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The Concept Map you are trying to access has information related to:
Output y[n] determined by Convolution x[n]*h[n], Block Diagram designed using Unit Delay, Block Diagram designed using Adder, Block Diagram designed using Multiplier, FIR Filters do not have Poles, LTI Systems characterized by Unit Impulse Response h[n], LTI Systems characterized by Difference Equation, LTI Systems characterized by Block Diagram, LTI Systems have properties of Linearity, LTI Systems have properties of Time-Invariance, LTI Systems generate Output y[n], Discrete Time Systems can be NonCausal, Discrete Time Systems can be Causal, LTI Systems are Discrete Time Systems, FIR Filters can be Delay Systems, FIR Filters can be Running Average Filters, Unit Impulse Response h[n] finite length FIR Filters, Difference Equation non recursive FIR Filters, FIR Filters have Zeros