
Select approach l Select a range of strategies l Draft resources l Design learner support materials

  1. Select approach
    The decisions you make here are really critical to the final shape of your assessment tasks. Your pedagogical approach will determine the type and scope of online assessment strategies that you are likely to select in the next section. Big picture decisions are taken here. Considerations at this stage may include

As an online learning designer it is possible that you will choose to use a hybrid approach to suit your own context. (p. 34)

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  1. Select a range of strategies

    collaborative tasks

courseware-delivered tasks

individual tasks

workplace-based tasks

Choosing a range of assessment strategies will ensure that different learning styles are accommodated and that issues of authentication are addressed. In many cases a 'blended' approach will ensure that the assessment is valid, fair, reliable and adequate. (p. 36)

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  1. Draft resources

    As you draft your online assessment resources, you will need to balance a lot of issues:

Lastly, when you have completed a draft, you should make sure you have the tasks validated. (p. 40)

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  1. Design learner support materials

Assessment often requires support materials, but this can be even more necessary when learners will be accessing and completing their tasks online. At this stage you may need to consider developing support materials which

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Reference: Australian National Training Authority. (2004). Assessing online: the manual. [Electronic version] Retrieved March 10, 2005, from the Australian Flexible Learning Framework