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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Monster, Cause #6: No neighborhood collective efficacy no one cares Example 2 Neighborhood doesn't care, Cause #5: Once you are in the gang, you earn respect through criminal behavior providing assests Example 2 earn respect by bringing assets to the gang, Example 1 Outlet foryouth who feel they have nowhere else to go provides a means to a goal Cause #4: Gang life becomes a way of life, Cause #2: Gang banging very visible way of life signs of gang activity everywhere Example 2 Gang life reached all aspects of community, Example 3 Honor and Respect Death Death as badge of honor, Cause #6: No neighborhood collective efficacy at times supports banging Example 3 Avenge death, Cause #5: Once you are in the gang, you earn respect through criminal behavior make a name Example 3 represent your name, Cause #4: Gang life becomes a way of life once you're in, you're in Example 1 Just stopping being involved is not realistic, Cause #7: They become numb to what is going on around them constant activity with no reprocussions Cause #8: There is no real presence to stop negative behavior, Cause #7: They become numb to what is going on around them like a game Example 2 Make a statement, Cause #2: Gang banging very visible way of life visibilty leads to viable option and appeal Cause #3: Gang banging very appealing way of life, Cause #5: Once you are in the gang, you earn respect through criminal behavior constant gang activity leads to desensitization Cause #7: They become numb to what is going on around them, Kill or be killed mentality learned early Example 1 Mentality starts in elementary school, Cause #5: Once you are in the gang, you earn respect through criminal behavior honor society Example 3 Honor and Respect, Cause #2: Gang banging very visible way of life intriguing Example 1 Gang world more interesting than education, Kill or be killed mentality fear of death Example 2 Fear of death doesn't outweigh alliance and duty to the set, Cause #8: There is no real presence to stop negative behavior no deterrance Example 2 No immediate consequences, Cause #1: No strong relationship with family no real father figure Example 1 bad relationship with father, Cause #7: They become numb to what is going on around them mental state Kill or be killed mentality, Cause #4: Gang life becomes a way of life job Example 3 Banging as a job