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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Jim McDonald second draft, Draws relationship between the mind an a computer ???? Data, Cognitive Information Processing Primary Features Draws relationship between the mind an a computer, Restricted to observable behaviors Primary Features Stimulus and Response, Triadic Reciprocality ???? Person, Restricted to observable behaviors Primary Features Based on measurable data, Bruner ???? Discovery Learning, Discovery Learning ???? Prior Knowledge, Zone of Proximal Development ???? Scaffolding, Social Cognitive Theory Primary Features A individual learns through observation., Behavior ???? Person, Restricted to observable behaviors Primary Features rewards and punishments, Vygotsky ???? Zone of Proximal Development, Social Cognitive Theory Primary Features Deals with Mental Processes, Primary Proponent B.F.Skinner 1904-1990 ???? Behaviorism, Developmental Approach ???? Piaget, Teacher Centered Primary Features Make changes in Behavior patterns, Behaviorism Primary Features Based on measurable data, Teacher Centered Primary Features rewards and punishments, Private Speech Piaget Egocentric, Person ???? Environment