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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Childhood Disorders, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders Conduct Disorders More in boys Wide range of severity Dx: Often w/ tough exterior "Con" everyone Tx: MULTISYSTEMIC TREATMENT -most effective Tx -family-focused, home-based Treat depression, psychosis Control abusive environment Family Therapy, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders Child Maltreatment Victims: 50% of abused were premies &/or low birth wt Younger kids abused more Neglect>Physical abuse>sexual abuse>emotional abuse>other, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL D/Os -uneven integration/development -1:150 kids ɝyo - CRUCIAL LANGUAGE WINDOW AUTISTIC D/O Hallmarks: Early appearing impairments in: Social Interaction-loner, little eye contact, strange faces, treat ppl as objects, little empathy -temper tantrums -impulsive Communication-lack or delay or language -show little communicative intent ->echolalia, pronoun reversal -even play communication is deficient -toys for sensory stim, not imagination Repertoire of interests/activities -insist on sameness -preoccupied w/ limited knowledge -stereotyped motor actions, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL D/Os -uneven integration/development -1:150 kids ɝyo - CRUCIAL LANGUAGE WINDOW Adults: Many live in institutions -esp if no language, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders Mental Retardation FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders SEPARATION ANXIETY D/O Most often don't want to be away from MOM NL up to 4-5yo -Sx present ɰwks (homesickness doesn't count) -often refusal to attend school -(but not only reason) -worse Px w/ older kids, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL D/Os -uneven integration/development -1:150 kids ɝyo - CRUCIAL LANGUAGE WINDOW PDD-NOS -language delays -ABNL language development -restricted behaviors, interests, AUTISTIC D/O Hallmarks: Early appearing impairments in: Social Interaction-loner, little eye contact, strange faces, treat ppl as objects, little empathy -temper tantrums -impulsive Communication-lack or delay or language -show little communicative intent ->echolalia, pronoun reversal -even play communication is deficient -toys for sensory stim, not imagination Repertoire of interests/activities -insist on sameness -preoccupied w/ limited knowledge -stereotyped motor actions More More MALE Lower SES, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders DEPRESSION Suicide Attempts -also ass'd w/ substances, CD -mostly ingestion of substances Tx: start w/ psychoTx, then SSRIs, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders AD/HD Adults: More inattention than hyperactivity Most kids still Sx as teens, adults, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders Mental Retardation FRAGILE X SYNDROME, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders AD/HD Dx: Sx must be present before 7yo and in >=2 settings -2/3 w/ other psych problem -often in first-degree relatives -mostly boys, 20-40% w/ LD Tx: stimulants or TCAs -methylphenidate, dextroamp. -imipramine -buproprion -clonidine Behavioral - USE FIRST: milder, preschool, comorbidities, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL D/Os -uneven integration/development -1:150 kids ɝyo - CRUCIAL LANGUAGE WINDOW RETT'S SYNDROME -microcephaly -small hands/feet, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders Conduct Disorders Violate norms/rules of society -often ->ASPD as adults -CD before 15yo necessary for ASPD Dx Comorbid: ADHD, LD, substance abuse, depression, etc. -increased suicide risk -Often w/ parental neglect, substance, parent's psychopathology, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders PTSD Can re-experience in repetitive play, re-enact 36% kids exposed to trauma->PTSD 46% kids avoiding/numbing 66% kids w/ heightened arousal -hyperactive, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders Attachment Difficulties REACTIVE ATTACHMENT D/O -Inhibited or Disinhibited types -refers to selectivity of attachments -disinhibited: are you my mommy?, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders DEPRESSION Mood: depressed or IRRITABLE Duration: 1 yr (dysthymic d/os) Wt: failure to make expected gain Complaints: somatic in kids -stomach aches, agitation -older: anhedonia, classic Sx, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL D/Os -uneven integration/development -1:150 kids ɝyo - CRUCIAL LANGUAGE WINDOW ASPERGER'S -no language delays -DO have communicative language -social impairment -repetitive behaviors -?high fcning autism?, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders Child Maltreatment SEXUAL ABUSE, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders SEPARATION ANXIETY D/O Most common childhood anx d/o More often in GIRLS Often in context of major life event -divorce, illness, change residence Other anx disorders in family Tx: family Tx, antidepressants