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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Emotions, Emotions Primary (Basic) Emotions Insula -pain experience, nausea -anger, fear, disgust, happy, sad -maps visceral state -> conscious feelings -convergent info processing -conscious desires -autonomic response to aversive stim, anticipatory anx, disgust in others, fear reactivity, Emotions Theories of Emotion LIMBIC SYSTEM Papez Circuit Hypothalamus (expression)-> (homeostasis, appetite, ANS, pit) Ant. Thal Nuc (relay) -> Cingulate Gyrus (experience)-> Hippocampus All connected via FORNIX, Emotions Disorders Anterior Cingulate Cortex -respond to emo significance of stimuli -prevent response to inapprop stimuli, ID and Generation of behavior Thalamus Ventral Striatum Amygdala Insula Regulation Regulation Dorsal Prefrontal Cortex Dorsal Ant Cingulate Gyrus, Emotions Primary (Basic) Emotions PLEASURE -dopamine -in n. accumbens, striatum as rewards, Emotions Cortico-Limbic Interactions Prefrontal Cortex -Executive fcn -Think about future, make plans -DA pathway like ventral teg -PLEASURE, ADDICTION -more input from limbic than vice-versa -medial->emotional processing, Generation Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Orbitofrontal Cortex Ventral Ant Cingulate Gyrus Regulation Regulation Dorsal Prefrontal Cortex Dorsal Ant Cingulate Gyrus, Emotions Primary (Basic) Emotions ANGER, Emotions Primary (Basic) Emotions Characteristics: Functional, adaptive Elicited by stimuli Innate AND learned, Emotions Neurotransmitters NE-wakefulness, arousal -locus ceruleus -origin of most NE ->cortex, limbic, cord, Emotions Primary (Basic) Emotions SADNESS -subcallosal cingulate, Emotions Theories of Emotion LIMBIC SYSTEM (other sources) -cingulate gyrus -thal->hippocampus -attn focused to emo events -ass'd mem w/ smells/pain -parahippocampal gyrus -dentate gyrus -hippocampus -short->long term mem -dmg->can't build new mem -amygdala->aggression -generates emotion from fearful stimuli -basolateral->conditioning -central-control stem arousal -septum-centers for orgasm, Emotions Theories of Emotion JAMES-LANGE -stimulus ->PHYSICAL Sx -->FEAR BEHAVIOR PRECEDES EMOTION, Emotions Primary (Basic) Emotions DISGUST, Emotions Neurotransmitters Serotonin-5-HT -raphe nuclei ->anger, aggression, memory body temp, mood, sleep, vomiting, sexuality, appetite, Emotions Perception Identification, generation -Amygdala, Insula, Emotions Primary (Basic) Emotions FEAR -amygdala, Emotions Theories of Emotion CANNON-BARD -stim ->FEAR -->BEHAVIOR, Sx EMOTION/BEHAVIOR TOGETHER, Emotions Conditioning CLASSICAL (Respondent) -w/ US->UR -then US+CS->UR -then CS->CR BASOLATERAL AMYGDALA, Emotions Cortico-Limbic Interactions Cortex (prefrontal/temporal) ↑↓ Limbic System (hypothal, amyg, hippo) ↑↓ Brainstem Autonomic Nuclei