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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: JBraidwood_CMap_Draft1, general to specific, Watson postulates human learning, Ausubel types of learning discovery, operant learning involved reinforcement, formal operational from 12 and up, multiple outcome possibilities leads to formal thinking, cognitive egocentrism does not end in adulthood, achievable if not incentive diminishes, modify scheme to fit the environment, Social Cognitive Theory states human thought/action, fit the environment called accomodation, understand children & infants through relevant cognitive perspectives, social interactions can stem from social modelling, Cognitive Approaches e.g. Constructivism, assimilation if this fails modify scheme, Vygotsky reminds us processes necessary for children, reflecting abstraction what moves you from one major stage to the next, process can be derivative, learned habits can also be unlearned, potentially meaningful information to prior knowledge