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Power games based on The analysis, 2.The middle game uses Tricks and ruses, 2.The middle game uses Tactics, Social "Rat" primarily sticks to its own Interests, Stakeholders have Interests, Stakeholders have Sources of power, You are/should be Social "Rat", The analysis should always distinguish Difference between "good" and "real" reasons, Battle (big picture) includes 3.Endgame, Battle (big picture) includes 1.Opening gambit, Battle (big picture) includes 2.The middle game, 1.1 Assessing the situation is an instance of The analysis, The analysis of Arena (environment), The analysis of Stakeholders, Social "Rat" is best suited to play Power games, Size is a list of involved Stakeholders, Tricks and ruses directed at Others, Tricks and ruses directed at Via a fhird party, Tricks and ruses directed at Myself, Power games described in "The way of the rat" book, You is the one of Stakeholders, Arena (environment) characterised by Size, Social "Rat" has qualities of Being on guard, patience, courage and recreation capabilities, 1.Opening gambit includes 1.1 Assessing the situation, 1.Opening gambit includes 1.2 Wearing down (blacking) your opponent, Power games is all about Battle (big picture), Power games has good example of The power to reduce another person's options