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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Learning Theories - Marjorie del Mundo v1.4 Final, Three Modes of Representation including Enactive Representation, Vygotsky's Developmental Method conceptualized an interrelation between language and thought, an interrelation between language and thought assisted by private speech, knowledge involving senses, methods of instruction such as microworlds and hypermedia designs, Social Learning Theories such as Situated Cognition, Operant Conditioning defined Rewards, Cognitive and Developmental Approaches such as Bloom's Taxonomy, Cognitive Information Processing describes how information is encoded, double stimulation method presents symbolic stimulus, Meaningful Learning has advantages over Rote Learning, Constructionism is based on Constructivism, Discovery Learning includes conditions such as provision of a model, learning processes involving skills, Cognitive Information Processing includes Prototype Theory, Vygotsky's Developmental Method conceptualized zone of proximal development (ZPD), Constructivism assumes construction of knowledge, Bruner influenced Constructionism, Connectivism addresses diversity of learning, how people learn as influenced by emotion