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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Doug Larsen Draft 2 Oct 23, Education much more than Instructional Strategies, Response Facilitation Serves Social prompts, Enactive Learning through Overt Actions, Observational Learning subprocesses Retention, Positive & Negative Reinforcement eg; Positive: Praise, teacher smiling at correct answer, Knowing.. getting process determines Type of Instruction, Biological Function via Environment Adaptation, Knower Bogus Stage Theory Enactive, Path ways out of use Weakened, Behaviorism Learning Methods Cueing, Social Cognitive Theory articulated Learning, Instruction has 3 Natures: Knowing.. getting process, Organization facilitates Learning & Recall, Actual Developmental Level and level of Potential Development, Encoding Gestalt Theory Organization, Modeling learners Increase outcome expectations, Theorectical Perspectives applied to Visual & Auditory, Positive & Negative Reinforcement e.g. Negative: removing an unpleasant consequence, such as homework for 80% mark on an exam, Sequence & Execution Cognitive Events include Percieving, Organization Principles Closure