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6. comments, the term it literacy could cover a multitude of sins , terminology in this area is fraught with difficulties and pre-conceptions. students have regularly commented that the term literacy is loaded and has connotations of illiteracy. , researchers, no interactions between the 3 literacy types indicated but implied , unknown, managers, librarians, interesting to reflect on the difference between it and computer literacy , although i have identified other literacies i don't feel confident in using them , m-p are all the same thing, differentiation is spurious and based on the jargonisation begun when people started to call computing it . , not sure about the term library literacy - not heard that before- have a question in my mind about what that applies to- just using libraries? what about digital libraries? what about digital repositories? , learning technologists, i really dislike the e-literacy term. it will soon be out of date as the distinction between e and literacy will be meaningless. better say information literacy or if you want a broader term try electracy http web.nwe.ufl.edu elf electracy.html , teachers, educational developers, 'more often than not we expect students to come to university with many of these skills but this is increasingly not the case (at least basic literacy skills and computer skills). teaching of many of the literacies is left out of classes due to lack of time and whilst it is always preferrable to have these taught within the course itself pragmatically this often cannot be done. an alternative is one-off classes (which must be subject context driven ) but this has the disadvantage of students perceiving these classes as add-ons extras and perhaps even not neccessary. , comments, i am interested in this diagram - i wonder if e-literacy challenges the prior experience and understanding of each of these learning literacies in a new way?