Dynamic Generative Learning Activities
Prepare meaningful tasks
- Develop client education plan (i.e., relating to nutritional health)
- Conduct personal nutrition analysis
- Scavenger hunts (i.e., find cereals that do not contain sugar by reading
food labes at local grocery store)
- Student identifies one diet/lifestyle behavior goal to achieve during
the course (selects support buddy and posts progress on discussion
at least biweekly NUTR 160 lo01Ls02La05)
- Controversial topics assignment - students responsible for selecting
hot relevant issue, researching topic, writing paper, posting for
peer critique and submitting to facilitator (i.e., nutrition, nursing)
Make learning overt
- Develop authentic products - used on the job
- fact sheet used for chairside dental hygiene practice re medical conditions
and dental hygiene considerations/protocols
- eportfolio assignments (transfer to professional portfolios)
- Interactive learning activities that require authentic practice (NURS 246
select surgical instruments and drag and drop in proper position on the Operating
Room table for proper tray set up for specific surgical procedure)
Encourage research
- Find and synthesize new information
- develop effective WebQuests
- create concept resource maps (i.e., Cmap Tools)
- problem based learning (PBL) assignments; case studies
- participate in debates and roundtable discussions
- Provide access to resources
- offer reputable professional Web sites
- integrate library support - access to databases, multimedia resources
- Use legitimate resources
- professional documents (i.e., policy and procedures manual, scope
of practice and competency documents)
- Require research-based explanations and rationales
- support with evidence from the literature
- critique resources (i.e., Medbroadcast video clip, Fighting
Back Against a Plaque Attack- NUTR 160 lo08Ls05La03)
Assess performance
- Develop rubrics for usable products, journals, interviews, portfolios,
and presentations
- self, peer and facilitator assessments