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The Concept Map you are trying to access has information related to:
Sensory Register holds Information, Repetition over time results in Automaticity, Information for .25 -4 Seconds, Encoding involves changing Information, Information to store more Effectively, Instructional Strategies that require students to Practice , Instructional Strategies that require students to Activate, Instructional Strategies that require students to Elaborate, Instructional Strategies that require students to Draw Inferences, Retrieve is finding Information, Working Memory lasts only 5-20 Seconds, Theorists define Memory, Theorists define Learning, Repression avoiding Traumatic Memories, Memory model is Dual Store, Review facilitates Long Term Memory, Verbalization facilitates Long Term Memory, Attention capacity is Limited, Attention is influenced by Emotion, Attention is influenced by Novelty, Attention is influenced by Personal Significance, Attention is influenced by Intensity, Elaboration is using Prior Knowledge, Prior Knowledge affects Long Term Memory, Sensory Register holds all sensed Information, Selection is filtering of Information, Activate their Prior Knowledge, Long Term Memory involves many Cognitive Processes, Review is Practicing , Schemas and Scripts, Prior Knowledge and beliefs on new Information, Verbalization is Talking or Writing, Retrieve is Constructive, Memory as saving Information, Acquisition of New, Teachers can encourage Long Term Memory, Attention must be present in Dual Store, Information that is Attended, Schemas that summarize events are Scripts, Schemas set of related ideas about Object(s)/Events, Long Term Memory storage by designing Instructional Strategies, Thinking Center of Memory, Practicing that takes place Over Time, Practice and Review, Working Memory also called Short Term Memory, Failure to Retrieve, Working Memory if processed, it moves to Long Term Memory, Cognitive Processes including Selection, Cognitive Processes including Rehearsal, Cognitive Processes including Elaboration, Automaticity skils performed Quickly & Effortlessly, Scripts build/develop Concepts, Automaticity of Knowledge & Skills, Meaningful Learning is connecting new Information, Long Term Memory is Constructive, Short Term Memory is the Thinking Center , Dual Store has three parts Sensory Register, Dual Store has three parts Working Memory, Dual Store has three parts Long Term Memory, New Information, Forgetting can be caused by Obliterative Subsumption, Forgetting can be caused by Repression, Forgetting can be caused by Failure , Forgetting can be caused by Interference, Forgetting can be caused by Decay, Encoding into Long Term Memory, Obliterative Subsumption Ausubel's theory, memories Subsume, Information for a Period of Time , Mental Models mental representation of the connection among Concepts, Information with Prior Knowledge, Decay is when memory Fades (away), Interference confusion by other Stimuli , Concepts organize info. for Encoding, Attended to moves to Working Memory, Learning as Acquisition, Rehearsal is Repetition, Rehearsal is Rote