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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Patient 1.30, Anemia, UTI, SOB, Change in mental status, hypoxia, dehydration, Lithium toxicity Her Background Information, Patient: SW 69y.o, Female admitted with Anemia, UTI, SOB, Change in mental status, hypoxia, dehydration, Lithium toxicity, Anemia, UTI, SOB, Change in mental status, hypoxia, dehydration, Lithium toxicity transferred from stepdown unit to 1B: 1/25/08 Current Care, Anemia, UTI, SOB, Change in mental status, hypoxia, dehydration, Lithium toxicity Priority Skin breakdown r/t activity intolerence and and urinary incontinency due to COPD and decreased muscle tone a.e.b. Fatigue Stage II pressure ulcers on sacrum, skin breakdown under breast Interventions: Turn Q2h, apply criticaid to pressure ulcer areas, wash and dry areas of wetness thoroughly, elevate heels, assess muscle weakness change, Treatments: Criticaid ointment,