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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: lfs_ecology, FLOWS Object(s) translators/processors Gets mapped objects and metadata from participant resources Network participant web and digital resources, Goals, Needs Resources assessment Provides information for Ongoing Evaluation A team evaluates assessments and recommends intelligent connections to people, projects, resources, People and Projects Join local food systems network Ongoing Assessment Frameworks, Digital Media technology assessment Provides information for Ongoing Evaluation A team evaluates assessments and recommends intelligent connections to people, projects, resources, Local food systems websites and services retrieved and served by FLOWS Object(s) translators/processors, People and Projects use, contribute to, and share Local food systems websites and services, Ongoing Evaluation A team evaluates assessments and recommends intelligent connections to people, projects, resources Guiding and informing Supported resources, facilitated collaborations, projects, business ventures, FLOWS Object(s) translators/processors Gets mapped objects and metadata from participant resources Network participant web and digital resources, FLOWS Object(s) translators/processors Gets mapped objects and metadata from participant resources Network participant web and digital resources, People and Projects use, contribute to, and share Local food systems websites and services, Local food systems websites and services Gets mapped objects and metadata FLOWS Object(s) translators/processors, FLOWS Object(s) translators/processors allows multiple ways to retrieve data based on needs Knowledge Commons Database Stores many types of objects and many types of relationships from across network, People and Projects Enter the network with Network participant web and digital resources, Cooperation and collaboration literacies assessment Provides information for Ongoing Evaluation A team evaluates assessments and recommends intelligent connections to people, projects, resources, Ongoing Assessment Frameworks Time-sensitive Multiple assessments per person or project Cooperation and collaboration literacies assessment, People and Projects Join local food systems network Ongoing Assessment Frameworks, People and Projects Enter the network with Network participant web and digital resources, Ongoing Assessment Frameworks Time-sensitive Multiple assessments per person or project Network Ecologies profile(s)/assessment, People and Projects Enter the network with Network participant web and digital resources, Network Ecologies profile(s)/assessment Provides information for Ongoing Evaluation A team evaluates assessments and recommends intelligent connections to people, projects, resources