Problem Based Learning (PBL) Case Study Assignment Guidelines

This small group (2 students/group) assignment will provide you with the opportunity to apply the nutrition knowledge that you have learned in this course to a “fictitious” client. Each case study provides a brief description of a client along with diet and nutrition information. You will be required to select a case study and identify and discuss the key nutrition problems related to the case, the positive practices that the client is currently employing and recommendations for improvement. You may use your textbook, online course materials (and any other reliable nutrition resources) for researching your case topic.

l Instructions l Evaluation Rubric l Case Studies l


1. Select a Partner and Case Study

Choose one of the case studies that are provided below. Many of these case studies are also featured in the Introduction section of select Learning Outcomes throughout the course.

2. Obtain Facilitator Approval

Submit your name(s) and case study preference to your facilitator for approval. When selecting a case study, please indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. This will help to expedite the selection process and ensure that you get to research a case that is of interest to you. Each group must select a different case. Approval will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. Once your case study has been approved, you are ready to begin the problem-solving process.

3. Identify and Discuss the Key Problem(s)

Read the case study and identify the key diet and/or nutrition-related problems that are relevant to your client.

Some of the problems in the case study may be obvious and others more obscure. Make sure to look beyond the obvious.

In many cases, you may not have all of the information that you require. In a “real life” situation, you would be able to ask your client questions and clarify your understanding of the problem; in case studies, this is not possible, therefore, you may need to make assumptions. Be sure to clearly state any assumptions you have made.

Include any pertinent background information that may be related to the problem.

4. Identify and Discuss the Positive Practices

When providing feedback to clients it is always important to identify and discuss positive practices as well as problems and areas for improvement. Look for positive practices in the client’s lifestyle, eating habits or food/beverage choices that should be commended.

5. Identify and Discuss Recommendations for Improvement

Identify changes that the client could make in his/her lifestyle, eating habits, and food choices that would help to alleviate the problems that you have identified. Make sure that your recommendations include a specific and detailed plan for action. Also explain the rationale for your recommendations and/or action plan whenever appropriate.

6. Submit Completed Case Study

Two copies of your case study must be submitted:

· Post one copy on the discussion board under the “PBL Case Study Assignment” for peer review. Please note that you are responsible for moderating the discussion for your case study and responding to any questions/comments that arise throughout the duration of the course. The timeliness and quality of your responses will contribute towards your participation mark for this course.
· Submit one copy in the Assignment Drop Box for your Facilitator to grade. Please note that one bonus mark will be provided if you complete a self-assessment of your assignment at the time of submission. A copy of the rubric for the self-assessment can be downloaded, completed and uploaded from the Assignment Drop Box.

7. Complete a Peer Review

Read the completed case studies posted on the discussion board by your peers and respond with questions and/or comments. The timeliness and quality of your response will contribute towards your participation mark for this course.

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Evaluation Rubric

Criteria Comments



Identifies and discusses key nutrition problems related to case


Identifies and discusses positive practices of client’s diet


Identifies and discusses recommendations for improvement of client’s diet


Creative Problem Solving

  • Identifies and discusses beyond the obvious
Supporting evidence from literature or course resources  
Icon: Reminder One mark will be deducted for each calendar day beyond the submission due date.

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