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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LearningTheories Nov22, Participants involved in Social learning, Imitation relates to Instincts, Zone of Proximal Development is the distance between what one can do already, Subject determines Object, Connectivism combines ideas of Networks, Memory starts as what one is conscious of at a given moment Working Memory, Communities of Practice involve Participants, Memory resulting in Learned capability, Constructivism learning constructed through Experiences, New Information is related to existing relevant Long-term Memory, Situated Cognition cannot be distinguished by Motivation, Vygotsky explained learning with Zone of Proximal Development, Developmental Theory explained by Bruner, Gestalt Theory described by Wertheimer, Koffka, Kohler, Subject mediated by Artifact, Social Cognitive Theory concerned with Mental Processes, Learner driven through continued learning of relevant information Increased associations, Cognitivism defined by Assimilation Learning Theory, Triadic Reciprocality affects Person, Human Learning occurs as a result of Encoding