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Hardwired birth-gifts could be expressed via Inside-Out Sequental Process, Hardwired birth-gifts could be expressed via Outside-In Quick Fix, 8-th habit by Stephen Covey is to Greatness, SQ Spiritual (Spirit) To Leave a Legacy . EQ Social/Emotional (Heart) To Love, Inspire others to find their voice results Greatness (Unleash Human Potential), Hardwired birth-gifts are Principles (Natural Laws) - Universal - Timeless - Self-Evident, Hardwired birth-gifts are Freedom and Power to Choose (Stimulus - Freedom to Choose - Response), Hardwired birth-gifts are Four human intelligences / capacities, Consience (SQ) . Vision (IQ), Modeling, trust (SQ) . Pathfinding (IQ), Modeling, trust (SQ) . Aligning (PQ), Fragmented Person (Victim) will Lose your voice, Ego (SQ) . Social Mirror (EQ), 8-th habit by Stephen Covey is from Effectiveness, SQ Spiritual (Spirit) To Leave a Legacy . IQ Menthal (Mind) To Learn, Effectiveness assotiated with Management, 8-th habit by Stephen Covey is a third dimension of 7 habits of highly effective people, LowTrust (SQ) . Disempowering (EQ), Effectiveness explained in 7 habits of highly effective people, Lose your voice and Keep others from finding & using their voice, Four human intelligences / capacities applied to job are Whole person in a whole job, Consience (SQ) . Discipline (PQ), Modeling, trust (SQ) . Empowering (EQ), Inside-Out Sequental Process is a creative force for Whole Person, Leadership: is to communicate to people their unique value and potential so clearly that they come to see it themselves role is to Inspire others to find their voice, Find your voice and Inspire others to find their voice, In serving human needs in principled ways (Spirit) . Treat me kindly (Heart), Keep others from finding & using their voice results Mediocrity (Strait jacket human potential), LowTrust (SQ) . No Shared Vision/Values (IQ), Effectiveness to Greatness, Ego (SQ) . Indulgence (PQ), Consience (SQ) . Position (EQ), 8-th habit by Stephen Covey starts from Hardwired birth-gifts, In serving human needs in principled ways (Spirit) . Pay me fairly (Body), SQ Spiritual (Spirit) To Leave a Legacy . PQ Physical (Body) To Live, LowTrust (SQ) . Misalignment (PQ), Whole Person will Find your voice, Outside-In Quick Fix is a cultural software for Fragmented Person (Victim), Greatness assotiated with Leadership: is to communicate to people their unique value and potential so clearly that they come to see it themselves, In serving human needs in principled ways (Spirit) . Use me creatively (Mind), Ego (SQ) . Victimism (IQ)