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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Infancy, Childhood Pathology, Infancy, Childhood Perinatal Infections SEPSIS Timing Early-onset -pneumonia, sepsis, mening in 4-5d of life -Group B strep Late-onset -Listeria, Candida require latent period, Infancy, Childhood Birth Weight, Gestational Age Classes: AGA(10-90th %ile), SGA, LGA Preterm=born before 37-38 wks Post-tem=born after 42 wks IMMATURITY OF ORGAN SYSTEMS Lungs: alvs form at 7th mo gest-8 yo -immature w/ cub epith (no flat type I or II) -amniotic debris? prob prenatal resp distress Kidneys:glom formation incomplete (deeper ok) Brain:smooth, no convolutions, poor myelin, -vital centers OK-homeostasis weak though Liver: large b/c extramed hem'sis, fcns adequate, physiologic jaundice (even in NL kids), Infancy, Childhood Congenital Malformations Causes: Genetic: karyotypic aberrations or mutations Trisomy 21-1:1000> Klinefelter>Turner>tri13 -Translocation form of Down is transmissible Single mutations-mendelian - 90% AD or AR -include -dactylys via HOX genes Environmental Viruses:rubella, CMV, HSC, VZV, flu, mumps, HIV Rubella-most risk-1st 8 WKSɮnd 8wks -cataracts, heart defects, deafness CMV-most (-)Sx-most common-2nd TRIMESTER -CNS, MR, microceph, deaf, hep'splen'meg Drugs, chemicals-1% of malformations -thalidomide, folate antagonists, androgens, EtOH, anti-convulsants, warfarin, accutane FAS->growth retard, microceph, ASD, maxillary hypoplasia, short palpepral fissures Radiation->microcephaly, blindness, skull defects, spina bifida Multifactorial-50% of malformations -cleft lip, palate, Infancy, Childhood Birth Weight, Gestational Age Classes: AGA(10-90th %ile), SGA, LGA Preterm=born before 37-38 wks Post-tem=born after 42 wks INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RETARDATION Fetal factors: chrom d/os, congen anoms, infx -mostly triploidy; infx: CMV, rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis -usually symmetric (proportional IUGR) Placental:uteroplacental insuff: vasc, infx, previa -ltd nutrients->asymmetric growth, spares brain -Confined placental mosaicism-trisomy 7 mostly MATERNAL: vasc dzs-toxemia, chronic HTN, EtOH, narcotics, heavy cigarette smoking, drugs (antimetabolites, phenytoin), malnutrition esp hypoglycemia, Infancy, Childhood Congenital Malformations DEFORMATIONS-results from mech factors e.g. clubfeet (part of Potter sequence) -esp due to UTERINE CONSTRAINT Maternal: 1st preg, small or bicornuate uterus, leiomyomas Fetal/Placental: oligohydramnios, mult fetuses, Infancy, Childhood Inborn Errors of Metabolism PHENYLKETONURIA - Auto Recessive Classic PKU: SCANDINAVIAN, NOT blacks, Jews -lack Phenylalanine Hydroxylase. no Phe->Tyr (liver) -shunt to phenylpyruvic, -lactic, -acetic acids o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid-excrete thru skin -phenylacetic->musty, mousy odor ->contribute to brain dmg -not always same mutation or presentation -can be benign hyperPHEemia-measure serum PHE -NL at birth ->Phe levels rise-> severe MR by 6mo -1/3 won't ever walk, 2/3 won't talk -seizures, hypopigmented hair, skin, eczema -JUST LIMIT Phe INTAKE! Maternal PKU MOMS w/ PKU not limiting diet->hyperPHEemia -75-90% of their kids born w/ MR, microcephaly, 15% w/ congen heart dz -Phe is teratogenic -restrict Phe intake before conception thru gest If missing dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) -can't metabolize Tyr or Trp->can't form NTs -can't control w/ simple dietary restriction, Infancy, Childhood Congenital Malformations MALFORMATIONS -intrinsic ABNLities in devel e.g. congen heart defects, anencephaly, Infancy, Childhood Inborn Errors of Metabolism CYSTIC FIBROSIS ABNLly viscid secretions->obstruct organ ducts AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE-whites -Chromosome 7->CFTR (Cl channel) -most w/ deletion of codon: Phe-position 508 ->ABNL folding (-)Sx to Classic CF presentation: BE, Pancreatic insuff (steatorrhea), male infertility, hepatic fibrosis Infants w/ meconium ileus Sweat glands-decreased Cl reabsorption Airway-reduced Cl secretions into