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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Graber ANOVA, individual measured values divided by the number of observations, the samples which are comprised of collection of individtual observations, the within groups Mean Squares calculated by taking the within groups sums of squares, observations are independent which means that some common influence, between groups degrees of freedon caclualted by taking the number of group means - 1, the statistical significance determined by comparing Means Squared Ratio, the within groups sums of squares calculated by summing the sums of squares, the statistical significance is significant we may measure the power of the effect, the individual groups' means and the grand mean, ratio of variance against Hartely's F-Max values, Hartley's table value indexed using degrees of freedom, ANOVA is composed of statistical methods, ANOVA is an acronym, statistical methods which compares variance, the between groups sums of squares divided by between groups degrees of freedon, Means Squares Ratio calculated by taking the between groups Mean Squares, sums of squares of each group, the statistical significance is significant we may measure the effect size, values within groups are normally distributed which means that frequencies of individual values, the proportion of the area under the means frequency distribution curve in which the F-ratio