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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Eye, INFECTIOUS UVEITIS -TB -Leprosy -Syphilis -Tularemia -CMV, VZV -blasto, crypto, coccidio, asperigillosis, phyco, candida, histo -toxo, onchocerciasis Sometimes primary-retina -secondary-choroid Granulomatous Uveitis SARCOIDOSIS -1/3 pts -mutton fat deposits -keratotic ppts-chronic inflam celsl -candle wax drippings near ret vesselss -if retinal, prob also CNS, poor Px, The Eye Congenital TRISOMY 21 -far apart-hypertelorism -oblique fissues -everted upper eyelid -epicanthal folds -keratoconus (cone-shaped cornea) -retinal dysplasia -BRUSHFIELD SPOTS-iris hypoplasia -flakelike lens opacities ᡇyo, The Eye PHTHISIS BULBI End-Stage Blind Eyes: 1. Atrophy w/out shrinkage -long-standing glaucoma ->atrophy of inner strucs 2. Atrophy w/ shrinkage -small globe 3. Phthisis Bulbi-thick sclera, disorganized contents -small globe, flat cornea -displaced lens, Ca deposits -cataracts -intraocular BONE formation -even w/ MARROW (younger) -atrophy ON, retina-gliotic scar, The Eye Uvea SYMPATHETIC OPHTHALMIA -bilateral, follows trauma to ONE ->autosensitivity to Ag in eye Prevent by removing injured eye ɚwks after injury ->lose accom, blurry, ppts, choroidal infiltrates -lymphos, giant cells -granulomas in uvea, The Eye Cornea HERPETIC INFX -HSV-most common cause of ulcers -unilateral, can recur in same eye -DENDRITIC ULCER -wide epith edema->bullae -if chronic->disciform keratitis -can resolve, but->scar, vascular, The Eye Conjunctiva VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY -keratomalacia -severe keratinization of all muc memb ->xerophthalmia -leading cause of blindness in 3rd wld -night blindness (rod dysfcn, degen retina) -mostly KIDS -2ndary bac infx->corneal necrosis, perf ->panophthalmitis, The Eye Retina RETINOBLASTOMA -malignancy of childhood-90%ɟyo -sporadic in 60%-bilateral -familial-bilateral, multicentric -risk for osteosarcoma -homozygous Rb deletion 13q14 -tumor-suppressor MORPH-thickened Brush memb -thickenings called DRUSEN -atrophic pig epith, pale -if vessels grow into choroid ->exudative MD -hemorrhage->organization -fibrosis, scar, blindness -Flexner-Wintersteiner Rosettes -Homer-Wright rosettes less common -fleurette-photoreceptors try to diff'ate (retinocytomas-benign) CLINICAL -METS-CNS, skull, distal bones, LNs -can have spontaneous necrosis rarely, The Eye Infectious Embryopathies CONGENITAL SYPHILIS -inflamed corneal stroma -interstitial keratitis 5-20yo -unilateral edematous cornea -vessels come in ant to Desc memb -blood, inflammation leaves, vv stay -GHOST VESSELS, The Eye Infectious Embryopathies CMV, The Eye Retina RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY (Retrolental Fibroplasia) -premies w/ O2 therapy -Norrie disease gene -(periph ret vasc not developed yet) -injury w/ O2 1. Vaso-obliterative Stage 2. Vasoproliferative stage-on O2 cessation -prolif of fibroblasts, new vessels ->grow into vitreous (5-10wks) -due to VEGF production 3. Cicatricial phase-fibro vasc shrinks ->retinal detachment->hemorrhage -can->neovascularization of iris->glauc., The Eye Lens CATARACTS -idiopathic, senile** -DM, radiation, uveitis, glaucoma, tumors, RP SLIT LAMP -nuclear sclerosis -can become brown-(brunescent) -can be in cortex -Morgagni globules-degen'd debris -post. subcapsular cat. -granular opacities -immature cat-inc'd osmotic pressure->swell (intumescent cataract) -mature cat-degenerative -Morgagnian cat-liquified cortex -nucleus sinks -hypermature-capsule degenerated -lens debris into aq humor->shrink -macs eat debris-obstruction ->phagolytic glaucoma -can calcify or resorb (leave capsule) -Soemmering RING cataract-donut -Ant, Post apposed after excision, The Eye Vitreous 2nd mo of development 99% water Can have infx inflam, noninfx, tumors, amyloid, The Eye Retina RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA-AD, AR, X, mito -loss of rods/cones ->retinal pigment epith into sensory retina->pigment -hereditary, bilateral, progressive -most are non-syndromic (no systemic Sx) -USHER syndrome-w/ deafness -BARDEY-BIEDL syn-obese, short, hypogonadal, polydactyly S/Sx-night blindness first (loss of rods) -then cones->total blindness -waxy-looking optic disc -often post. subcapsular cataract, The Eye Uvea INFECTIOUS UVEITIS -TB -Leprosy -Syphilis -Tularemia -CMV, VZV -blasto, crypto, coccidio, asperigillosis, phyco, candida, histo -toxo, onchocerciasis Sometimes primary-retina -secondary-choroid, STROMAL DYSTROPHIES AD-beta-keratoepithelin ងyo, slow, continuous -all in ant. stroma -Granular Dys-defined wht lesions -Lattice Dys-AMYLOID -Avellino Dys-sim to gran, lattice -Reis-Bucklers-diff mutation -in BOWMAN LAYER AR-MACULAR DYSTROPHY-most severe -cloudiness, impaired vision by 30yo -mucopolysaccharidosis- -can't catabolis keratan sulfate Hereditary -bilat, symm -need xplant ENDOTHELIAL DYSTROPHY *FUCHS DYSTROPHY-AD -edema in stroma -due to endoth loss -water accums in stroma -focal thickenings on Desc memb -GUTTATA-PAS(+), The Eye Retina ARTERIOSCLEROTIC RETINOPATHY I-inc'd aa'olar light reflex-hyaline II- I+ nicking III- II+copper wire (opaque aa wall) IV-III+silver wire aa'oles (sclerotic aa wall->no flow), The Eye Optic Nerve PAPILLEDEMA -edema of optic disc -ESP due to axonal swelling -due to increased ICP -same SAS in ON, brain -compress ret vein -vasc congestion -obliterate optic cup -retina displaced from edges ->folding of ret, choroid -CHRONIC->degen nn fibers, gliosis, optic atrophy, The Eye Conjunctiva EPITHELIAL TUMORS CIS-can be leukoplakia -or fleshy mass -BM intact, no invasion SqCC-superficial invasion Mucoepidermoid CA-SqCC of mucus cells, The Eye Conjunctiva PTERYGIUM -winglike vasc tissue -histo like pinguecula -bilateral, asymmetric ->dissolution of Bowman's, The Eye Optic Nerve TUMORS Gliomas Meningiomas