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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: PDC Bullock Day 1, Joe, Doug, Sam, and Mike under the aloha tent welcome they welcomed the 30 of us and spoke enthusiastically about the coming three weeks, more orientation given class schedule handouts, Joe, Doug, Sam, and Mike under the aloha tent facilities toilets, showers, tent sites, class split among the 3 brothers my group I was with Sam. Our tour went the longest - partly because we had a man in the group who seemed to know a lot about Pc and asked for more details about everything, SESSION LOCATION DESCRIPTION, evening tent more orientation, Arrival Deer Harbor, Orcas Island long drive from the ferry and unclear signage once on the property., DAY 1 FORWARD TO NEXT MAP, early afternoon orientation Joe, Doug, Sam, and Mike under the aloha tent, early afternoon tour class split among the 3 brothers, DAY 1 BACK TO MASTER MAP, dinner outdoor kitchen can't remember what it was' but it was good and social, DESCRIPTION FURTHER DETAILS, late afternoon tent name games and explanation of how classes will work, more orientation then introduced ourselves and said at least one thing that turns us on, early afternoon free time most people set up their tents and milled around