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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Learning theories (attempt 1), Short term memory Response, Short term memory Elaboration and coding Meaningful Learning Theory, Connectionism Stimuli After behaviour, Meaningful Learning Theory Draws from and relates to Personal experiences, Cognitive Information Processing Applications Computer programming, Behaviourism Reinforcement Model Operant Conditioning, Behaviourism Stimulus-Response Model Classical Conditioning, Meaningful Learning Theory Applications Exclusively education environments, Other people's experiences interaction Consequences of experiences, Internal actions/stimuli (cognitive) Employ Cognitive Information Processing, Social Cognitive Learning Applications Advertising, After behaviour Laws Identical elements, Meaningful Learning Theory Applications Receptive learning, Consequences of experiences interaction Personal experiences, External actions/stimuli (evironment) Employ Cognitive Information Processing, External actions/stimuli (evironment) Employ Social Cognitive Learning, Short term memory Elaboration and coding Long term memory, Behaviourism Applications Classroom Management techniques, Long term memory Retrieval Short term memory, Perceptual memory Processing Short term memory