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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: focus group 3.ni, confidence limits Physical Exercise, Risk of developing lymphedema causes fear, fear limits weight carried by involved UE, Already decreased level of physical exercise results in weight gain, Other health conditions limits Physical Exercise, Already decreased level of physical exercise results in decreased body image, Already decreased level of physical exercise results in decreased ability to exercise, side effects of Tx decreases Physical Exercise, lack of partner decreases Physical Exercise, support from others facilitates Physical Activity, further hesitation limits Physical Exercise, Other health conditions limits Physical Activity, Already decreased level of physical exercise further decreases Physical Exercise, trying new things facilitates Physical Exercise, seeaking inspiration/motivation leads to trying new things, mobility of involved UE limits Physical Exercise, weight carried by involved UE limits Physical Exercise, Other health conditions causes further hesitation, belief that they should exercise causes seeaking inspiration/motivation, lack of time decreases Physical Exercise