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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Initial map.08, Diagnosis and treatment of cancer causes Side effects of treatment, Prior exercise behaviors influence PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, FEAR of ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE reduces PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Age and body composition influence Prior exercise beliefs, Symptoms of cancer and other illnesses influence PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Symptoms of cancer and other illnesses increase FEAR of ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Age and body composition influence PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Diagnosis and treatment of cancer creates FEAR of ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Prior exercise behaviors influence FEAR of ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Information about exercise influences FEAR of ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Timing in cancer experience influences Side effects of treatment, Support systems influence PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Age and body composition influence Prior exercise behaviors, Timing in cancer experience influences Symptoms of cancer and other illnesses, Prior exercise beliefs influence Prior exercise behaviors, Side effects of treatment increase FEAR of ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Side effects of treatment influences Symptoms of cancer and other illnesses, Diagnosis and treatment of cancer causes Symptoms of cancer and other illnesses, Prior exercise beliefs influence FEAR of ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE, Support systems influence FEAR of ACTIVITY/ EXERCISE