Quiz for task movie
- When a new digital special effects project is started, what technique is used to begin planning the project?
- Why are live action scenes shot in front of a blue (or green) background?
- Describe how filming a live action woman model can give the information needed to program realistic motions of a computer-generated woman.
- What technique did the video editors use to apply images of circuit boards to the computer-generated woman's skin?
- Movie film shot on location must be scanned to a digital format. Why is this step necessary?
- In transfering digital video onto 35mm film or 65mm film only white light is needed. How can full-color images be recorded?
- What is a Digital Matte? How is it useful in compositing images?
- In the shot from "Lost in Space" an artificial background is inserted into the green windows. What problem was the concern of special of the digital special effects designers?
- How are digital special effects sometimes used to accommodate the scheduling problems associated with filming live actors?