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Univac Universal automatic computer uses 18000 vacuum tubes reliability questionable because burn outs cause failure, First Unnivac Census Bureau ???? US Census burewu dowwnin in punched cards mandate 10 year census tabulation, 18000 vacuum tubes reliability questionable because burn outs cause failure It was Difficult to program, Transistor 1947 most important invention of 20th century Result 1948 still behind schedule, Inventing the Future Authors Tasha Taylor, Inventing the Future Authors Julie Tsai, 1948 still behind schedule difficulty getting customers Prudential Insurance Co. law requiring recalculation of insurance rates, J. Presper Eckert John Mauchly Sold First Unnivac Census Bureau, 1948 AmTote Harry Strauss Oct 1949 death company not doing well sold firm to remington rand typewriters, shavers, punched card tab, cost $3M to build ???? Transistor 1947 most important invention of 20th century, 1948 still behind schedule difficulty McCarthyism Marchly, loss of defence contracts, Inventing the Future First computer Univac Universal automatic computer, IBM 1953 650 fit directly within punched card environment Model T of computers first mass produced computer ???? 1956 IBM soared past Remington RandUnivac, 1948 AmTote Harry Strauss Oct 1949 death ???? Struggle for investors, Worlds first computer company EMCC Owners J. Presper Eckert John Mauchly, Worlds first computer company EMCC Cost cost $3M to build