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The Concept Map you are trying to access has information related to:
wireframe model why? objects must be sculpted, Key Frame Animation creates Lifelike animations, Tweening what? Animation software fills in the positions between the top and bottom of the sequence, frames in a sequence fill in Tweening , Key Frame Animation focuses on frames in a sequence, wireframe model purpose Forms basis for generating an artificial character, Computer Animation By Brandon Goldschmitt types 3-Dimensional objects, Computer Animation By Brandon Goldschmitt types 2-Dimensional objects, Lifelike animations where? Fully computer generated cartoons, Lifelike animations where? movies, Lifelike animations where? 2-DCartoons, Forms basis for generating an artificial character features skin, Forms basis for generating an artificial character features scales, Forms basis for generating an artificial character features hair, Forms basis for generating an artificial character features other textures, Animation software fills in the positions between the top and bottom of the sequence Animator Set the mark with keyframes for tweening, 3-Dimensional objects how wireframe model, 3-Dimensional objects how Key Frame Animation, wireframe model what it is mesh-like lines that follow the contour of the object