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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Learning Theories v3, knowledge is constructed not transferred Knowledge develops in context Situated Cognition, Distributed Learning by Computer, In that connections are made leading to longer retention, knowledge is constructed not transferred Knowledge develops in context Activity Theory, Situated Cognition for example Apprenticeship, Cognitive Info Processing Learning is mental process Behaviours used to infer mental processes, Input, processed, stored, output via the senses Learning via stages, but all involve LTM and STM, Behaviours used to infer mental processes computer like Input, processed, stored, output via the senses, Behaviourism stimulus and response lead to overt changes in behaviours, Vygotsky's Developmental Method ???? Developmental Theories, Assimilation and Accomodation Processes that enable transition, continuous self construction Abstract Higher order thinking, Apprenticeship Through Real life applications provide problem solving skills, LTM and STM ???? items need to be encoded, Developmental Theories ???? Learning Theories, Sensorimotor:Reflexes direct trial and error, goal directed Age 2-7 Pre-Operational:Egocentric symbolic play, Assimilation and Accomodation Processes that enable transition, continuous self construction Pre-Operational:Egocentric symbolic play, Behaviourism Learning visable as opposed to Cognitive Info Processing, new info related to existing info links through activiating prior knowledge linking to other similar topics, Bruner's Modes of Representation ???? Developmental Theories, social environment by Modeling