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Number and Angle


This mode yields the distance of ...

  1. two points
  2. two lines
  3. a point and a line


Click on any free place on the drawing pad to create a slider for a number or an angle there. The appearing window lets you specify the interval [min, max] of the number resp. angle and the width of the slider (in pixel).

In GeoGebra a slider is nothing but the graphical representation of a free number resp. angle. You can easily create a slider for any existing free number resp. angle by showing this object (right click and choose show object).

The position of a slider may be absolute on the screen or relative to the coordinate system (see properties of the corresponding number or angle, 3.1.1).


This mode creates ...

  1. the angle between three points
  2. the angle between two segments
  3. the angle between two lines
  4. the angle between two vectors
  5. all interior angles of a polygon

All these angles are limted between 0 and 180o in size. If you want to allow reflex angles, choose the appropriate setting in the properties dialog (3.1.1).

Angle with given size

After marking two points A and B a window appears where you are asked for the angle's size. This mode produces a point C and an angle $ \alpha$, where $ \alpha$  = $ \angle$(ABC).

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Markus Hohenwarter, 2005-03-15