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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Sample, Kristen, spyware interceptors such as Blue Coat Inc., avoid it by installing anti-virus software, Treat it by using spyware interceptors, anti-virus programs such as Symantec, anti-spyware programs such as Ad-aware, avoid it by installing a fire wall, anti-virus programs such as McAfee, avoid it Don't... visit sites you're uncertain about, Spyware is monitors users surfing habits, Spyware is Computer malware that tracks habits of the user, Treat it by using anti-spyware programs, anti-virus programs such as Sophos, Computer malware that tracks habits of the user Does not affect you if you.. avoid it, Treat it by using anti-virus programs, avoid it Don't... open an e-mail attachment if you don't know the source, Computer malware that tracks habits of the user Does not affect you if you.. Treat it, Spyware is collects personal information, avoid it Don't... click on pop-up advertisements, avoid it Don't... Download share ware, anti-spyware programs such as Spybot