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Respect(1), Demonstrating Respect Opinions & Ideas Every person has different opinons and Ideas. People should not have to change their personal ideas or opinions, however, respect and acceptance should be shown for the personal beliefs of others., Every person has different opinons and Ideas. People should not have to change their personal ideas or opinions, however, respect and acceptance should be shown for the personal beliefs of others. People Have Different Opinions, Always accept the things that make people different. Life would be dull without diversity. Diversity Means Accept Difference, Demonstrating Respect Acceptance Always accept the things that make people different. Life would be dull without diversity., Demonstrating Respect Understanding Everyone has something to contribute to the classroom setting and outside the classroom., It is important to understand the kinds of situations that should be confronted and the kinds of situations that should be overlooked. Pick & Choose The Battles, Everyone should live and obide by a code of eithics. We are all taught right from wrong, but if we choose to act with morality shows our true character. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Let Your Conscience Guide You, Demonstrating Respect Morals Everyone should live and obide by a code of eithics. We are all taught right from wrong, but if we choose to act with morality shows our true character. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", Kindness, Compassion, and Respect go hand-in-hand. Always show Kindness towards all people in all settings. Compassion Is Inspiring, Everyone has something to contribute to the classroom setting and outside the classroom. Contributing A Helping Hand