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The Concept Map you are trying to access has information related to:
Upper Quartile together used to generate Box Plots, Median is the 50th Percentile, Center of Data or Distribution can be described by Mean, Center of Data or Distribution can be described by Median, Center of Data or Distribution can be described by Trimmed Mean, Spread of Data or Distribution can be described by Standard Deviation, Spread of Data or Distribution can be described by Range, Spread of Data or Distribution can be described by Variance, Spread of Data or Distribution can be described by Extreme Values, Spread of Data or Distribution can be described by Inter Quartile Range, Lower Quartile together used to generate Box Plots, Numerical Summary Measures describe Spread of Data or Distribution, Numerical Summary Measures describe Center of Data or Distribution, Upper Quartile is the 75th Percentile, Median is the largest percentage Trimmed Mean, Standard Deviation is the positive square root of the Variance, Lower Quartile is the 25th Percentile, Mean is a 0% Trimmed Mean, Median together used to generate Box Plots, Lower Quartile difference gives Inter Quartile Range, Extreme Values together used to generate Box Plots, Upper Quartile difference gives Inter Quartile Range, Box Plots can be used to determine Skew