airway ->more Na into cell->more H2O absorbed ->thicker secretions, defective mucocilia ->obstruction, can’t clear bac: S. aureus P. aeruginosa secrete more ALGINATE-mucoid ->host immune->more dmg, not clearing MORPH-Lung and panc involvement (85%) -mild: dilation of exocrine glands -later: plugged glands-> exocrine panc atrophy -malabsorption (fat, vit A) -biliary cirrhosis, salivary duct dilation -PULM most important changes, Infancy, Childhood BIRTH INJURIES Mostly Head, Sk, liver, adrenals, periph nn. Acute or after sequelae (nerves) Clavic fracture>facial nn>brachial plex>intracran >humeral fracture>lacerations LGA at highest risk, esp sk., periph nn. INTRACRAN HEMORR-most common imp't injury -prolonged labor, hemorr d/os, IC vasc anoms -frequently fatal w/ herniation CAPUT SUCCEDANEUM, CEPHELHEMATOMA -very common, insignificant-just diff'ate from Fx, Infancy, Childhood Perinatal Infections TRANSPLACENTAL (Hematologic) INFX -Most parasitic, viral, some bac(Trep, List) -thru chorionic villi -maternal to fetal x-fusion at birth-HIV, HBV Parvovirus B19-fifth dz in mom->abortion TORCH Toxoplama, Other, Rubella, CMV, Herpesvirus ->fever, encephalitis, chorioretinitis, skin lesions, hep'splen'meg, pneumonitis, myocarditis, hemolytic anemia Early->growth and MR, cataracts, cardiac anom, bone defects, Infancy, Childhood Congenital Malformations SEQUENCES-pattern of cascade anoms -explained by ONE defect e.g. Potter Sequence (oligohydramnios) -decreased amn fluid via rupture, UP insuff (maternal HTN, tox), renal agenesis ->Fetal compression->flattened facies, hand, feet positional ABNLities(club), hypoplastic lungs, amnion nodosum, Infancy, Childhood Congenital Malformations SYNDROMES-constellation of congen anoms -pathologically related -BUT not explained by one defect -single etio agent can affect many systems -'disease' when underlying condition known, Infancy, Childhood Birth Weight, Gestational Age Classes: AGA(10-90th %ile), SGA, LGA Preterm=born before 37-38 wks Post-tem=born after 42 wks APGAR SCORE 5-min 0-1-ᡪ% 1st yr mort Apgar=4-ᡌ%; ɲ -ɬ% Doesn't predict long-term neuro HR - over 100=2 Resp effort-good,crying=2 Mm. tone-active motion=2 Response to cath in nostril - cough or sneeze=2 Color-completely pink=2, Infancy, Childhood Congenital Malformations DISRUPTIONS-due to 2ndary destruction/ interference of previously NL organ -extrinsic or intrinsic; NON HERITABLE e.g. amniotic bands (rupture of sac->compress), Infancy, Childhood Inborn Errors of Metabolism GALACTOSEMIA - AUTO RECESSIVE Lactose->gluc, galac in int. villi Rare: lack galactokinase (upstream) -milder... doesn't ->MR Common variant: lack galactose-1-P uridyl transferase (->UDP-galac) ->galac accum in liver, spleen, lens, kidneys, myocard, cere. cortex, RBCs ->shunt to galactitol->accum in tissues CLINICAL- Jaundice/Hep'megaly-fatty-> fibrosis like cirrhosis Cataracts-lens w/ galactitol->swell osmotically -few weeks old CNS-nonspecific-lose nerve cells, gliosis, edema FTT, MR w/in 6-12 mos (not as bad as PKU) V/D Kidney-aminoaciduria from gal, gal-1-P accum -impairs AA transport (reuptake) -increase fulminant E.coli septicemia Dx-enz def in blood cells Tx-remove galactose from diet for 1st 2 years -most pretty NL-no cataracts/liver dmg -often speech d/o, gonadal failure, ataxia, Infancy, Childhood Congenital Malformations Mechanisms of Malformations Timing is very imp't Embryonic period (1st 9wks) 1st 3wks->death or mild injury 3-9wks-TERATOGENESIS (esp 4-5th) Fetal (til birth)-growth retardation, injury HOX genes-limbs, vertebrae, craniofacial EMBRYONIC PATTERNING HOX D-13 mut->synpolydactyly HOX A-13 mut->brachydactyly Upstream: all-trans-retinoic acid -but retinoic acid a teratogen! PAX genes-paired box-xfactors -muts in 2 PAX genes->malformations -ACT SINGLY (unlike HOX), Infancy, Childhood Perinatal Infections TRANSCERVICAL (Ascending) INFX -most bacterial, some viral (HSV-II) -in utero or at birth -fetus infx via inhal. amn fluid or canal -often preterm due to rupture from inflam, PGs from PMNs -usually w/ chorioamnionitis, funisitis (cord) -inhalation often->pneumonia, sepsis, mening