardiology Reports., 1(4), 274-81.
Hughes, M., & Binning, A. (2000, Dec). Intravenous amiodarone in intensive care. Time for a reappraisal? [Review] [73 refs]. Intensive Care Medicine., 26(12), 1730-9.
Kodama, I., Kamiya, K., & Toyama, J. (1999, Nov 4). Amiodarone: Ionic and cellular mechanisms of action of the most promising class III agent. [Review] [85 refs]. American Journal of Cardiology., 84(9a), 20r-28r.
Martino, E., Bartalena, L., Bogazzi, F., & Braverman, L. (2001, Apr). The effects of amiodarone on the thyroid. [Review] [152 refs]. Endocrine Reviews., 22(2), 240-54.
Naccarelli, G., Wolbrette, D., Dell'Orfano, J., Patel, H., & Luck, J. (2000, Feb). Amiodarone: What have we learned from clinical trials? [Review] [52 refs]. Clinical Cardiology., 23(2), 73-82.
Nolan, P. J., Nappi, J., & Pollak, P. (1998, Nov-Dec.). Clinical efficacy of amiodarone. [Review] [57 refs]. Pharmacotherapy., 18(6 Pt 2), 127s-137s.
Slavik, R., Tisdale, J., & Borzak, S. (2001, Sep-Oct.). Pharmacologic conversion of atrial fibrillation: A systematic review of available evidence. [Review] [130 refs]. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases., 44(2), 121-52.