ENCOURAGED METHODS IN SURVEY DESIGN empirical superiority of three-option multiple-choice item: Tversky, 1964 Haldyna and Downing 1993 Landrum, Cashin and Theis, 1993 questions that tap the same concept that experts believe have no DIF: Przeworski and Teune 1966-67 Thissen, Steinberg, and Wainer 1993 quality criteria in survey research: Price and Niejens Deliberative polls are a wonderful way of bringing the process to the people, but many potentials for bias in information presentation and outcome persist. In contrast, the enhanced survey efforts present similar information-presentation biases, but these efforts seem to have less potential for bias from the onset. Ultimately the authors indicate that the Choice Questionnaire was likely the best 'given alternative' if quality and focus on reduced bias potential were the goal. --PRICE & NEIJENS 1998 In order to correctly and intelligently address the issue of quality in public opinion research, a more robust consideration of what exactly 'quality' public opinion is, and how it is to be measured, is important. This analysis attempts to begin the process of identifying the important criteria involved and included in quality public opinion research. --PRICE & NEIJENS 1998