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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Dicotahmous key, Is t the Tallest land living mammals? No Gemsbok Oryx gazella gazella, Does it have a horn/horns? Yes Does it have 2 large horns?, Does it have a shaggy coat? Yes mishmi takin Budorcas taxicolour taxicolor, Does it have a horn/horns? No Does it have 6 legs?, Does it have 4 legs? no Green tree Python Morelia viridis, Is the animal semi aquatic? Yes Asian short clawed Otter Aonyx cinerea, Do they have forward facing eyes? Yes Ring tailed lemur Lemur catta, Is the tail longer than the body? Yes Ring tailed Coati Nasua nasua, Does it have a pouch? No Does it have horns?, Are they Striaght or twisted? Straight Does it have a shaggy coat?, Does it have scales? yes Does it have 4 legs?, Does it have small antlers? No Does it have 'javelin' like tusks?, Does it have 6 legs? No Does It have Pincers?, Can it fly? No Ostrich Struthio camelus, Does it have horns? No Does it have small antlers?, Does it have a shell? yes Partula Snail Partula hyalina, Does it have a prolonged horn shaped eyelid? No Does it have muscular nostrils?, Does it have 'javelin' like tusks? Yes Collared peccary pecari tajacu, Does it have red vestigial wings? Yes Golden eyed peruvian insect Peruphasama schurtei, Does it have hooves No Bird Eating Spider Lasiodora parahybana